Elixir Supplier

Chapter 28: Nourish the mind and calm the mind


"I miss your aunt," Zhang Xiuying said.

"What's wrong with my aunt?" Wang Yao asked hurriedly after hearing this.

His mother, Zhang Xiuying, has four siblings. Zhang Xiuying is the eldest. His aunt is named Zhang Xiumei. She is the best to him. When he was a child, she always bought him all kinds of delicious food and took him out to play. Even now, she still calls him from time to time. I asked him about his work and partners, and he just called him a few days ago.

"The old habit happened again and I couldn't sleep." Zhang Xiuying said.

Wang Yao also knew that his aunt had a problem. When she got sick, she felt restless and lacked energy. She couldn't eat or sleep. She had seen many doctors and taken a lot of medicine, but it didn't work. An old Chinese medicine doctor said that this is a disease contracted during confinement and is difficult to cure.

"Didn't you see a doctor?"

"It doesn't work. She is lying at home now. I just called her and I don't have much energy to speak." Zhang Xiuying said worriedly. After all, they are sisters, heart to heart.

"Perhaps Anshen Powder will be useful!"

Suddenly Wang Yao thought of his unfinished task and the prescription given by the system.

Anshen Powder: relieves depression, regulates Qi, nourishes the mind and calms the mind.

With the miraculous effect of the "Antitoxic Grass" in front of him, Wang Yao can basically be sure that the effect of the "Calming Powder" will be the same.

"We will prepare the medicine tomorrow before the moonflower grass matures."

Wang Yao made a decision in an instant. Compared with the health of his relatives, one or two "Moonflower Grass" was nothing.

"Mom, don't think too much. The meal hasn't been cooked yet. I'm hungry." Wang Yao tried to divert his mother's attention.

"Okay, I'll cook for you right now."

It didn't take long for the meal to be ready, and Wang Yao's father also returned home. The three members of the family sat together to eat, which was very warm.

After dinner, Wang Yao went into his room to read some books related to medicine. At this time, the sky outside the house was very clear, with only a few clouds. The bright moon hung high and the moonlight was cold.

"The moonlight is pretty good. I hope the moonflower grass can grow longer."

After reading for a while, Wang Yao went to bed to rest.

The next day, in the early morning, the weather was slightly cooler.

Wang Yaozhao got up very early as usual, cooked a pot of noodles, heated up some dry food, and then went out to Nanshan.

Whenever he sees the herbs in the medicine field, Wang Yao feels very good.

First, he walked carefully around the medicinal field, then took out the ancient spring pot, poured out the ancient spring water, diluted it and watered the medicinal field, a dozen nearby trees and the ginseng planted under the tree.

After finishing all this, Wang Yao came to the side of ten "Moonflower Grass" plants, looked at the green leaves, and then carefully picked two leaves from two different plants, like "Detoxification Grass" "Generally, green liquid flows out from the fracture, and then dries up quickly.

"Hopefully it will grow back."

After Wang Yao returned to the hut, he took out the prepared medicinal materials for making "Anshen Powder", checked them carefully, and then started to boil the medicine.

Ginseng, angelica, poria, licorice...

Not only the weight of the medicinal materials, but also the order in which the medicinal materials are put in is completely in accordance with the prescription.

The firewood burns relatively vigorously.

The "Baicao Pot" was steaming, and a unique aroma of herbs soon filled the small room.

After simmering for a period of time, presumably all the medicinal power in the medicinal materials was decomposed, Wang Yao put the newly picked "Moonflower Grass" into it. After the magical grass hit the water, it quickly dissolved at a speed visible to the naked eye. , and then the color of the entire decoction also changed, slowly becoming lighter from the original approximately light brown to a light orange.

After seeing the color change, Wang Yao quickly took the "Baicao Pot" away from the flame.

He looked at the Chinese medicine that he had concentrated on brewing this time.


But the system didn't give any prompt.

"Put it up first and then talk about it." Wang Yao cooled the prepared medicinal soup slightly and put it into the prepared glass bottle.

"I don't know if it will be successful or not. I can't just give it to my aunt. What if there are side effects? How about I drink it myself and try it first?"

Thinking of this, he poured out a small cap, mixed it with water and drank it.

A warm sensation enters the abdomen and is then absorbed by the intestines and stomach.

At first, Wang Yao didn't feel any changes. After about twenty minutes, he felt that the surroundings seemed to be a little quieter, and he also felt that his mood was very calm. His body was slightly hot, but his mind had a faint coolness. That comfortable feeling.

it works!

He immediately realized that the medicine he had taken must have been prepared successfully.

"Give Sanxian some more to try."

Thinking of this, he left the hut, poured a small lid into the small basin of Sanxian River water outside the kennel next to the hut, and then called for Sanxian.

"Three delicacies, drink water."

Wang Yao pointed to the small basin.

"Sanxian" looked down at the basin, then looked up at Wang Yao, his eyes seemed to be asking.

"Shit shovel, what do you mean? Did you add something to my water?"

"Drink quickly." Wang Yao repeated.

Sanxian lowered his head and took a few sips of water, then stood up and shook his head.

"Well, do you feel something is wrong?" Wang Yao didn't care whether the dog understood or not, and then observed its reaction. As a result, Sanxian wandered around for a while as usual, and then returned to Next to his kennel, he was lying on the ground, looking quietly into the distance, seeming to be thinking about some profound philosophical question, such as - "When can I have a companion?".

"No side effects!" After following it for more than an hour, Wang Yao was basically sure that this medicine had no side effects from the realization of Sanxian and his own feelings.

After two tests to confirm that there was no problem with the "Anshen Powder" he brewed, Wang Yao put the bottle containing the decoction into the parcel grid, then locked the door and prepared to enter the city.

"Sanxian, watch the door." Before leaving, he told the native dog, but he didn't hear a response. He turned around and took a closer look, only to find that the dog's eyes were still staring into the distance in a daze.

"What's going on?" Wang Yao stretched out his hand and waved it in front of its eyes.

Woof woof woof, Sanxian replied a few times unhappily.

"Look at the medicinal field for me, especially those spiritual grasses. Don't be in a daze here. Hey, what do you mean by that look in your eyes?" Wang Yao found that the dog he raised was becoming more and more intelligent. Even the look in his eyes had a touch of humanity.


Wang Yao went down the mountain, went home and rode his motorcycle into the city.

His aunt lives in Lianshan County, and it takes about twenty minutes by motorcycle. After entering the city, Wang Yao first went to the supermarket to buy some supplements and other things, and then went to his aunt's house.

Knocking on the door, the person who opened the door was a middle-aged woman, short in stature, with a sallow face, two deep bags under her eyes, and she looked completely lethargic.