Elixir Supplier

Chapter 69: A beautiful woman is so stupid when she is pregnant with medicine


After coming down from the mountain, the injured eagle glanced at Wang Yao. His eyes seemed less fierce.

As evening approached, Wang Yao found that there seemed to be less meat in the basin.

"Just eat." This is a good sign, he said with a smile. .

After another night, when Wang Yao got up in the morning, he found that there was not much meat left in the basin.

"By the way, Eagle probably doesn't like pork, so I'll change your taste."

In the morning, Wang Yao went down the mountain, brought some rabbit meat, and added it to the eagle's basin. This time, the eagle's vigilance dropped a lot.

"I have to show you the injury." Wang Yao pointed to its injured wing.

In the afternoon, Wang Yao prepared some medicine, then came to Ying's side fully armed.

As expected, the eagle was extremely uncooperative. It flapped its wings and pecked Wang Yao with its beak, tearing open his clothes with its sharp claws. The anxious Sanxian on the side was jumping up and down and barking.

After a lot of effort, Wang Yao bandaged the injured area, at the cost of losing all his clothes.

"What a raptor!"

Wang Yao looked at his clothes. He was well prepared and lucky. The sharp claws were enough to pierce his clothes and directly hurt his body.

"Okay, have a good rest. I'll change your dressing in a few days." Wang Yao said to the eagle with a smile, and then went into the room to change his clothes.

That afternoon, when he went home for dinner, Wang Yao mentioned the matter of buying a house in the city to his family again and asked his parents how they were thinking about it.

"Xiaoyao, tell mom the truth how much money you have now?" Zhang Xiuying said.

"More than one million." Wang Yao reduced the money in his card by half, fearing that he would scare his elders by saying too much.

"What, where did you get so much money?!" Even so, his parents were still shocked.

"I sold some medicinal herbs and prepared some potions. After I made some money, I didn't deposit it in the bank. I bought some stocks and made some more." Wang Yao said calmly.

"It's that simple, and you made more than one million?"

"Ah, almost."

"How long has it been?!" Zhang Xiuying said, "You spent 400,000 to buy the mountain, and a lot of money to buy the car, and now you still have more than 1 million?!"

If the old couple said they were not shocked, that would be an absolute lie. Who among the hundreds of people in this village could have that ability to earn nearly two million in less than half a year!

"Xiaoyao, tell the truth to mom, have you done anything illegal?" Zhang Xiuying asked worriedly.

"Mom, where are you thinking? How can I do that kind of thing? Besides, what can I do if I stay in the mountains all day long?!"

"That's true." Zhang Xiuying thought for a while, "But you got the money too fast!"

"It's just a coincidence that making money in the stock market goes as quickly as it comes!"

"Then you have to take it easy."

"No, am I going to take it out and buy a house?"

"Then buy it!" Wang Fenghua finally said.

"Okay, I'll go into the city to have a look another day." Wang Yao said.

After eating, Wang Yao went up the mountain again. He first made a call and asked Wang Mingbao to help. After all, he dealt with decoration materials and was familiar with it. He asked him to see where the best houses in Lianshan County were.

At night, just when Wang Yao was about to turn off the lights and take a rest, a rapid barking sound suddenly came from outside.

Someone is causing trouble again!

After hearing this, Wang Yao hurriedly put on his clothes and went out.

As a result, when he opened the door, he didn't find anyone, but Sanxian rushed out and ran back after a while.

"What's wrong with Sanxian?"

After hearing this, the local dog ran into the medicinal field. Wang Yao followed and found traces of being eaten on several medicinal plants outside. There are animals stealing the herbs.

"It's an animal, so that's better." Wang Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good job, Sanxian." Wang Yao rubbed the native dog and then went into the house to rest.

The next day, he found the footprints of the animal that came to "steal" last night in the medicine field. It looked like a hare.

"Rabbit, you won't come again, right?"

This kind of animal is famous for being timid. It was frightened by Sanxian last night and probably won't come back again.

In the morning, Wang Yao added some rabbit meat to the eagle, then told his family to ask his mother to help look after the medicine fields, and drove to Lianshan County.

After the process, he found Wang Mingbao, who had already shown him several houses, and the two of them went to see the existing houses together.

Wang Mingbao chose three relatively good communities, with several house types in total. The locations were good, close to schools and shopping areas, and the corresponding prices were relatively high.

After looking around, Wang Yao settled on a multi-story apartment with an area of about 130 square meters and a parking garage. The corresponding price was also higher, nearly 800,000 yuan.

At such a price, you can't even buy a pigeon house in cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

After making the selection, he went directly to Wang Mingbao to go through the relevant procedures. The sales office heard that he was buying the house in full and gave him an extra three points discount.

I went to the bank to pay the money, and then got the keys. The real estate developer responsible for developing the community was responsible for helping to process the real estate certificate. It was said that it would be done in about a week.

After the house was bought, the next step was to decorate it, and as it happened, Wang Mingbao was doing this, so it was naturally left to him.

"Then the decoration of this house will be left to you?"

"No problem, I'll find a good design company to design it." Wang Mingbao agreed with a smile. This matter was not troublesome for him.

"Thanks then."

"Why are you being polite to me?"

In the end, Wang Yao directly gave the house keys to Wang Mingbao.

It was already afternoon after all this work. At nearly two o'clock, Wang Yao found a nice restaurant to treat him to a meal. He didn't drink. He came out of the restaurant and received a call as soon as he got in the car.

"Hello, are you busy?" There was a woman's voice on the other end of the phone, very soft and smooth.

"I'm in Lianshan, and I'm getting ready to go home. Is there anything wrong?"

"I haven't thanked you properly for what happened last time. How about having dinner together tonight?" Tong Wei was on the other end of the phone.

"No need, it's just a little effort." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"You're so busy, why is it so difficult for me to treat you to dinner?" The voice on the phone was slightly squeaky. Most people can't stand the squeaky tone of a beauty.

"This..." Wang Yao looked at the time, "I'm really anxious to go back tonight. Can I treat you to another day?"

"Okay then!" Tong Wei on the other end of the phone hung up the phone, her little cherry mouth was slightly stubborn, the beauty is cute when she is angry.

"Hey, is it a girl?" Wang Mingbao asked curiously in the car.


"Invite you to dinner?"


"You refused?"

"I don't have time right now, I have to go back and look at the medicine field." Wang Yao explained.

"Believe it or not, if my aunt finds out about this, she will scold you to death!" Wang Mingbao said, "This girl invites you to dinner, what a great thing. Hey, are you ugly?"

"Not ugly, very beautiful." Wang Yao said.

Tong Wei is a rare beauty, she is very beautiful even without makeup.