Elixir Supplier

Chapter 5: Jujube fragrance


"I guess it's quite annoying." Wang Yao said. In the last few words of conversation, he could hear that the other party was perfunctory.

"Did you leave your phone number?"


"Then let's talk."

"Xiaoyan, how was the conversation?"

"It's not that good. He doesn't even have a serious job. He says he grows herbs at home." Li Xiaoyan pouted slightly.

"Starting your own business is a good thing!"

"Okay, I heard that there is a student who graduated from a prestigious university in this village. He grew medicinal herbs at home and lost all his money. He couldn't think of committing suicide by jumping into the river. Could it be him?"

"If there is such a thing, then I will ask you carefully. Don't be a stupid guy in school!"

After seeing off the two people, Wang Yao went up the mountain again. He didn't take this blind date seriously at all. His mind was now on the medicine field.

Watering, weeding, loosening the soil, the days passed like this.

During this period, at the urging of his mother, he contacted Li Xiaoyan several times, but she was also lukewarm. In the end, he directly told his mother that he was not interested in him, and the matter was over.

Unconsciously, September has arrived, and the weather has gradually become cooler.

Under the irrigation of ancient spring water, the growth of Polygonatum sibiricum in less than two acres in Wang Yao's medicinal field was astonishing, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and the growth was taller than a human being.

"Here, it's a bit unscientific to be so high!" Wang Yao said in shock.

Not only the Polygonatum japonica he planted, but also the jujube trees as thick as bowls next to the hut were also lush and leafy. The branches were covered with fruits, one after another, dark red, shiny, and big. It is very full and exudes a unique jujube fragrance that can be smelled from a long distance away.

Wang Yao knocked down a few pills and put them into his mouth.

Click, very crispy, sweet and juicy.


He had never tasted such delicious dates before, so he hurriedly cut off part of it and planned to take it home for his parents to try.

It seems like this can also be sold for money, right

Thinking of this, he knocked down part of it and weighed it. It weighed more than 100 kilograms. In this way, less than a third of the tree was still down.

"How many dates does this tree have to bear?"

After bringing the dates back, I washed a plate and gave them to my parents to taste first.

"It's so sweet. Where did you pick it from?" Sister Zhang Xiuying said in surprise. She has been in the mountain village for decades and has visited all the nearby mountains. She can't remember where there are such good jujube trees!

"I'm going to go to the city tomorrow to see if I can sell those jujube trees next to the hut."

"Well, okay, by the way, I want to finalize the work. It's been more than 20 days. Why hasn't the unit you mentioned last time responded?"

Wang Yao broke into a sweat after hearing this. This was the lie he told his mother when he came back from the city last time. He didn't expect that she would still remember it now.

The next day, Wang Yao went up the mountain as usual and watered the fields first.

The ancient spring fruit that comes with this magical system is really magical. It can promote the growth of plants, and it also has great benefits for humans and animals after drinking it.

After more than twenty days of continuous drinking of ancient spring water, he found that the structure of the attributes of various parts of the system had changed significantly.

Physique 1.5, spirit 1.1, agility 1.1, will 1.2, strength 1.1.

Among them, the increase in physical fitness is the most obvious.

It's not just him, he can see that his parents' complexions have also improved a lot, and the fur color of "Sanxian" on the mountain is brighter, and he seems to have grown up a little and become a lot smarter.

All kinds of things show the extraordinaryness of this ancient spring pot, and also highlight the magic of this system. After all, this is just a gift at the beginning, and there will definitely be more mysterious things later. After personal experience, Wang Yao began to understand this system. Extreme expectations.

What else will come next

After finishing his work on the mountain, he took more than a hundred kilograms of fresh dates, a scale, a maza, and several bags out of the house and entered the city.

He first went to a large fruit wholesaler, who just took one look at his dates and said something.

"Two yuan a pound." The attitude was very cold and harsh, which made Wang Yao very angry.

"I still have to sell it at a high price!"

He walked around again, and finally found a spot in a cluster of stalls specializing in fruits and vegetables. He put the bag of dates on the ground, sat on the horse and was too embarrassed to shout, and waited for the buyers to come. . But the vendors selling fruits and vegetables next to him were shouting very enthusiastically.

"How do you sell these dates?" After waiting for a long time, someone finally came over to ask the price.

"Ten yuan a pound." Wang Yao said.

"What, so expensive!" The man was stunned after hearing this, then turned around and left.

"Hey, little brother, is it your first time to set up a stall and buy something? What kind of dates are you selling so expensively? Others sell them for three yuan, five yuan at most, but you can do it for ten yuan. It's so expensive. No one will buy it!" A kind-hearted middle-aged man next to him kindly enlightened him after hearing Wang Yao's quotation.

"My dates are delicious."

“No matter how delicious it is, it can’t be sold at such an expensive price.”

"Try it first." Wang Yao grabbed a handful and handed it over.

"Thank you. Hey, it looks good!"

The man took it and saw that the dates were plump and red all over. They were not like other dates, either green or red. There were very few such jujubes that were all red and shiny. It smelled like a jujube. It has a unique jujube aroma that makes you want to eat it just by looking at it.

When it's delivered to your mouth, it's crispy and juicy, with a bit of sourness amidst the sweetness.


"Well, well, well!" After eating five dates in a row, the man stopped.

"How about it?"

"It's delicious. I've never tasted such delicious dates. Little brother, you sold these dates cheaply, fifteen pounds per pound!" said the man.

"Ah!?" This time it was Wang Yao's turn to be stunned.

"Ah, what? It's so delicious. Someone must buy it. Things are rare and expensive. People in the city have more money. You heard me right."

"Okay, if it's delicious, just eat more. There's also a big bag here!"

"That's so embarrassing."

"How do you sell these dates?" While talking, someone came over to ask the price.

"Fifteen pounds."

"How much?!" The man was also stunned, thinking he heard wrongly.

"Fifteen, one pound."

"Why are dates so expensive?!"

"Try it first to see if it's worth the price." Wang Yao pointed to the dates in the bag.

The man took one, wiped it, and put it into his mouth. His eyes lit up and his face showed surprise.

"It's delicious. Give me two pounds!"

"Okay!" Wang Yao quickly weighed the two pounds and handed them to the other party.

I thought this was the beginning, but after waiting all morning, there were quite a few people passing by, but when I asked about the price, they immediately turned around and left.

"What's going on? Why don't you lower the price?"

Just when he was hesitating, everyone in the factory and work unit was getting off work, and the road was busy with traffic and more people.


"just in front!"

With a squeak, a car stopped by the road. Four people got out of the car, two men and two women, neatly dressed. The four people went straight to Wang Yao's stall.