Elixir Supplier

Chapter 41: Why are you staring so wide?


"I saw a man driving a Land Rover up Nanshan today. He seemed to be very rich." Wang Ru said.

"Well, some people saw that kind of car coming by to collect herbs a few days ago." Zhang Xiuying said calmly.

"What, driving a Land Rover to collect herbs, what herbs?!"

"Huang Jing, sold for nearly 400,000 yuan."

"How much?!" Wang Ru thought she heard wrongly.

"Three hundred and ninety thousand." Zhang Xiuying looked up at her daughter, "Why are your eyes so wide?"

"Three hundred and ninety thousand for those two acres of land?"

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"No, why didn't I know about this?" Wang Ru almost shouted.

"What are you yelling about? You're not a lady at all and you didn't ask?" Zhang Xiuying said one sentence and Wang Ru choked up.

"No wonder, no wonder you were so confident when you talked to me yesterday. You can make so much money from just two acres of Polygonatum japonica. If the entire Nanshan is planted with it, how much money will you make?" Wang Ru's eyes suddenly filled with tears. A red banknote.

"Girl, girl?" Zhang Xiuying shook her head vigorously in front of her eyes.

"Ah, are you okay? You have to encourage my brother about this and let him plant hard. I don't think there are only a few acres of land, and a large area is empty!" Wang Ru said after coming back to her senses. Those who went up the mountain today At that time, she saw that there was a large area of empty land in Nanshan.

"Hey, don't worry about your brother's affairs. Think about your affairs quickly. Hey, you can't have that second marriage!" Zhang Xiuying said sternly.

"I know mom!"

In the afternoon, Wang Yao was quietly brewing medicine in the house. He finally succeeded once, but the sound of dogs barking came again outside.

"Who is it again?"

"Little Yaozi!"

"Ah, sister, why are you here again?!"

Wang Yao suddenly felt that his head was heavy. He had been reciting the "Natural Sutra" for several days in vain, but all the results were nullified in front of this strange old lady.

"I heard that you made a lot of money growing Polygonatum japonica?"

"Well, what do you want to do?" Wang Yao's eyes immediately became alert.

"I see that a large area of your Nanshan area is vacant. Why don't you plant Polygonatum japonica?"

"My first interest is Chinese herbal medicine. As for money, it is something external to me." Wang Yao said very calmly.

"Just pretend, it's not time to commit suicide by jumping into the river at a loss!" Wang Ru rolled her eyes at him and said with disdain.

"I'm not committing suicide, I'm saving people!" Wang Yao got angry when he mentioned this matter. He is a typical old lady who doesn't pick up any pots. Is she born from a mother

"No need for you to explain."

"Whatever I explain is the truth!"

"What are you going to do with your free time in the mountains?"

"Herding sheep." Wang Yao said angrily.

"What, herding sheep, are you going to raise sheep? Hey, the price of mutton is relatively expensive recently, so raising sheep is okay. I happen to know someone from the Animal Husbandry Bureau..."

"Sister, I'm still very busy. You should go home and cook quickly. The mountain road is rugged, so walk slowly!" Wang Yao directly pushed this verbose old lady out.

"It's only what time to cook, hey, you kid!" When Wang Ru came to her senses, she found that she had been pushed out of the cabin by Wang Yao, and more importantly, the door was locked from the inside.

"Hey, you kid!"

It's finally quiet!

Wang Yao took a deep breath, silently recited the "Natural Sutra" that he knew by heart, and then continued his mission.

When he went home for dinner near evening, Wang Ru had already hitchhiked away. Tomorrow is Monday and she has to go to work.

"My sister is gone?" Wang Yao suddenly felt that the family was chattering all day again, so it was good to ask this and that.

"Yeah." Zhang Xiuying responded, looking like she was worried about something.

"Hey, you said that person won't continue to pester your sister, right?"

"So you're worried about this?"

"Do you have any friends in the city? Let someone look after them." Wang Fenghua, who seldom spoke, said suddenly. As a father, how could he not care about his children? He just showed it in another way. Father's love is like a mountain. That's what I mean.

"I'll call in a moment." Wang Yao agreed.

"That's it, let someone take care of her so that she doesn't come from a girl's family and suffer a loss outside."

After eating, Wang Yao entered the room. After thinking about it, he couldn't find anyone trustworthy in Lianshan County. Although there were many former classmates, he had not contacted him for several years. , and this kind of thing is really hard to entrust to someone who doesn’t have a particularly good relationship.

"Hey, I have it!" Wang Yao suddenly thought of someone and made a quick call.

Less than halfway through the conversation, the person on the other end hung up the phone. Within ten minutes, Wang Yao had an additional guest at his home, Wang Mingbao.

"What's wrong with our sister?" Wang Mingbao asked as soon as he sat down and didn't take a sip of water.

This is the person Wang Yao is thinking of. Firstly, he is from the same village, he grew up, and is trustworthy. Secondly, Wang Mingbao started a business in Lianshan County. He has a lot of skills and knows many people, so he can help. Wang Yao called him. Unexpectedly, he just returned to the village today. After answering the phone, he said a few words and came directly.

"Someone is chasing her, but that person is not a good bird. I'm afraid that my sister will suffer. If something happens in your city, you can take care of her."

"Okay, what do you call a person who doesn't open his eyes?" Wang Mingbao immediately responded after hearing this.

"Hu Cheng'an also works in the Agricultural Bureau and has some background in his family."

"Hu Cheng'an!" Wang Mingbao remembered the name in his mind, "By the way, have you caught the person who destroyed the medicine field?"

"not yet?"

"I have some clues, but there is no evidence yet." Wang Mingbao said.

"Ah, who is it?"

"Wang Jiangang from Beihe." Wang Mingbao said the name.

"Wang Jiangang?" Wang Yao frowned slightly after hearing this. He really had no impression of this name.

"I'm not impressed. He is one of the people who wants to take over Nanshan. Moreover, I went to the village committee to retrieve the video of the day of the recent incident. This guy went out after eight o'clock in the evening and came home after one o'clock in the middle of the night. But the strange thing is, The cameras in the village didn’t even capture where he went!”

"I originally wanted to defraud him, but suddenly I was hospitalized, so I gave up."

"You were hospitalized. When and what disease did you have?" Wang Yao asked one more question after hearing this.

"Well, it seems that more than ten days ago, I fell into a ditch while walking at night and broke my bone." Wang Mingbao said.

"More than ten days ago, at night?" Wang Yao's eyes lit up after hearing this. That day, a man came to his medicine field to cause trouble in the middle of the night. He was discovered by him, and then he hurriedly fled into Nanshan.

"What's wrong?"


Wang Yao shook his head. Now he was sure that Wang Jiangang was very suspicious. However, Wang Yao still admired this person who dared to do bad things in the middle of the night and then went into the mountains. Unfortunately, he walked a lot at night and was always doing it. It was a shame, and I met a ghost.