Elixir Supplier

Chapter 98: He who hears and knows is called sage


On one side was his good friend, and on the other side was this young man with extraordinary ability. He didn't want to complain on both sides. Fortunately, his friend only said a few words without much insistence, but his mother wanted to face him in person. Thanks to Wang Yao, his friend is a filial son. If this continues, sooner or later he will invite Wang Yao to his home.

"Is there any problem?" Wang Yao asked.

He knew that the "Peiyuan Decoction" he made could only make up for the patient's physical energy loss due to the "evil cold" disease, but it only treated the symptoms rather than the root cause. Even if he took the "Peiyuan Decoction", if If radical treatment is not carried out, the disease will definitely reoccur after a period of time.

The best way is for him to meet the patient in person, diagnose and treat her, and prescribe the right medicine.

"That friend of mine wants to invite you to his house for a meal. Thank you." Tian Yuantu said after thinking for a moment.

"Forget it." Wang Yao said after hearing this.

Tian Yuantu wasn't too surprised after hearing this. He had expected Wang Yao to answer like this, but he was a little disappointed. How should he explain this to his friends

"This is the Peiyuan soup you asked for." Wang Yao placed the still warm white porcelain bottle on the table.

"Thank you. What's the value of this medicine?"

"One million." Wang Yao said.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Tian Yuantu didn't hesitate at all when he heard the price.

After a while, Wang Yao's cell phone received a notification.

"The upgrade requirements have been met. Do you want to upgrade?" The system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Have you met the requirements?" Wang Yao was stunned when he heard this, "Upgrade." Then he muttered silently.

He didn't rush to bring up the system panel to check the changes. After all, there were still guests in front of him.

"I told you that this medicine may not be able to cure the disease. It is best for me to see the patient in person so that I can make a diagnosis."

"Can you please come to visit me, firstly, to treat my friend's mother? Secondly, they have already wanted to thank you in person." Tian Yuantu took the opportunity to say.

"This...it depends on the situation."

"Okay." Hearing that Wang Yao didn't say anything, Tian Yuantu knew that there was still a chance that this matter would succeed. In this way, it would be easier for him to explain to his friends.

After sitting here with Wang Yao for a while, Tian Yuantu put away the medicine and said goodbye.

After sending him away, Wang Yao checked the situation alone in the room.

"Character Level: 4

Career level: Rookie (you can almost fly)

Herb Cultivation Level: 3 (Elementary) In the process of herb cultivation, you have already begun to get a glimpse of the basics.

The biggest reward for this upgrade is the skill point. In addition to the previous reward for completing the Baicao Garden mission, there are now two energy-saving points that can be used.

"Where should I add it? Medical treatment or medicine?"

The so-called doctor means knowing what the patient's disease is and how to treat it.

The so-called medicine refers to the combination of medicines suitable for the patient based on the diagnosis results.

Both are equally important and neither can exist without the other.

"Then be more balanced."

Wang Yao adds one point each to the two main skills.

On top of the "basic medical skills", Wang Yao added a little more, which is "sniffing" which is the third of the four diagnostic methods of "looking, smelling, asking and feeling".

"Smell" refers to listening to sounds and smelling odors to determine the disease and its cause.

An old saying goes: "Those who know something after hearing it should ask about its five tones to identify the disease."

Hearing it and knowing it is holy.

If a medical practitioner can really judge the condition and cause of the disease by listening to sounds and smelling smells, then this medical skill can be regarded as "extraordinary". As for the word "holy", it may be a bit reluctant.

But this also shows that the essence of the country is extraordinary.

There is a famous story in the ancient book "Han Feizi. Yu Lao", "Bian Que meets Duke Huan of Cai".

Bian Que, a famous doctor in ancient times, judged that Duke Huan of Cai had a disease through inspection.

First in the body, then into the skin, and finally into the intestines and stomach. Finally, Bian Que saw Duke Huan of Cai from a distance and turned away, because he could see that Duke Huan of Cai had already merged into the body, penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and was hopeless.

If you look at it from a distance, you will know that the disease has penetrated into the bone marrow, and it is a dying person. Such a diagnosis technique is so miraculous that it deserves the words "transcendence to sainthood".

Bian Que was also an ancient miraculous doctor. He was the origin of the four diagnostic methods. He was also known as the ancestor of medicine in ancient times.

The two skills are not as simple as adding points. This means a massive influx of knowledge. The feeling of having his head exploded comes again. Wang Yao only feels that his head is swollen and hot, and the pain is severe. He thinks of countless needles pricking him. Usually, even in a deserted house, his head would break out into sweat very quickly. Fortunately, this process did not last particularly long.

Phew, Wang Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

The huge amount of medical knowledge added to his mind requires him to spend some time to become familiar with and use it. Systematic instillation does have the effect of "enlightenment", or even better, but this is just pouring knowledge into his mind. , how to use it flexibly depends on his own efforts. This is a process that requires continuous actual practice and accumulation of experience.

As for "medicine", he had previously learned to identify medicinal materials and was familiar with the potency and potency of various medicinal materials. Now he has gone a step further and knows how to mix these medicinal materials to best exert their effects and effects. Effect, some medicinal materials cannot be mixed together because their medicinal powers are mutually restrained and conflicting. With this knowledge, Wang Yao can select appropriate medicinal materials to prepare prescriptions according to the disease, and he can modify the prescription. In fact, Now he must have the ability in this area, but he mostly refers to the Chinese medicine prescriptions he learned through books before to prepare them. Now he is more independent and flexible.

Where before it was scripted, now he can formulate and change things.

Don't underestimate learning and applying. Some people may not be able to achieve this step after working for a lifetime, let alone further "innovate".

As far as medicine is concerned, some people just ask about the disease and prescribe medicine without further diagnosis and confirmation. Sometimes they even prescribe one medicine for ten diseases. If it is a minor disease, it will be better, but some diseases , when the disease first occurs, the symptoms are not obvious. If you just do general treatment, it is likely to delay the situation and even make it more serious.

"In this way, I will be more confident and sure when facing various diseases." Wang Yao said to himself.

A few days later, it will be the beginning of spring, the first of the twenty-four solar terms in ancient times.

The east wind brings warmth, the earth thaws, and everything revives.

The east wind carries rain and chases the west wind,

The earth is sunny and warm,

All things are fresh, the mountains and rivers are awakening,

Farmers are plowing again at the beginning of the year.

What a coincidence, on the first day after the beginning of spring, a rain fell from the sky, and fell on the ground, melting the chill of the frozen earth.