Elixir Supplier

Chapter 325: Something happened to burn paper



"Why are you so polite!" Li Maoshuang said with a smile.

"Let's have dinner together tonight? I'll treat you!"


The places where they eat in the city are relatively fixed, and there are still the same number of people who call for them.

Get together and talk.

"Are you still bored in the mountains?"

"This is the life I like." Wang Yao smiled and took a sip of his drink.

"Hey, if I were like that, I would probably get sick from boredom." Wei Hai smiled and took a sip of wine.

After recovering from the illness, he started drinking again. Of course, he was very controlled. He would not drink on weekdays. He would only drink a little when he got together with his family and friends. Moreover, his life has become much richer, and he is reunited with his family. , walking around with the children, and occasionally going to my own group.

"You're just not used to it, you'll get used to it."

Ding ding, Tian Yuantu’s cell phone rang.

"Sorry, go out and take a call." Tian Yuantu smiled and went out.

Less than ten minutes later, he came in from the outside, still smiling, but the attentive Wang Yao found that the other party seemed to have something wrong.

After eating, everyone left.

"Brother Tian." Wang Yao called Tian Yuantu.

"What's wrong?"

"If you need my help with anything, please just ask." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Ah?" Tian Yuantu was stunned after hearing this.


He was indeed in trouble. The phone call just now gave him a headache when he arrived. The company was scrutinized by relevant departments in the capital.

"Slow down when you go back." Tian Yuantu smiled and patted Wang Yao on the shoulder, then got in the car and left.

"He can really help with this matter." Tian Yuantu whispered after getting in the car.

In fact, Wang Yao can really help with the troubles he encounters in the capital. Others won't tell him, but he knows very well the Guo family in the capital. It is a first-class wealthy family, and the difficulties he encounters are not the same as the other party's. A phone call could solve the problem, but he still didn't tell Wang Yao directly. He wanted to use his connections first, and if that didn't work, he would trouble Wang Yao again.

Wang Yao drove back and when he arrived at the road construction area, he found someone burning paper there.

"What's happening here?!"

Wang Yao stopped the car and took a look.

"Could something happen?"

It was only around nine o'clock when he drove home. After stopping the car, he went into the room, helped his parents relax, and talked about what he had just encountered on the road. ,

"An accident happened in the afternoon. A man died while building the road."

"What, people are dead on just such a short journey!" Wang Yao was shocked after hearing this.


Just building such a road without using explosives or special tools, how could an accident happen

"A man was hit by an excavator and sent to the hospital, but he couldn't be saved."

"A little rub?"

"Well, I hit my head."

That's weird!

These people who work on projects are the most superstitious. It would be very unlucky for someone to die in an accident on the first day of construction. Therefore, the scene tonight happened. Less paper money, so that the souls of the undead who may be at the place of the accident can be saved. Go to the underworld and reincarnate as soon as possible to avoid causing any more trouble.

"What a coincidence!"

If I were there, could I save the other person's life

Wang Yao is thinking about this problem.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going up the mountain."

"Well, go slow on the road and hold a hand light."

"No, I can go up the mountain with my eyes closed." Wang Yao said with a smile.

It was still cool outside at night, and even though it was almost ten o'clock, there were still many people enjoying the cool air on the streets of the village.

"Xiao Yao, are you going up the mountain again?"

"Hey, uncle."

Whenever an elder asked a question, Wang Yao always answered politely.

Many people in the village have a very good impression of this polite young man. No matter what he is doing in the mountains, there is nothing to say about how he treats people and behaves in the world.

After going to school, it’s just different!

This is the view of the villagers.

After going up the mountain, he began to prepare medicine. Tomorrow he would make a dose of "Tongluo Powder".

It was night, and the mountain wind howled a little abnormally, but in this formation it was still as gentle as the spring breeze.

The next morning,

On the rural road, where the accident occurred yesterday, the project leader who contracted the road widening project came here in person. He also hired a special person to display some things here, including tributes, paper money, and salutes.

Many passers-by stopped by the road to watch. This is the interest of Chinese people.

"what happened?"

"You haven't heard that a man died here because of road construction yesterday!"

"Dead person?!"

"Yes, that's why we offer sacrifices here."

The time has come, burning incense, burning paper, and blasting firecrackers. Good guy, don't let the battles be more lively than when the road construction just started.

Crackling, firewood is burning.

Wang Yao looked at the medicine in the "Baicao Pot" quietly.

Ephedra, angelica, white peony... Wuteng, Ziyu

All kinds of herbs were added blindly, and the medicinal fragrance filled the hut.

The firewood burned slowly and unhurriedly,

When brewing medicine, you need to be calm and don't be impatient.

The right time, right location, right people, medicinal herbs, and good pharmaceutical skills can make a good medicine worthy of those precious herbs.

It’s done,

Watching the color of the potion change, he quickly moved away from the flame. After the temperature of the potion dropped, Wang Yao put the potion into two white porcelain bottles.

They can come and pick up medicine at any time.

Special patients need special medicines.

Capital, Su family.

"How do you feel, Xiaoxue?"

Every day, Song Ruiping spends at least half of her time with her daughter, talking to her, or doing nothing but sitting in front of the window to accompany her.

"I'm much better, Mom, can you take a rest?" Su Xiaoxue is recovering, and her voice has also changed, becoming much crisper.

"Mom, are you tired? Let me help you get up and sit down?"


As her body recovered, Su Xiaoxue was able to sit up, albeit only for a short while.

She still feels that there is a burning sensation in her body from time to time, but deep inside her body, she can completely bear this feeling. Compared with the previous feeling that her whole body was being burned on flames, it was like a heaven. , an underground.

"I really want to thank Dr. Wang Yao."

She really wanted to see the doctor again and thank him in person, but he hadn't come for a long time, eighty-seven days, almost three months.

Will he come again

"What are you thinking about?" Song Ruiping asked softly.

"I'm thinking about Dr. Wang, and I'm wondering how to express my gratitude."

"Haha." Song Ruiping smiled.

"He said he would come back as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxue responded.

Although she was born in such a family, she doesn't have the temperament of those eldest ladies at all, and is a typical lady of the family.

"Madam." Just as the mother and daughter were talking, a person outside knocked on the door and entered the room.

"What's up?"

"Guo Zhenghe from the Guo family is in the living room. He said he came to see the young lady."

"Well, please invite him in." Song Ruiping raised her eyebrows slightly.

After a while, Guo Zhenghe entered the ward with a bright smile on his face.

"Hello, Auntie, how is Xiaoxue feeling?"

"Much better, thank you."

"It's great to be able to sit up!" Guo Zhenghe said happily.

Looking at his expression, it was as if the girl sitting on the hospital bed was a relative of his own, very close to her.

"Stop standing, sit down and talk."


"Tea, please." Someone brought tea.


"Auntie, didn't Dr. Wang say when he would come back?"

"He just said he would do it as soon as possible." Song Ruiping said.

"Actually, someone with extraordinary medical skills like him should come to the capital. The world here is wider." Guo Zhenghe said.

"The capital is as good as the capital, and the mountain villages are as good as the mountain villages. Everyone has his own ambitions, so don't force it." Song Ruiping said, she hoped that Wang Yao could stay in the capital, so that her daughter's illness would be cured again.

However, the other party has his own ideas about whether he takes things like power and money that seriously.

"By the way, I have one more thing to do here. Dai Lao from Sichuan will return to the capital in three days. Auntie, do you think it is necessary for him to come over and check on Xiaoxue's illness?" Guo Zhenghe said.

"Dai Chaozong, Dai Lao?"

"It's him."

"That's rare. He doesn't leave Sichuan easily. You Lao Zheng and you can tell him and ask him to come over and show Xiaoxue if you have time."