Ember’s Gun

Chapter 102: Peeping


"So Xuan Feng has already gone?"

Endless light shines down from the dome above. In the gloomy old Dunling, the sunlight seems extremely luxurious, and working here makes people feel very happy.

In the central monitoring station of the Broken Dome, Red Falcon asked Blue Emerald beside him. After their injuries were healed, the two were arranged here to take on some simple work as a vacation.

"Yes, and has already met with Lorenzo."

Lan Feicui stood in front of the map sand table in the center of the monitoring center. Precision machinery lifted the models up from the sand table. They were models of buildings. As they rose, they formed a huge map. From streets to castles, circles of buildings rose up and fit together with the map. When power was turned on, the symbols marked on them lit up.

After about half a minute of unfolding, these mechanical models formed a complete map of Old Dunling on the sand table. The heat-dissipating insulating fluid poured out from the pipes to fill the last gap, and the Thames River on the map ran through the entire Old Dunling.

"This is the third case this month, and they are all related to demons. It's really troublesome."

Robin came over from the other side holding a coffee quilt. The sunlight coming down from the dome illuminated him, which was a bit dazzling, so he raised his other hand to slightly block the light.

"And there's no pattern to it. We've increased the sensitivity of our Geiger counters, but we still can't catch it."

Blue Jade also had a worried look on his face. Normally, demons could not escape for long under the pursuit of the Purification Agency, but it was obvious that the opponent this time was different.

"Is that why you're looking for Lorenzo? It looks like we can only rely on this demon hunter now. Let's see what surprises he can bring us."

Red Falcon also came over from the side and stared at the map group together.

This is a series of murders, but it was taken over by the Purge Agency from the very beginning. They covered up everything very well, but they didn't expect the case to happen again today, and this time it was discovered by Director Su Yalan first. It was all because of Lorenzo's connection that they discovered the abnormality this time.

"Normally, our Peeper system would have warned us immediately, but this time it was completely silent. It was only thanks to Lorenzo that he discovered this. This system was developed by the previous chief of the Perpetual Pump. If the system is not broken, then that demon has managed to avoid detection by the Peeper."

Blue Jade spoke slowly, this was not good news.

The so-called Peeper System is what Joey calls the Precognizer. It is not the product of some mysterious power, but rather a black technology derived from the Perpetual Motion Pump. Like the Atrium Snake, it is one of the important systems that maintain the entire purification mechanism.

Relying on the complex underground steam machinery of Old Dunling, the purification agency placed large Geiger counters in every corner of Old Dunling after disguising them. The lines extended along with the steam pipes and were finally sent to the central monitoring station, expanding like a spider web.

In other words, the entire Old Dunling is covered by countless large Geiger counters. As long as the Geiger index in one place is abnormal, it will be fed back to the central monitoring center, thereby achieving control over the entire Old Dunling.

It's a very simple and crude method. The purification mechanism can even judge the direction of the demon's movement based on the time and fluctuation of the feedback value. After the Peeper system was launched, the most troublesome demon that appeared in the Old Dunling only survived for a week, and that was because it crawled into the combustion chamber pipe of the furnace pillar. The personnel investigated in that complicated and broken place for a long time.