Elixir Supplier

Chapter 281: There is a bouquet of flowers in the two osmanthus trees in front of the door


Fortunately, for a situation like the old man's, it was discovered in time.

Before Wang Yao came, a doctor had already performed a simple cooling treatment for the old man and had given him medicine, but he was still a little uneasy. He used a unique massage technique to stimulate several acupuncture points and meridians of the old man to remove the internal heat with external force. .

He stayed at the bedside for more than half an hour, and only got up after making sure that the old man was fine.

"It's okay, Mom, just take a good rest."

He signaled his mother to leave the ward.

"what's up?"

"I went up the mountain on a hot day and collapsed on the road. Fortunately, someone saw me."

"Why go up the mountain on such a hot day?" Wang Yao frowned after hearing this.

It was a very hot day, and people would feel hot after a while when the sun shined on them. After ten o'clock in the morning, outdoor work was prohibited.

"It's not because of those two pieces of land!"

Even though he went out to farm on a hot day, the old man also had his own thoughts and difficulties.

"Mom, you stay here and take care of grandpa. I'll go back and prepare the medicine."


There are many prescriptions for relieving summer heat, and Wang Yao had already thought of the medicinal materials in Che.

Patchouli, Peilan, honeysuckle... are all medicines that can remove dampness, relieve heat, and clear away the head.

In addition to these medicines, he also plans to add "Moonflower Grass". This "spiritual grass" itself has a "yin" medicinal property. Of course, it should be called "cool", but it is definitely It's not "cold", its medicinal properties are quite mild, and it also has the effect of calming the nerves and nourishing the brain. Adding it to it will make another qualitative change in the medicine.

After returning to the village, he stopped the car and went up to Nanshan. All the medicinal materials were available, so he could just get them locally.

Ancient spring water and Baicao pot are the best combinations.

This medicine is simple but powerful!

"Moonflower Grass" dissolves in water.

None of the medicines needed to be boiled for a long time. After the medicine was boiled, it was put into a bottle, and after the medicine residue was disposed of, Wang Yao hurried to the hospital again.

After more than two hours of relief, his grandfather's condition improved a lot, but his breathing was still a little short and he didn't have much energy to speak.

"Dad, please don't do anything in the fields. It's such a hot day and you won't listen to me. Is something wrong now?" This was Wang Yao's aunt trying to persuade her grandfather.

When he entered the ward, his uncle, aunt and uncle were all there.

"Xiao Yao is here."

"Hey." Wang Yao greeted each elder one by one.

"This is the medicine I brewed. Give grandpa some to drink first."

The old man drank a small cup, and within ten minutes he felt that his body was much better, especially in his head. The nausea and dizziness in his head had been relieved a lot.

"How do you feel, grandpa?"

"It's much better, my head is not so dizzy, and my breathing is easier."

"That's good."

The effect is so fast, it is still the effect of the "spiritual grass".

The old man stayed in the hospital for half a day, and for more than two hours, he mixed some potions brewed by Wang Yao, and the superimposed effects were very obvious.

As the afternoon approached evening, Wang Yao drove the old man back to his home.

"Grandpa, don't go out these days."

He watched the sky every night for the past few days, and after comparing it with the weather forecast, he knew that it was very hot these days, and it was very easy to get heat stroke outside. Children and the elderly should pay special attention.

"Hey." The old man agreed.

Before leaving, Wang Yao put down another thousand yuan. This time, the old man said he wanted nothing. Having no other choice, Wang Yao stuffed the money into the cracks of the sofa, then pulled his mother and left quickly.

In the village, it is not easy to rely on the weather for a living, and the old man is getting older.

As a junior who is separated by a generation, Wang Yao is not easy to say anything.

"Mom, my grandpa's health is not very good and he cannot withstand such torture." Wang Yao said.

As a person who is almost eighty years old, falling ill once is a huge drain on the body, and it takes more than ten days or even a month to recover.

"When I get back, I'll make some side medicine for my grandpa."


With the old man's current physical condition, he needs to strengthen his foundation and strengthen his health. Previously, he also cooked "Peiyuan Decoction" and gave it to two elderly people, and the effect was excellent.

After returning home, he put the car away and went up to Nanshan.

He had all the medicinal materials, but the quantities of "Guiyuan" and "Shanjing" were insufficient. They were slightly less, but they could still be used.

On the second day, just after seven o'clock, the sun was a bit dazzling.

Wang Yao started to cook "Peiyuan Soup".

The spring water is boiling, and all kinds of medicinal materials are added blindly.

This is the medicine that Wang Yao has brewed the most, so he is also the most proficient in it. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and his control of timing and heat is already very good, and he also benefits from the blessing of the medicine and spring water provided by the system.

A pair of medicines worked smoothly!

Not long after it was put into the bottle, I received a call from Chen Kun. The seedlings he wanted were ready and could be delivered in the afternoon, asking him if he had time.

The two of them made an appointment, and Wang Yaofu went down the mountain again, told his family, drove to his grandfather's house, delivered medicine to the old man, checked again, and made sure that his body was recovering and there was no serious problem. He said a few words and left. left.

In the afternoon, after two o'clock, the weather was still very hot, and the power of the sun had actually begun to diminish.

Chen Kun drove the seedlings to the mountain village. At the south end of the village, he saw the newly built house.

"Tsk tsk, this house is so beautiful!" He couldn't help but admire it.

Under the scorching sun, I walked around the yard. At this time Wang Yao also came out of the house.

"Your house is big enough!"

Wang Yao's courtyard is more than twice the size of other houses in the village, so it is indeed big enough.

"Let's go in and have a look?"


Wang Yao helped the people who came with the car unload the seedlings from the car, opened the door and sent them into the yard.

"The trees in this car are quite good." As soon as you enter, you can see the two acacia trees on the west wall.

"Where are these seedlings placed?"

"Put it against the wall." Wang Yao pointed to the acacia tree.

Chen Kun went into the renovated house again and took a look. Although there was not much furniture, the floor tiles and the like had been laid, and the walls had been decorated. The interior was simple and elegant.

"This design costs a lot of money, right?"

"It's okay." Wang Yao said with a smile.

The house was empty, there was no place to sit, and no water to drink. After Wang Yao paid, Chen Kun said goodbye and left.

Wang Yao entered the campus and carefully inspected some seedlings. The quality of these seedlings was good and there were no diseased plants. Bamboo is also the purple bamboo which is relatively rare in Lianshan.

"I'm quite busy in the afternoon."

Throughout the afternoon, Wang Yao plowed the ground carefully in the yard, and his parents came over to help.

Plant bamboos and grapes.

A piece of bamboo is placed next to the east wall, and grapes are planted against the south wall.

There were laurel, magnolia, osmanthus and other seedlings left, but he was not in a hurry to plant them immediately because he had other ideas in his mind.

After coaxing his parents back, he would pace back and forth in the yard, thinking about where to plant.

There are two osmanthus plants in front of the door, with a bouquet of flowers among them.

After thinking about it for a while, after the sunset, the final layout was formed in his mind. Taking advantage of the cooler afternoon, he planted a few laurel trees and pomegranates. Then the instructor gave the planted trees tap water mixed with ancient spring water.

Looking at the yard now, it seems that with the addition of these seedlings, there is suddenly a lot more vitality.

He doesn't plant many seedlings. Feng shui is very particular about the trees planted in the courtyard. Too many trees would be bad.

After finishing his work, he returned home and found that his uncle and third aunt were also at home.

During the meal, he realized that the purpose of their trip was to get together to discuss. His grandfather was now old and had less land to farm, and several families had to raise money to support the old man.

Wang Yao's mother is the eldest, so she comes here.

In fact, in the village, the two old people can't spend much money a month. They grow their own vegetables and food. They just buy some meat, rice, ingredients and other things. Five hundred yuan is probably enough.

Wang Yao didn't interfere in this matter. With his current financial ability, it would not be a problem to give five thousand a month to the two old people, but that would make his uncle and aunt disgusted, and it would be a bit showy.

After the matter was settled, Wang Yao's brother-in-law began to complain again, saying that the unit's performance was not good, whether his sister-in-law had a job, raising two children, and the pressure was high. Finally, he said that he wanted to see a small parts processing factory. . He himself studied casting and processing, so he had some technical ability and knew some customers, but to do business, you need to invest money. The delivery room and equipment cost one or two hundred thousand, and he didn't even think about it. He still owes a lot of debt, and he took more than 300,000 from Wang Yao alone.