Elixir Supplier

Chapter 8: The banknotes are dancing


After returning home at noon, Wang Yao didn't even eat lunch. He went straight up the mountain and started to get busy. When he was hungry, he dared to nibble on the bread he had prepared earlier.

In the afternoon, Wang Mingbao also went up the mountain to help. The two brothers worked for a long time until dark, and finally packed ten bags of dates.

"Huh, I'm so exhausted. I can't tell that your body is so good!" Wang Mingbao, an athlete, was breathing heavily on his arms.

"I often work and exercise here." Wang Yaodao said. In fact, the reason why he is in such good physical condition is that he often works in the mountains, but most of the credit must be attributed to the magical ancient spring water.

"Here, take these dates back to your uncle and aunt." Wang Yao handed over a bag of fiery red dates.

"I'm not polite. Everyone in the family likes to eat these dates. Will it be the same time tomorrow?" Wang Mingbao took the dates and said.


After locking the door, the two brothers went down the mountain and went home.

"Mom, I'm back!"

“All the dates are sold out?”

"Sold out, here, this is the money sold today!" Wang Yao handed a pile of money to his mother.

"So much!" Zhang Xiuying was stunned, "Just keep it yourself and deposit it in the bank tomorrow?"

"Will you keep it?"

"No, just take it and don't spend it randomly!"

Seeing his mother's insistence, Wang Yao had no choice but to collect the money.

After eating, he went to bed early. The busy day had exhausted him.

The next morning, he got up early and went up the mountain as usual. The ancient spring water irrigated the medicinal fields and nearby trees. Then Na and Wang Mingbao moved several bags of dates up the mountain, drove into the city, and came to the place where the stall had been set up a few days ago. There have been vehicles waiting there for a long time, and there are more people today than yesterday. There are seven or eight cars on the roadside, and there are quite a few people waiting at the stalls.

"I've seen it!" said a woman buying groceries next to her.

"Yes, after selling fruits for so many years, this is the first time I see people queuing up to buy such expensive things!" A man next to him sighed, looking at the fruits on his stall, they looked so bright. It's beautiful, but there are so many people on the roadside, and everyone is stunned to come forward, even to ask about the price!

"I'll go, there are so many people, it's a bit crazy!" Although they were prepared, the two of them were also shocked by the formation.

"Little brother, you're finally here. I've been waiting for more than an hour!" As soon as Wang Yao got off the car, someone immediately came forward and said.

"That's right, I asked for leave just to buy dates!"

"Sorry, my home is down there and the journey is quite far. I was delayed for a while. Let's all line up and come one by one." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Okay, I listen to you!"

Queuing up to buy dates is probably the first time in the history of Lianshan County.

In a little more than an hour, more than a thousand kilograms of dates were produced, and not a single bit was left.

"Boss, will you come again tomorrow?"

"I won't come tomorrow, they're all sold out!" Wang Yao said with a smile. In fact, he still left more than half of the kilograms at home, but those were for his own consumption.

"Ah, this is sold out!" someone said in disappointment after hearing this.

"Yes, this is more!?"

"Sorry, that's all."

"Such delicious dates, boss, you should make more of them!"


"Sorry, sorry!" Wang Yao apologized repeatedly.

... ...

Phew, Wang Yao breathed a sigh of relief after getting in the car.

"Hey, brother, I'm really impressed by you. A few jujube trees cost more than 30,000 yuan. If you can plant them all over Nanshan, how can you do that?!" Wang Mingbao said with emotion.

"You can't plant that many!"

Wang Yaodao knew very well why these jujubes were so good. It was entirely because of the ancient spring water. However, the two acres of medicinal fields and the dozen nearby trees were already a bit stretched. If they were really planted all over Nanshan, it would definitely not be enough. It is irrigated, and what he obtained is the "pharmacist system". The focus is on growing medicinal herbs, not these cash crops, which is just the beginning at best.

But having said that, Wang Yao is still in a very happy mood now. In less than a week, he bought more than 30,000 yuan, which was something he never dared to think about before.

Next, the Polygonatum japonica should be almost ripe, and by the way, there are also chestnuts!

After returning to the village and going up the mountain, Wang Yao seemed to see a lot of money waving to him when he looked at the lush Polygonatum japonica and the chestnut pods hanging on the branches.

With Zao Zao in the front line, there is no difference between Huang Jing and Li Peng!

Woof woof woof, "Sanxian" was happily playing in front of Wang Yao, with a matza in his mouth. Since drinking the ancient spring water, this native dog has become smarter and smarter, and can even understand what Wang Yao said. , understand his intentions.

Near evening, Wang Yao returned home and dinner was already on the table.

"Xiao Yao, your Uncle Li came here just now and asked about Nanshan. Someone in the village wanted to cover the mountain. I accepted it for you. Tomorrow you go to the village committee and change the contract. Your Uncle Li said, Return the remaining money!" Zhang Xiuying said.

"Yeah!" Wang Yao responded, his mind really spinning rapidly.

He had obtained a magical system, and his wonderful life had just begun. Nanshan definitely could not give up. He was about to extend the contract, but unexpectedly, the party secretary of their village actually came to his door.

"There are actually other people trying to get Nanshan's attention. It seems that I have to act quickly, otherwise things will change!"

In the early morning, when it was just dawn, Wang Yao was already busy on the mountain. When he was almost done, it was already past eight o'clock in the morning.

Woof woof woof, "Sanxian" barked.

In the distance, a person can be seen going up the mountain.

"I knew you were here." Wang Mingbao came closer and said.

"Didn't I tell you, there won't be any dates today!"

"I have something to tell you about him."

"Then come inside!"

After entering the house, Wang Yao poured him a glass of water, ancient spring water.

"Someone in the village wants to take over Nanshan."

"I know, Uncle Li went to my house yesterday."

"You agree?" Wang Mingbao took a drink of water.

"I haven't seen anyone else. My mother agreed, but I don't agree. I'm going to look for him today."

"Some people heard that you made a fortune selling dates, so they decided to go to this mountain." Wang Mingbao put down the water cup and said.

"What?!" Wang Yao was shocked after hearing this, "This news spread so fast, no wonder! Do you know who it is?"

"Not sure, but Li Chuanrong from the east end of the village has been going to his house more frequently these days!"

"Got it, thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me? Hey, what kind of water is this? It tastes so good?!" Wang Mingbao suddenly found that the water in his mouth was extraordinary and very sweet.

"Morning dew on the trees."

"Really or not? How much dew is in this glass of water? You are too extravagant!" Wang Mingbao sighed after hearing this.