Elixir Supplier

Chapter 40: This mountain is worth a thousand dollars


"It's just a joke. Sister, don't be angry, but don't underestimate me. My Nanshan and my herbs are worth ten thousand yuan!" Wang Yao said with a smile.

"And, just blow it!"

"Haha." Wang Yao just smiled after hearing this and said nothing more.

After lunch, Wang Yao left home again and went to Nanshan. Today he had to make medicine. In addition to his tasks, he also had to make a "calming powder".

Small fire, slightly boiling, the fragrance of medicine is permeated.

Wang Yao is very careful in every step.

Making medicine seems to be a very boring process to outsiders, but he does not think so. On the contrary, he enjoys the process.

Finally, a pair of "Anshen Powder" was successfully brewed.

Huh, Wang Yao breathed a sigh of relief and put the warm medicinal soup into the white porcelain bottle that had been prepared in advance.

After finishing his work, he began to brew another medicine.

The sky outside the house gradually darkened.

Outside the house, Tugou Sanxian seemed to hear something. He got up and walked to the window. A moment later, the sound of chanting began again.

Woohoo, the wind is blowing...

On the second day, early in the morning, on the top of Nanshan Mountain, there was a rock, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, protruding from the mountain. Below was the cliff. Although it was not very high, it was still tens of meters high. It looked a little dizzy. , on top of the mountain rocks, a person is sitting upright. His body looks like a bell, but in fact it is rising and falling regularly.


He suddenly felt an interesting warmth in his lower abdomen.

Feeling angry!

He was overjoyed. This was the sign of getting started with the art of breathing and breathing. There was Qi in his Dantian. This breath was the so-called inner Qi.

True Qi is a combination of innate Qi and acquired Qi, and human life depends entirely on this Qi.

In the novel, it is said that a breath of true energy can delay aging, morbidity and even death, but this is not entirely false.

Above the sky, the sun rises,

Not long after, Wang Yao got off the stone and returned to the medicine field.

In the morning, a Land Rover drove into Wangjia Village again. This was the fourth time this car had entered the village. Many people in the village were already used to it.

"This car again?"

"Why is he here again and going up Nanshan again?"

"Going to Nanshan?" Wang Ru, who was staying at home and going out for a walk, heard the conversation in the village, "Looking for that boy?"

She looked at the Land Rover and saw several 9's on the license plate number.

"Hey, this license plate number looks so cool, I think I've seen it somewhere." Out of curiosity, she followed it up Nanshan.

The Land Rover stopped a few dozen meters away from the cabin. A man got out of the car and walked up the mountain. This man was Tian Yuantu, who had made an appointment with Wang Yao earlier to come to pick up the medicine.

"Hello, little brother."

"Brother Tian, please come quickly." Wang Yao invited Tian Yuantu into the room. Because of the continuous boiling of potions in the past few days, the whole room was filled with the smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Drink tea." Wang Yao made a pot of tea with ancient spring water. This was a rare luxury.

"Good tea!" Tian Yuantu said after taking a sip.

"It's just ordinary camellia." Wang Yao smiled after hearing this.

"You are so humble. This tea is not ordinary! Is the medicine ready?" Tian Yuantu said with a smile.

"Okay." Wang Yao took out the pre-cooked "Anshen Powder" and handed it to Tian Yuantu.

"Thank you." Tian Yuantu immediately transferred the money after taking the medicine. Soon, Wang Yao received a text message from the bank to remind him that more than 200,000 yuan was added to his bank account.

This feeling, making money every day, is probably what it feels like.

While the two were chatting, Sanxian, whose legs were almost healed, screamed again.


"Sister? Why are you here again!" When Wang Yao saw that the person was his old sister, he suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

"Why aren't you welcome? This stupid dog doesn't even know me!" Wang Rupo said angrily.

"Brother Tian, please introduce me. This is my sister, Wang Ru. Sister, this is Brother Tian."


"Hello, hey, I always feel like I've seen you somewhere?" Wang Ru stared at Tian Yuantu for a while, "Jiahui Group, are you Mr. Tian from Jiahui Group!?"

Wang Ru thought for a moment and finally matched the man in front of her with a character in her mind, looking very surprised.

"It's me." Tian Yuantu said with a smile.

"Oh my god! The boss of this group with assets of at least one billion, a well-known figure in Lianshan County and even the entire Haiqu City, is here, chatting and laughing with his brother, and looks so familiar to him?"

For a moment, Wang Ru's mind was filled with questions.

Tian Yuantu chatted with the two siblings for a while, then said goodbye and left.

After he left, Wang Ru looked at Wang Yao with a strange look.

"Sister, what's your look like?"

"Tell me the truth, how do you know Tian Yuantu?"

"Once, he came to play in the mountains and we got to know each other after chatting for a few words." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Going to the mountains to play? The boss of a group like him would come to a place like Nanshan to play. What fun is there?!"

Wang Ru looked around Nanshan. Apart from trees and crops, there were only a few hills. There were no strange rocks, peaks, flowers, or ancient relics. Moreover, the traffic was congested. Except for people from their village, almost no one came from outside. People come here.

"I think it's good. There are mountains, trees and water, pastoral scenery, relaxing and quiet."

"Come on, just tell the truth quickly!"

"I'm telling the truth. Isn't his identity unusual?" Wang Yao asked curiously. He had heard from his aunt before that Tian Yuantu was a businessman and was worth a lot of money, otherwise he wouldn't have He spent more than 700,000 yuan so easily just to buy these three medicines.

"Of course it's unusual. He is the boss of Jiahui Group. He is one of the top three entrepreneurs in Lianshan County. He is a well-known figure even in Haiqu City. He even appeared on TV a few days ago!"

"Oh." Wang Yaozhi responded calmly.

"Hey, your expression is very dull. You have to have a good relationship with such a person. I heard that he can talk to the leaders of the county and even the city!"

"I don't need his help, and he can't control our Wangjia Village." Wang Yao said calmly.

"You..." Regarding his brother's ideological consciousness, Wang Ru suddenly had the urge to go crazy.

"I'm too lazy to tell you, I'm going down!" Wang Ru strode down the mountain.

She is obviously a beautiful woman, but her personality is as fiery as a man's.

"Slow down, sister!" Wang Yao shouted.

When she went home for dinner at noon, Wang Ru looked at Wang Yao with a strange look. Wang Yao was afraid that something might happen to his elder sister, so he hurriedly took two bites of rice and went out to Nanshan.

"Mom, my brother is in Nanshan all day?"

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"What is he up to?"

"Grow medicine!" Zhang Xiuying replied while eating.