Elixir Supplier

Chapter 331: Men's tears


Because of the impact of long-term headaches and poor rest, the health of the elderly is actually very poor. For the human body, adequate rest is necessary, otherwise the body will have problems.

Wang Yao planned to replenish her body first, but he would slightly adjust the prescription and add two drugs that could calm her nerves.

Medicinal materials are available here.

Prescribe, pick up, and package medications.

Then Wang Yao wrote down the method of taking the medicine on a piece of paper and handed it to Chen Changfeng. The instructions for use and precautions were written down one by one.

"Dr. Wang's calligraphy is great!" Chen Changfeng praised after taking what Wang Yao had written.

"you flatter me."

"This medicine can cure my mother's headache?"

"It is useful, but the effect is limited. The main function of this medicine is to supplement and strengthen the body. The elderly's body is in poor condition due to poor sleep and age, so it needs to be adjusted." Wang Yao explained.

"Well, when will the other medicine you mentioned be cured?"

"Wait for my call within three days."

"Okay." Chen Changfeng said.

The cost of this medicine is not very high, just a few hundred yuan.

After expressing his gratitude, Chen Changfeng left the hospital with his mother, got in the car and left.

"Mom, how are you feeling?"

"His massage really made me feel a lot more comfortable." The old man said.

"That's good. After I get back, I'll take the medicine according to the prescription he told me and see how it works."


"I'll be here in two days to get another dose of medicine."

In Lianshan County, somewhere in a residence.

Chen Wei, who was taking a shower, was stunned.

There is a reaction, there is a reaction!

He faintly felt a reaction in his crotch, something he hadn't seen in months. This was an absolute surprise. Although it was still not normal, it gave him a glimmer of hope.

The medicine prescribed by Dr. Wang is effective!

This man was so excited that he shed tears.

There was hope of preserving his marriage, his family, and his dignity as a man.

"I have to take the time to thank Dr. Wang and let him check me out." He was so lost in thought that he even forgot to take a shower.

"Well, the number of people is increasing?"

Wang Yao discovered that the number of people on his "Hundred Miles of Name" mission had increased to thirty-five. He didn't know the specific number of people, but this was a good thing, indicating that he was one step closer to completing the mission.

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Yao went down the mountain early. There were more patients coming today.

The first to arrive were Zhou Xiong and his son.

Zhou Wukang's arm has mostly recovered. Wang Yao checked him again and then handed him the "Tongluo San" that he had prepared in advance.

While they were still being treated, Pan Jun and his friend came and waited aside. Then Chen Boyuan came with his father-in-law and waited aside. This was the first time that Wang Yao treated so many people. , are all considered acquaintances.

"Take your medicine on time. You still need to take the medicine to replenish your body, but the dosage can be reduced by half."

"Okay." Zhou Xiong responded hurriedly.

"We might as well let him pick up his kung fu again, starting with some gentle boxing techniques. This will also help his body recover."

"Okay, thank you, Doctor Wang."

Seeing so many people waiting, Zhou Xiong said goodbye and left without staying any longer.

Then came Pan Jun's friend.

"how is everything?"

"The medicine you prescribed for me is working, and I have already reacted." Chen Wei said in a very cryptic manner in front of outsiders.

"Okay, I'll show you again."

Check his pulse carefully.

"It works. Come on, sit down."

Wang Yao's right hand kept pushing and rubbing on his waist and surrounding parts, and there was body fluid attached to the palm of his hand, slowly releasing it outward.

He had also tried using inner breath as an aid, on Zhou Wukang's body, but the effect at that time was not particularly good. With continuous practice during the recent period, Wang Yao felt that his control over inner breath had become more flexible. Feel free, so give it a try on Chen Wei.

"How do you feel?"

"It's a little hot."

Chen Wei felt that Wang Yao's hand was very warm, slightly burning, as if there was a hot towel covering his waist, and this heat was constantly seeping into his body.

From the waist to the lower abdomen, and then from the lower abdomen to the crotch.

There was a reaction.

Chen Wei felt the feeling that gave him information.

"Run out of medicine?"

"Run out."

"I will prescribe another course of treatment for you. Continue taking it and pay attention to controlling your daily living habits."

"Yes, thank you." Chen Wei said happily.

Wang Yao prescribed the medicine, wrapped it up, and did not forget to give instructions afterward.

"You still have to be careful in your daily life, and you must remember the taboos!"

"I know, Doctor Wang." This time, Chen Wei was absolutely convinced of this young doctor. In fact, Wang Yao didn't even need to tell him these words, he had already kept them in mind.

After Pan Jun said a few words to Wang Yao, he said goodbye to his buddies and left.

"He is very happy!" Chen Boyuan said with a smile.

"Yeah." Wang Yao responded.

Naturally, people will be happy when they see hope of getting better, especially if it is a disease that is difficult to talk about.

"How about you take a rest first?"

"No, I'm not tired." Wang Yao smiled and waved his hand.

The old man's legs were very thin, a bit like Zhou Wukang's arms, but they were better than the other's, mainly because the illness did not last as long as the other's.

Try again.

Wang Yao mobilized the inner breath in his body on his palms, and then used the massage method to massage the old man's legs.


The old man frowned slightly.

Because he felt the young man's hands were inexplicably burning, perhaps because his sick legs were more sensitive to touch.

This burning feeling is still spreading along the legs, down to the feet, and up to the waist, but there is a gap between the waist and abdomen, blocking the heat from continuing to pass upward.

Wang Yao stopped about half an hour later.

"What special feeling do you have?"

"My legs are hot, and my feet are also hot. The heat has stopped here, and I feel a little uncomfortable." The old man pointed to his waist and abdomen and made rough strokes.

This feeling is indeed uncomfortable, as if there is a breath held in the body that cannot be ventilated.

This location

Then Wang Yao focused on massaging a few points with one finger.


Chen Boyuan's father-in-law twitched like a needle pricking his body and took a breath.

"What's wrong?"

"It hurts a little, it feels like a pinprick." The old man said.

"Well, bear with it a little longer."

Wang Yao then slightly reduced his strength, and then continued to focus on those acupuncture points.

The old man still had the same pins and needles feeling, but this time it was much lighter than the last time.

"Well, come here first. I have some medicine here. You drink it first." Wang Yao took out a bottle of medicine from the side, which was "Tongluo Powder" that he had prepared in advance.

He brewed two portions of this medicine in total, one portion was given to Zhou Wukang, and the other was intended to be used on the old man.

"This is?"

"Tongluo Powder, activates blood circulation and removes blood stasis, dredges meridians and unblocks collaterals."

The old man may not have heard of this medicine, but Chen Boyuan knows it because when he was in the capital, he once saw Wang Yao give Su Xiaoxue this medicine, in a very small dose.

In his impression, the most important thing about Wang Yao's miraculous medical skills was the magical drugs he used, which had almost immediate results.

"Use less first."

Chen Boyuan's father only took a small cupful. After taking "Tongluo San", he felt something strange almost immediately. After the drug entered the abdomen, it turned into warm current and quickly urinated all the limbs of the body. , spreading very quickly.

About ten minutes after taking the cup of medicine, Wang Yao started massaging again, still using the internal energy in his body, focusing on the acupuncture points on his waist.

Medicines used internally, externally with internal energy, internal and external integration.

This effect is quite obvious.


This is a sound coming from the body. It cannot be heard. In other words, it is not a sound in itself, but a feeling, a very special feeling. The old man felt as if something had opened up in his body. generally.

How can I describe this feeling? To put it simply, it means that after not having a bowel movement for a few days, it suddenly becomes clear and all the waste in the body is excreted. It is a very refreshing feeling.

Then, the burning heat in the legs that had not subsided began to rise, crossing the waist and going up the torso, although it was only a small part.

The old man tried hard, and then found that his legs moved slightly.

"It's moving!" he said in surprise.

"It's moving!" Chen Boyuan on the side naturally saw it and said happily.

Wang Yao didn't say anything, and continued to push the palace and pass the acupoints along his waist, upper body, trunk, and down to his feet. This took more than half an hour.

"Come on, let me take a look." After doing this and waiting for ten minutes, Wang Yao took his pulse again.

"Yes, it works."

"Today's treatment ends here. Take this medicine back. The method of using it is on this paper. If you have time, you can massage the old man Venus more. This will help the recovery of his legs." Wang Yao is about to say Passed it into Chen Boyuan's hand.

The price of this medicine is very expensive.

Chen Boyuan had already prepared in his heart. In fact, at his position, he still had the money.

"Thank you, Dr. Wang."

"Okay, let's go slowly without seeing you off."

After seeing these three patients, the whole morning has passed.

This was his first time seeing a doctor so intensively.

He took a short rest, and then recorded the process of seeing a doctor today, including the patient's symptoms, medication, treatment process, and most importantly, the treatment ideas. This was a rare experience. He recorded it now and will use it in the future. It is a good reference and reference. If possible, I will compile it into a book like Mr. Sang and pass it on.

"It's time to go home and eat!"

After lunch, he returned to the medical center, exercised a little, and then took a nap.

It was estimated that no one would come in the afternoon, so he went out and went up Nanshan.