Elixir Supplier

Chapter 87: Call me a hero


"Why?" the woman asked doubtfully.

"Xiao Yao grows herbal medicine to make money, not for charity. If everyone in the village starts asking for it, do you think he will give it to him or not?" the man asked.

"I'm a fellow countryman, sorry if you don't give me this. Besides, how much can I ask for?" his wife said after hearing this.

"As much as he can ask for, he can plant as much as he wants. The harvest from our few walnut trees is okay. Do you think everyone in our village will come here to order some food? Not many people, just three or five, how much can be left?"

"Hiss, that's right. I've also seen Xiaoyao's medicinal field. There aren't many medicinal herbs." The woman said after thinking.

"As long as we know about this, we will have to pay him if we ask him to dispense medicine from now on!"

"Yeah, I know, I know what's going on."

In the early morning, the sun was a little lazy and didn't have much heat.

Wang Yao got up early and did his daily routine of taking care of the medicinal fields and practicing. Today, he was going to Lianshan County to ask questions about how to obtain the qualification certificate for practicing Chinese medicine. There may be some differences between what is said on the Internet and the actual situation, and every day Regulations may vary from place to place.

"It seems that these days have become a bit quiet and peaceful!" Wang Yao looked at the greenery in the garden and the saplings that had become thicker.

The growth rate of ordinary medicinal herbs far exceeds that of spiritual herbs. The contrast between them is like crops and weeds in the field. One grows slowly, while the other grows wildly when it sees some fertility. This is not the result Wang Yao wants, but He just doesn't have a good solution yet. He has to plant ordinary medicinal materials and only plant spiritual herbs. Once he still needs these ordinary medicinal herbs, he can prepare ordinary medicines or use them in exchange for a certain amount of income. The most important point is that they can be used to cover and protect those rare "spiritual grasses". These spiritual grasses are unknown to outsiders, but they cannot fool the experts, such as how to start a life. It is not an easy thing to hide and not be destroyed.

And his trip to the mountains this time was not as smooth as he imagined.

He went to the relevant departments and asked several people. As a result, their answers were either that they didn't know or they had different answers. And his attitude is not very good, a little arrogant and a little impatient.

Perhaps because the Spring Festival is approaching, their minds don't seem to put work first. In some departments, no one is there before ten o'clock in the morning. When asked where they are, they are told that they have gone to a meeting.

"It's so difficult to ask a question, but it's probably even more difficult to do something!" Wang Yao sighed.

In desperation, he called Wang Mingbao and asked him if he knew anyone.

After a while, Wang Mingbao drove up in person and took him to meet a friend. This time, the other party's reply was very detailed, and he even typed a form specifically for him, which listed the prerequisites for taking the medical qualification examination. , basically similar to what Wang Yao found on the Internet.

This experience reminded Wang Yao of a sentence.

"There's someone in the court who can help!"

After finding out what happened, it was noon and Wang Yao invited others to have a meal again.

I also asked him some questions while eating.

"Do we have anyone who meets the qualifications for this apprenticeship?" This is the question that Wang Yao is most concerned about.

"I really don't know about this, but I guess there are not many people who meet the conditions." The young man named Yuan said, "The requirements are relatively high, and you still have to take the Chinese medicine exam, so there are even fewer."

In fact, in a small county like Lianshan County, there are only a few famous doctors, and everyone in the system should be very familiar with them, and these celebrities will not stay in the county for too long because of their strength. He will soon be poached by a nearby hospital with better treatment.

After eating, the man said goodbye and left, and Wang Mingbao invited Wang Yao to sit in his shop.

Made a pot of tea.

"Why do you suddenly think of taking the exam for this certificate? This qualification certificate is not easy to take, and you are not from a major in this major, so it is even harder!" Wang Mingbao asked while pouring water. Before coming to see Wang Yao, he asked I asked my friend in the car that this certificate is indeed difficult to pass, especially for those who are not from a major.

"I must get this qualification certificate." Wang Yao took a sip of tea.

Not to mention that this is a system task, the penalty for failure is very serious. Wang Yao must use this qualification certificate in the future to dispense medicine, treat diseases, and save people. With this piece of paper, it is legal and compliant, otherwise it is an illegal operation. .

"Tsk, if the county can do it, let's try our best to find a solution, but it's all up to the province, huh? Are there any of your classmates you can talk to, let them help ask?" Wang Mingbao suggested .


Got it!

Wang Yao's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered someone.

Guo Sirou.

In order to save his younger brother that day, Wang Yao asked her for a promise and a favor, that she would help him as much as possible within her ability. Moreover, it seemed that this Guo Sirou had an extraordinary status and was either rich or noble. She had also invited I went to Qizhou to play. It seems that the other party's home is in Qizhou.

Call her and ask her

"Look back, let me talk to the old man at home and let him think of a solution?" Wang Mingbao said while Wang Yao lowered his head in thought.

"Don't rush to tell your uncle about this in advance. I'll think of other ways. If it doesn't work, I won't bother him again." Wang Yao said after hearing this.

"It doesn't matter whether it's troublesome or not, your business is my business. If you say this, it's a big deal." Wang Mingbao said.

After sitting with Wang Mingbao for a while, Wang Yao left and drove home when he saw a guest coming.

After he got home, he called Guo Sirou. After hearing the call, the other party said three words.

"no problem."

Her tone sounded very calm and relaxed, and it seemed like this matter was nothing to her.

Wang Yao asked about her grandfather's situation. The other party said that the situation was better than expected and she had to thank him properly. The two chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

Is it really that simple

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yao was slightly stunned.

Woof woof woof, a dog barking suddenly came from outside.

"What's going on?" Wang Yao rushed out after hearing the sound, only to see Sanxian squatting on the ground in a daze over the bloody hare.

"Hare, okay, you can hunt rabbits now!" Wang Yao said with a smile.

Woof woof woof, Sanxian raised his head and barked several times at the big tree not far away.

Wang Yao looked up and saw the fly standing on the tree. There was blood on the sharp claws and feathers. It had obviously just returned from hunting. He immediately understood that the hare should have been caught by the goshawk and then distributed among the three delicacies. of.

"Did the hero give it to you?" Wang Yao said.

Hero, Wang Yao gave this name to this goshawk that seems to have originally settled here. Such a domineering animal should have a more domineering name.

Ga, the goshawk on the branch responded by calling out.