Elixir Supplier

Chapter 50: Baicao Garden


After finishing their work, those who attended the opening ceremony were invited by Wang Mingbao to a nearby hotel, where he had reserved several private rooms.

The opening ceremony usually looks like this. Once the auspicious time comes, there will be a celebration, and then the relatives and friends who came to celebrate will gather together to eat food and drink, and then everyone will be busy with their own things.

There were a few people he knew at Wang Yaozai's table. We were from the same village, but we didn't know each other very well. The only person we were friends with was Wang Zexiao. The two of them sat together and talked. The other villagers were eating melon seeds, smoking cigarettes, and waiting for the food to be served. In no time, the dishes were brought out.

Pour wine, clink glasses, and drink to your heart's content.

The room smelled of alcohol and cigarette smoke.

Wang Yaopou felt a little uncomfortable. He had forgotten the last time he experienced such an occasion.

"Aren't you going to drink, Brother Yao?" Wang Zexiao asked from the side.

"I do not drink."

"Then I won't drink anymore!" After hearing this, Wang Zexiao put down the wine bottle he had brought over. In fact, he actually liked to drink some on weekdays.

"Are you going to work this afternoon?"

"I can't go, so I took a day off."

"Then drink some, are you driving?" Wang Yao said with a smile.

"No more drinking."

Several other people at the table were not polite and raised their glasses to drink. After a while, the two bottles of wine were bottomed out, and their faces were all red.

After about twenty minutes, Wang Mingbao came over to toast and said some polite words. After years of training in business, he is a good talker. In a situation like this, he can say it in a set way. A few of the strangers laughed, their faces glowing.

"Why don't you drink something?" Wang Mingbao asked as he sat down next to Wang Yao.

"Don't drink."

"Then eat more food." Wang Mingbao did not persuade him to drink.

"Well, you go and do your work."

The meal lasted for more than 40 minutes. When they came out of the restaurant, Wang Yao and Wang Zexiao found Wang Mingbao again and asked him. After confirming that there was nothing that needed help, they rode their motorcycles together. Return to the village.

After returning to the village, Wang Yao went to Wang Zexiao's house to sit for a while, then returned home and went directly to Nanshan.

Fu returned to a peaceful life, taking care of the medicinal fields, practicing, and chanting sutras, which was somewhat similar to the monks in the ancient temple deep in the mountains.

In three days, the "Shanjing" and "Guiyuan" he planted grew their teeth. For these two special spiritual grasses, he specially used ancient spring water with a high concentration to water them to ensure that they could get enough. nutrient.

"Are these medicines ready to be harvested?"

After watering these spiritual herbs, he looked at the large number of gentians, parsnips and other medicinal herbs that were growing a little crazy. With the water from the ancient spring, their growth ignored the changes in the seasons. Even in autumn, Entering winter, it is still growing crazily, seemingly violating the laws of nature.

"Ding, series of tasks: Baicao Garden." Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard the system prompt.

"Task 1: Within seven days, successfully plant ten kinds of medicinal herbs. The task rewards are random, and the failure penalty is that you will not be able to proceed with subsequent tasks."

10 herbs

"Does it have to be spiritual grass?" Wang Yao asked.

"No." The system's answer was still simple.

"That's good. If there are ten kinds of spiritual herbs, this task will be more difficult. If there are just ten kinds of ordinary medicinal herbs, it will be easier."

But in this case, it is rare to go into the city.

In the evening, when Wang Yao went down the mountain to go home, he happened to meet his parents going home. His father was riding a motorcycle with his mother. The weather was already a bit cold, and he saw his mother's face turning red from the cold.

"Gotta buy a car."

During dinner, Wang Yao revealed his idea of buying a car to his parents.

"Well, I have to buy one. Many people in the village have bought cars now. A few days ago, the daughter-in-law of the Qingbao family in the west of the village was showing off. She told me that her family bought a car for more than 100,000 yuan." Zhang Xiuying said .

In fact, the people in the village also have a good reputation. Wang Yao knows this. Although his parents don't say it, they also very much hope that their son can succeed. Back then, when his sister Wang Ying was admitted to the Agricultural Bureau, his mother was no less. Tell someone.

"What kind of car do you want to buy?" Wang Yao asked his parents. In fact, he was in the mountains all day and didn't have many opportunities to drive. He only went to the city occasionally. He planned to buy a car to make it easier for his parents to go out.

"It's up to you. Don't make it too expensive. They all say that Volkswagen's cars are strong and durable." Zhang Xiuying said.

"Then I will go to the city tomorrow. Mom, please take care of the medicine field."


The next day, as the sun just rose, Zhang Xiuying went up the mountain. Wang Yao got up early too. After practicing on the top of the mountain, he came down from the mountain and met his mother.

"Why are you going up the mountain?" Zhang Xiuying asked curiously.

"Exercise your body." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Oh, hurry up and get started. It's getting cold, so wear more clothes."


Wang Yao rode a motorcycle out of the village. At the end of November, the weather was cold, and the cold wind could easily blow through his clothes. However, the breath in Wang Yao's belly was flowing smoothly and his body was warm, so he didn't feel too cold. .

It didn't take much time for him to enter the county town and buy some medicinal herb seeds first. The uncle who bought the seeds seemed to have an impression of him.

"Young man, why did you buy so many seeds?" Wang Yao bought almost all the seeds in his store this time.

"Try all kinds of things and see which one is suitable." Wang Yao replied with a smile.

"No need to try, I have a list here, which is often bought by the big medicinal planters in the county. You can't go wrong. Just wait, I will give you a copy." The uncle was very kind and gave Wang Yao a copy. The list lists the seeds of these medicinal herbs, which should be suitable for planting in the soil of Lianshan County.

"Thank you." Although Wang Yao had ancient spring water and could grow almost any herbal medicine, he still thanked this kind uncle.

After buying the seeds, he rode to a nearby car sales point. Car sales in Lianshan County were clustered around a street.

He chose a store and went in, and immediately a beautiful girl came over to greet him with a smile.

"Hello sir, do you want to buy a car?"

"have a look."

"What price range do you want to buy, and what brand do you like?" the girl said with a smile.

"Ah, everyone." Wang Yao hesitated and said.

He entered the showroom and found that there were all kinds of cars in it. They not only dealt in one type of car or one brand. This kind of car sales company was different from those specialized 4S stores. It dealt with all types of cars and also picked up cars from 4S stores. Make money from insurance and after-sales maintenance services.