Elixir Supplier

Chapter 264: The timing is wrong for romance


Song Ruiping wanted to ask why Wang Yao didn't perform the acupuncture himself, and she thought it might cause Wang Yao's displeasure, so she could only hide this question in her heart.

"Perhaps this Dr. Wang is not proficient in acupuncture?"

This is the most reasonable explanation.

Mr. Guo's farewell ceremony was grand and solemn. For the first time, Wang Yao saw those big figures who could only be seen on TV up close. This also reflected the extraordinary status of this old man from the side.

Regarding this farewell, Wang Yao is just a passer-by, and not many people will notice him.

But Guo Zhenghe went out of his way to say a few more words to him.

"Who is this young man?"

Some people present noticed this detail, so they took one more look at Wang Yao and wrote down his appearance.

"Huh?" A middle-aged man happened to see this scene and looked surprised.

"Why is he here? How come he has contact with the Guo family?"

These rich and powerful people are not something anyone can reach if they want to.

Wang Yao didn't stay too long. Firstly, he was just a passer-by, which was just a symbol. Secondly, he didn't really understand the rules in these aspects. He just felt depressed and left early.

For an old man who was once all-powerful and had been prominent for half his life, such a farewell was considered grand. I wonder if his spirit in heaven could see it.

That day happened to be Saturday. Wang Yao called his second aunt. She happened to be off work, so he bought some things to visit his relatives in Beijing.

When I saw my second aunt again, she looked better than last time, rosy and shiny, with a smile on her face.

In fact, sometimes you don't need to take a pulse, but you can tell how healthy a person is from his expression. This is "looking", one of the four diagnostics.

A person who is in a good mood, has a smile on his face, and is cheerful all day long will generally have no physical problems. This is called "a broad-minded person and a fat body." But a person who is frowning and depressed all day long is okay for a short time. If the time In the long run, your body will definitely have problems.

Therefore, it is very important to be in a good mood.

In the evening, Wang Yao stayed at his second aunt's house for dinner, and she cooked a large table of dishes.

His second aunt was in good health, but when his second uncle came back around seven o'clock, Wang Yao saw that his expression was not very good.

"Uncle, have you lost a lot of weight compared to last time?"

"Well, things in the company have been quite busy recently, and I'm tired."

"Shall I show it to you?"


His uncle smiled and sat down, and Wang Yao took his hand and took his pulse.

"There's no big problem." After a while, Wang Yao took his hand away.

"My stomach is not good. I need to take good care of it. I have some problems with my lumbar spine. I think it's because you've been driving for too long."

His uncle is a veteran of the military. When he was in the army, he worked as a driver for the commander. He has been driving for more than 20 years. Drivers usually have poor lumbar and cervical vertebrae, which is considered an occupational disease.

"Well, it's an old problem." Li Xianghong smiled after hearing this.

"Is there anything Xiaoyao can do?" Zhang Xiufang said after hearing this. She also knew about her husband's problems.

"Yes, massage." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"I'll give you a demonstration. If you have time, you can also evacuate my uncle's muscles and bones."

"Okay, then I'll learn." Zhang Xiufang said after hearing this.

Then Wang Yao began to massage Li Xianghong at a very slow speed. He mainly used pushing and kneading techniques around the neck. It was simple and easy to learn. Most people could not learn those acupoints and meridians in a short time, so he only taught some simple techniques. If the force technique is good and the general position is good, the effect will still be there.

With Wang Yao's exertion, Li Xianghong felt the area around his neck begin to heat up, and the previous soreness slowly subsided.

"How do you feel, uncle?"

"Well, it's quite comfortable, Xiaoyao, you know a lot, don't you?"

"Haha, this is originally a medical skill." Wang Yao said with a smile.

After this neck massage comes the waist. At this time, you need to lie down. The method of applying force here is a little different. Wang Yao tried to make it as simple as possible and emphasized some precautions.

"The strength should be from light to heavy. If you feel hot and sore, it's OK. If you feel pain like needles, stop immediately."

Massage sounds like it won't cause any harm to the human body. In fact, many people have injured their vertebrae due to wrong understanding, and less damage to their internal organs.


It took more than an hour for Wang Yaofang to finish the massage.

"Phew, it feels so comfortable. It's amazing!" Li Xianghong said, expressing his sincere appreciation.

This massage made his neck and waist much more comfortable, and it seemed that even the fatigue from the day had dissipated a lot.

"Hey, it's almost time, let's eat quickly!"

"Yes, let's eat."

Today is Saturday, and Wang Yao's cousin is also back from school.

He is still tall and thin as before, no, he seems to be thinner.


Seeing this cousin, Wang Yao frowned slightly.

"This is not a good thing!"

"What's wrong, Xiao Yao?" Zhang Xiufang asked softly when she saw Wang Yao's abnormal reaction.

"It's okay, something suddenly occurred to me." Wang Yao said with a smile.


"Let's eat."

While eating, Wang Yao only talked to his second aunt and uncle, and only said a few words to his cousin.

After dinner, he chatted a few words with his second aunt's family, while his cousin sat beside him, seemingly distracted and distracted.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when Wang Yao left.

"Second aunt, uncle, you go up."

"Hey, please go slower on the road."

They watched Wang Yao get into the car and leave, then turned and went upstairs.

"Didn't I tell you that you don't need to pick me up?" In the car, Wang Yao said to Chen Ying who came to pick him up.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do there, so I just came out to get some air." Chen Ying said with a smile.

"Yeah." Wang Yao looked out of the car window.

His second aunt's house.

"Hey, do you think Nana has something on her mind recently?" Zhang Xiuying asked her husband.

"I think it's a little strange. She looked absent-minded when we were eating just now." Li Xianghong said.

"Why don't you take the time to ask her teacher?"

"Okay, don't let her know."

The couple was quite used to having a daughter.

"Third year of high school, you can't reach eighteen if you calculate it carefully, right?" Wang Yao said this for no reason in the car.

"What?" Chen Ying, who was driving beside him, was startled after hearing this.

"It's okay, I just feel that today's students are precocious!"

"I heard you are precocious. Don't universities now allow you to get married and have children?"

"Get married and have children?" Wang Yao laughed after hearing this.

"University is about learning knowledge and abilities. You can have fun, but you can't overwhelm the host." Wang Yaodao.

"Besides, what does an eighteen-year-old girl know?" When he said this, he was vaguely angry.

After all, it was a relative or cousin who had a problem, but it was the second aunt and uncle who were really worried.

"What's wrong with you today, sir?" Chen Ying asked curiously. She felt that Dr. Wang's behavior today was a little abnormal. He still looked calm and calm, but in fact he was a little angry.

After returning to the courtyard, Wang Yao paced back and forth in the courtyard at night.

"How should we deal with this matter?"

He had never been so sad as he was today.

A high school student,

Still my cousin,

The faint smell of cigarette smoke on his body, the color of his eyebrows, and the way he walks, he has actually lost his virginity!

There might even be a possibility of pregnancy!


Wang Yao breathed a long sigh of relief.

He learned three of the four diagnostic methods at once. The most mysterious method of "inspection and diagnosis", he also had a rough idea through his own exploration. I am afraid that what happened at the second aunt's house just now was very similar.

That cousin...

Until late at night, Wang Yao had not figured out how to tell his second aunt about this matter.

"Sir, do you need my help with anything?" Seeing that Wang Yao was not around late at night, Chen Ying stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, go to sleep." Wang Yao sighed and returned to the hut.

Chen Ying looked at Wang Yao's back.

"Is it because of relatives' affairs?"

"Eighteen years old, cousin?"

She could get the general idea from just a few words.

"Are you in love?"

Women like Chen Ying are extremely smart and can get considerable information from just a few words.