Elixir Supplier

Chapter 290: Jiucao Dan


What's more, there are Guiyuan and Licorice to blend various medicinal herbs.

Squatting in front of the hut, after confirming that his owner had no other requirements, the normal native dog went out to patrol his territory again.

"It's really no problem."

Wang Yao smiled and took a pill and put it into his mouth. The pill began to melt in a very short time after entering his mouth, and entered his abdomen, turning into a warm current. It was absorbed through the intestines and stomach, and circulated to the limbs and bones. After taking the medicine for a period of time, I felt a little more relaxed. Of course, this effect cannot be compared with the "Life Extension Pill" which is basically a "spiritual grass", but the effect is definitely there.

Now that the medicine is ready, it needs to be given a name.

What's the name

If you have it, it's called "Nine Grass Pills" because this medicine is made from nine kinds of herbs.

Even though its refining requirements are relatively low, there are still two kinds of spiritual grass in it, which cannot be refined every day. The refined medicine was put into several small porcelain bottles by Wang Yao.

The refining of this "pill" is not easy to make mistakes. The key is the combination of medicinal materials. The selected medicinal materials are mild in nature. Even if you eat them as chocolate beans, there will be no problem, and the nose will not bleed.

Wang Yao planned to give some of this medicine to the elderly and keep some at home. It might have some effect at a critical moment.

In fact, the possibility of using it at home is very low, because as long as he is at home, Wang Yao will go down the mountain almost every day. When giving massages to his parents at night, he also goes through a process of diagnosing their physical conditions. If there are problems, he will find out, Nip the risk of disease in the bud.

In the afternoon of this day, Tian Yuantu came to the mountain village and brought back four sets of seven-star medicine buckets for Wang Yao. They looked antique. These were old items from the Wanqing period.

"Thank you." Wang Yao knew at a glance that these medicine buckets were good things. Tian Yuantu must have spent a lot of effort to get them.

"You're welcome." Tian Yuantu directed people to unload the medicine bucket and carry it into the house to place it.

"Well, we haven't seen each other for a few days. Does it look good?" He looked at the newly added furniture inside and said with a smile.

"Come, sit down and have a cup of tea."

Wang Yao sees all the good tea here, and any box he picks out is top quality.

"Didn't you look at the air conditioner?"


"It's quite cool." Tian Yuantu said.

Although it rained recently, it is still relatively hot outside. Once you enter Wang Yao's courtyard, it is much cooler than outside when you sit inside.

This is because when designing a house, a lot of things are considered, such as ventilation. These things are invisible and intangible, but they test the designer's ability. In addition, the plants he arranged in the yard also regulate the microclimate, so it is cooler here.

Tian Yuantu left after staying for a while. He didn't have any money for the medicine, saying that it was a gift for the opening of Wang Yao Medical Clinic.

After he left, Wang Yao began to get busy, carefully checking and cleaning the medicine bucket inside and outside. By the time he finished doing this, the sky had already darkened.

"It's been cleaned up and the medicinal materials can be put in tomorrow."

When he returned to the mountain in the evening, he made some more signboards and planned to stick them on the medicine buckets tomorrow for future use.

On the second day, he brought a lot of medicinal materials from the mountain and put them into the medicine bucket.

In fact, this medical center already has the conditions to open, it just lacks the license.

"I don't know how things are going in Jicheng?" Wang Yao said secretly.

"What, all the results are invalid?!"

"Yes, because someone reported illegal practices in this exam, and more than one person cheated."

"What about the ones who don't cheat?"

"I was implicated."

He Qisheng was in a very bad mood at this time.

"No, we can't just let it go. We have to go through that person."

As the governor of an economically powerful province, Guo Changqing has a heavy workload, and it is very rare for ordinary people to meet him.

He had just talked with the secretary of a prefecture-level city, but within five minutes, his secretary knocked on the door again and came in.

"Governor Guo, He Qisheng said outside that he wanted to see you for something."

"Qisheng? Let him in."


He Qisheng entered the governor's office, said hello and talked about the matter.

"Doctor Wang?"

When Guo Changqing heard that it was this person, he became interested. This person was very kind to the Guo family, and it was not a big deal. If this matter could not be solved, what would the other party think

He first made a call to the relevant department, and then told his secretary to pay attention to this matter.

"Excuse me."

After telling this person, He Qisheng no longer needs to worry about the rest of the matter.

Capital, Su family.

Su Xiaoxue's condition is recovering very well. The gauze on her arms and legs has been removed, and the new skin is exposed. It is very delicate, and the pink color is gradually turning white.

"Did Dr. Wang say when he would come again?"

"I didn't say anything." Song Ruiping said.

"More than half of the skin on Xiaoxue's body has been regenerated, and the congested meridians inside have been cleared a lot, and the accumulated toxins have begun to be cleaned up. However, the functions of the muscles and organs are still very weak, and it will take a long time to adjust. Although my acupuncture method is effective But the effect is limited, if we can get that medicine again, we can get twice the result with half the effort.”

He really wanted to visit that little friend, but he didn't know where he was. The people in the Su family must know, but they wouldn't tell.

"Seeing Xiaoxue slowly getting better, I think it's better than anything else." Song Ruiping said.

"Yes." Mr. Chen responded.

After Mr. Chen performed acupuncture at Su's house, he stayed for a while and then left. When he returned home, he found that a guest had come to the house, a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Mr. Chen."

"Qingfeng, why do you come to my place when you have time?"

"Mr. Chen, please save my son!" The middle-aged man suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, his nose bursting with tears.

"Get up first." Upon seeing this, Mr. Chen hurriedly pulled him up.

This can be considered his descendant, and a relatively close relative.

The middle-aged man told the old man what had happened. His son was seriously ill. The doctor told him to be mentally prepared. He became anxious after hearing this.

"Where is he?"

"In the hospital."

"Come on, take me to see you."

"Hey, okay."

More than an hour later, in a famous hospital somewhere in the capital, Mr. Chen was taking the pulse of a young man in front of a bed.

Shortness of breath, weak pulse, and organ failure.

If this continues, this person will die within ten days.

The old man looked up at the medicine, and then took out the silver needle he carried with him.

"What are you doing?" At this time, a doctor happened to come over to check the ward. When he saw the situation, he immediately stopped him.

"Doctor, doctor, I am a family member of the patient, and I agree with what he did."

"That won't work either. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?" The doctor said with a cold face after hearing this.

Mr. Chen looked up at the doctor, then took out his mobile phone and made a call. He said a few words and then handed it to the doctor.

"Looking for you."

"Who is it?" The doctor was stunned and hesitated before taking the call.

"Dean, yes, yes, I'm Xiao Chen." The doctor nodded and bowed. He didn't know where he could see him on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, he handed the phone back with both hands, respectfully.

"You are always casual, do you think you need me to do something?"

"Get out and close the door."

"Yes." The doctor went out quickly and closed the door gently.

The old man calmed down and administered the acupuncture to the young man on the hospital bed. Although he was old, his hands were still very steady and he could identify the acupuncture points very accurately.

After a while, after the acupuncture was completed, he took his pulse again and frowned slightly.

"I'll prescribe medicine for you. Just follow the prescription."

"Hey, then should I still stay in this hospital?"

"Stay, why don't you?" Mr. Chen said after hearing this.

He is also an enlightened person and has read books on Western medicine in his spare time.

Compared with traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Western medicine also has obvious uniqueness. At least its digitalization of diagnosis and treatment is unmatched by Chinese medicine.