Elixir Supplier

Chapter 80: Strange disease


After Tian Yuantu left, Wang Yao picked up the illness he sent and looked through it carefully.

The cases are very comprehensive, both from Western medicine and Chinese medicine.

The patient's illness was also very strange, with many symptoms, but the knowledge infused into him by the system allowed him to quickly grasp the key points.

Insufficient yang energy and imbalance of yin and yang.

Even in the hottest dog days of the year, she would feel cold all over, not to mention winter. She would stay in her room for at least 300 days throughout the year and dare not go out.

In this way, after many years, I have not seen any improvement, and my health is getting worse and worse.

Of course, this is only what is shown in the medical records. In fact, Wang Yao would like to see a real person so that he can be more sure. After all, he is no longer a rookie who knows nothing about medicine. He has already learned the method of "taking pulse". He wanted to try it too.

After reading the case, he thought carefully for a moment and probably had an idea in his mind.

Since the body is in poor condition, what is needed is to recuperate the body first. In this case, "Peiyuan Decoction" should be extremely suitable.

It's just that the growth rate of "Guiyuan" and "Shanjing" is too slow. Just looking at the stems and leaves that have not yet grown, you know that the rhizomes below must not have met the requirements for medicinal use.

If you buy it directly from the "drug store", the reward points will not be enough.

If it really doesn't work

Wang Yao turned his head and looked outside at the ordinary herbs covered in snow.

Under the water of the ancient spring water, their growth rate is very fast. Among them, the first five herbs can be harvested. He has done experiments before. These herbs can be sold to the "pharmacy shop" to exchange for reward points. , but the required quantity is large.

"If it doesn't work, just use them."

However, Wang Yao was not in a hurry to take action, he wanted to think about it again.

After thinking about it for a day, Wang Yao couldn't think of a better method, so he decided to try his own method first.

This "Peiyuan Decoction" can strengthen the foundation and nourish the vitality, which is beneficial to the body.

In the afternoon of the next day, Wang Yao excavated part of the Adenophora ginseng.

The ground was frozen hard, making harvesting quite laborious.

Wang Yao was not in a hurry, so he slowly dug one by one and leveled the land.

During the process, he called Tian Yuantu, told him the results, and prepared a dose of medicine to see how effective it was. Tian Yuantu was very happy after hearing this.

It took Wang Yao three days to collect enough exchange points to exchange for the "Mountain Essence" and "Guiyuan" needed to prepare the "Peiyuan Soup". The next thing he needed was to brew the other flavors of this medicine. medicine.

Wang Yao no longer has these medicines in stock.

"It looks like I have to go to the city when I have time."

As the New Year approaches, young people working outside have returned to the village one after another, and the small village has become lively and has the flavor of the New Year.

Wang Yao's car was also repaired and someone sent it to the town. He happened to take this opportunity to go to Lianshan County and buy all the common herbs needed to prepare "Peiyuan Soup". Of course, this time Naturally, the quality of the medicinal materials he purchased could not be compared with the high-quality medicinal materials brought by He Qisheng last time. It was really a waste to use them with the two spiritual herbs.

For this reason, he also asked the place that sold medicinal materials if they could buy better medicinal materials. The other party said that it was possible, but it would take time, so Wang Yao paid a deposit and asked them to provide better medicinal materials.

At the very least, they must be wild, and several important medicinal materials have special instructions.

Also, the time limit is within one week.

"Young man, do you know what good medicinal materials are? Just get some similar ones." In fact, medicinal materials companies like such customers. General medicinal materials are profitable, but they are far less profitable than wild medicinal materials.

For example, wild wild ginseng is divided into eight grades. How to divide it, let alone ordinary people, even professionals may make mistakes sometimes, let alone such a young man.

After leaving the medicinal material company, Wang Yao did not rush back. Instead, he went to the supermarket and bought some clothes for his parents as New Year's gifts. He also bought some things for the New Year, mainly candies and the like. As for cigarettes, We still have wine at home, and Tian Yuantu sent some more a few days ago.

"Why are you buying these things again? I'm going to go to town in a few days." After returning home, Zhang Xiuying mumbled a few words when she saw that he had bought such things, but she still happily accepted them. past.

After staying at home for a while, Wang Yao went up the mountain again.

Although the sun came out today, it was not bright and the snow on the mountains melted slowly.

The newly grown leaves of the saplings that were planted seemed to be much larger, and the trunks seemed to be thicker.

"Grow up quickly. When you grow up, this formation will be even more powerful."

Wang Yao went into the house and took out enough medicinal materials to buy from the city. Because of the systematic enlightenment, he could see almost all of these medicines at a glance.

They are all cultivated artificially and are defective products.

It is definitely not worth the price he spent, but there is no better way. This medicinal material company is the largest in the county, has the most complete medicinal materials, and the relative price is more affordable. This is not like those ordinary pharmacies. Comparable.

"Put it away first and wait." Wang Yao put the medicinal materials aside.

He really didn't want to use these medicinal materials to waste the two "spiritual herbs". The more he came into contact with medicinal herbs, the more he knew that the "spiritual herbs" were precious and could not be compared with ordinary medicinal herbs.

About three days later, he received a call saying that the medicinal herbs he wanted had arrived and asked him to pick them up.

Wang Yao immediately told his family, then drove into the county town and came to the place where he sold medicine last time. The person who received him was no longer the middle-aged man, but a manager named Li. His eyes were not big, but he was very bright. , with a smile on his face, you can tell he is a shrewd businessman with a lot of thoughts.

After seeing Wang Yao coming, he was not in a hurry for the medicinal materials. Instead, he invited Wang Yao to sit down in the reception room and served tea and water.

"Manager Li, don't bother, just get the medicinal materials." Wang Yao said upon seeing this.

"Don't worry, drink some water first. I've worked hard to get these medicines for you, brother. You know, it's really hard to find wild medicinal materials nowadays!" Manager Li sighed.

"Sorry to trouble you." Wang Yao smiled.

I thought to myself that businessmen value profits, and the one in front of me should be a typical example. I just hope that there will be no problems with the medicinal materials.

After chatting for a while, the manager asked someone to bring over some of the medicinal herbs Wang Yao asked for and put them on the table.

In fact, there is no need to go to such trouble with a few individual herbs, but Manager Li felt that the young man in front of him might be a person, and there were actually some "problems" with these herbs, but they were not big, and he was afraid that something would happen. I'm sorry, so I came here to entertain you.