Elixir Supplier

Chapter 88: Three kinds of elixir


"Then what are you calling for? I thought another thief came!" Wang Yao smiled and patted the local dog on the head, "Have you said thank you to the hero?"

Woof woof woof, the native dog stretched out his paw and pointed at the blood-soaked rabbit meat, then looked up at Wang Yao.

"What do you mean?" Wang Yao was stunned.

"Oh, you don't know how to eat, do you?" Wang Yao suddenly understood, "Having a habit of eating dog food, have you forgotten that dogs can eat meat?"

Ouch, Sanxian's voice was a little low, and his eyes looking at Wang Yao were a little strange.

"Shit shovel, are you stupid? When have I ever eaten raw meat?!"

In the end, Sanxian did not eat raw meat. Wang Yao brought it inside, fried it for him and put it in a basin. He also called out to the "hero" on the tree twice, beckoning it to come down and eat with him. , it seems quite generous.

The goshawk standing on the tree swooped down and landed next to the native dog. He stared at the braised rabbit meat in the basin and hesitated. The native dog stretched out his paws to push the basin in front of the goshawk and actually told it to eat first. .

"Okay, three delicacies!" Wang Yao sighed upon seeing this.

This guy is becoming more and more spiritual. If he continues like this, he won't become a spirit, right

Wang Yao looked at the shiny-colored Sanxian and said to himself.

Towards evening, when he went home for dinner, Wang Yao found that his mother seemed to be in a good mood and was humming a little tune while cooking.

"Mom, what are you so happy about?"

"Just now, your Uncle Fengshou came over."

"What's wrong with him?"

"Thank you. After taking one of the medicines you prepared for his wife, the diarrhea stopped!" Zhang Xiuying said with a smile.

"That's it? I thought it was something happy!" Wang Yao said with a smile.

"This is something to be happy about. My son is capable, and I'm happy!" Zhang Xiuying said happily.

Wang Yao was stunned after hearing this, and then felt his nose was a little sore.

Yes, parents are so easily satisfied.

In fact, parents all hope that their children can be healthy, safe, successful and happy, and that's fine. Even if they endure hardships themselves, they still want their children to be more relaxed. A little progress, a little achievement, or even a word of concern from their children will make them happy.

I pity the hearts of parents in the world.

"Mom, let me help you cook." Wang Yao rubbed his nose and said.

"No need for you, just go inside and get warm. I'm almost ready."

This evening, Wang Fenghua seemed to be in a good mood. During the meal, he drank an extra glass of wine.

When Wang Yao accidentally called up the panel to check the completion status of the task on the mountain, he found that the progress had changed again and became (5/10). This means that there are two more people. These two people should be Wang Fengshou. couple.

This is the approval of the patient or family member among the system prompts.

In the early morning, the sun was a little pale.

"Task (Baicao Garden. Three): Within thirty days, successfully plant one hundred kinds of medicinal herbs, and the number of elixirs is no less than seven (including the medicinal herbs planted in tasks one and two). Reward "Spiritual Herbs Record. Part 2", medicinal prescriptions One pair, one pack of herb seeds, one skill point.”

"It's finally done!"

After hearing this prompt, Wang Yao said happily.

In fact, it had been several days since he planted those spiritual herbs, but he had not heard the prompt from the system for a long time. After the last observation, he knew that the "soil" of this medicinal field was not enough. Although the ones planted later Spiritual grass can also grow, but I'm afraid it will take a few days at night. However, these few days have passed without any movement. Even the seeds of the "spiritual grass" planted in the ground have not broken through the ground, although they grow every day. I poured some more ancient spring water, but the effect didn't seem to be as good as expected.

Today's belated reminder made him relax a little and realize the problem.

A large mountain in Nuo can not support the normal growth of these "spiritual grasses". In addition to the so-called "spiritual energy" problem, does it also have something to do with the density of planting

This should also be studied carefully.

"Spiritual Grass Record. Part 2" still records "spiritual grass" that Wang Yao has never heard of.

A set of "Spiritual Grasses" is integrated from top to bottom. There are a total of 108 kinds of spiritual grasses in it. Wang Yao has only planted ten kinds now, and these "spiritual grasses" are also divided into high and low grades, divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. There are thirty-six species each, and most of these planted by Wang Yao are low-grade spiritual grasses.

These explanations and classifications are only briefly mentioned in "Ling Cao Lu. Part 1", but in this second part of the book, a table is listed in detail, and the classification and explanation are made in detail.

Wang Yao looked through it and then put it into the storage grid of the system.

On the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month, in the small year, sacrifices are made to the Kitchen God.

The chef of the East is ordered.

This is the last festival before the Spring Festival, and the village attaches great importance to it.

The Kitchen King is the head of the family and is in charge of food and drink. Food is the most important thing for the people. Every household must offer sacrifices.

I hope that for this old man, God will say good things and the lower world will be safe.

On this day, Wang Yao went to the city and brought his elder sister back.

Wang Ru was relatively quiet in the car, not as chatty as before, and looked sickly.

"What's wrong, sister? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Well, I had diarrhea last night when I had dinner with my colleagues," Wang Ru said.

"Have you taken your medicine?"

"I've eaten, but my stomach still feels uncomfortable." Wang Ru said.

"After I get home, I'll prepare some side medicine for you." Wang Yao said, stepping on the gas pedal again.

It didn't take long for him to get home. Wang Yao took his sister's pulse and found that the problem was not serious. It was probably a stomach upset due to eating and it just needed some treatment.

"Okay, you look very similar!" After sitting down and taking a sip of hot water, Wang Ru seemed to have regained some energy and started croaking again. She felt that her brother's pulse-checking look just now was quite similar. It's quite bluffing, it should be fine if you go out and fool people.

"Who did you learn this skill from, that old Chinese medicine doctor who knows where?"

"I'm going to the mountain." Wang Yao didn't say much, got up and walked out the door towards the mountain.

On the way, he quickly checked the knowledge base stored in his mind, searched from the medical and drug knowledge, and found the available prescriptions in a short time, and then planted them in his own medicine field. Herbal medicines, the two were combined to create a recipe.

Winter nights always come early and go late.

On the southern mountain, the cabin lit up with lights.

The fire is rising, the spring water is slightly boiling, and the fragrance of medicine is filling the air.

Wang Yao is brewing Chinese medicine.

Crackling, the sound of firecrackers came from outside.

Some people have already begun to send the Kitchen God to heaven, and then invite him back until the New Year.


Wang Yaoyan looked at the changes in the "Baicao Pot" and knew that the medicine had been boiled, so he took it down, put the boiled medicine into a white porcelain bottle, then packed it up and went down the mountain.