Ember’s Gun

Author: Andlao

Latest: Chapter 738

Status: Completed


Genres: Fantasy, Action, Romance, Mystery, Martial Arts, Supernatural, Comedy, Adult

Tags: corruption  detectives  determined protagonist  different social status  mythology 

This is a damn Victorian fantasy novel.

Add a spoonful of steam engines to get that damned tech tree moving! Add a spoonful of love and hate to give everyone a good reason to fight! Add a spoonful of madness to lighten up this gloomy world, and finally, add a spoonful of natural disasters as the main boss… Wait! Bloody hell, I poured too much!

Year 931 of the Envirg Calendar.

The city I live in has been named the most advanced city in the West. The main reason? Steam technology, the source of both groundbreaking innovation and utter chaos, has turned the world upside down. It’s undeniable. Yet, despite this, people still flock here in droves. This city always offers a glimmer of hope, whether it’s a lie or an illusion. It’s so close, seemingly within reach, that people are willing to risk everything for it. A city of illusions.

And I am one of those dream chasers.

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She is a Great Demon Hunter