Ember’s Gun

Chapter 103: Hunting


The demon never left, hiding in the dark and observing everyone like a hungry wolf hunting.

The vision was changing rapidly, and the demon hunter's extraordinary physique was fully displayed at this moment. It seemed that the height of several meters was nothing to Lorenzo. He could continue to move without even stopping after landing on the ground. Joey wanted to follow him, but after climbing out of the window, he thought about it and walked up the stairs honestly.

Everyone at the scene moved, leaving only a few people to guard the scene, and the rest got on the carriages and followed Lorenzo.

It was a familiar smell, coming from a demon. The whole world seemed to have turned into black and white in Lorenzo's eyes. Only the trace of the demon was a thick blood color, outlining a clear trajectory in the black and white world to guide him.

The secret blood was restless and rising, and the demon hunter's speed suddenly increased, like a galloping cheetah.

"New exponential anomaly!"

Blue Jade's exclamation was heard on the communication channel, and at that time Joey had just mounted his horse.

"I guess the new anomaly is this Mr. Holmes. You can't imagine how fast he ran just now!"

Riding his warhorse, Joey galloped down the street, following Lorenzo's figure at the end of his sight.

In the central monitoring center, on the map in front of Lan Feicui's eyes, two red dots were moving rapidly, leaving red trails behind them along with the alarm bells.

This is the extraordinary thing about the demon hunter. He does not need the assistance from the Peeping System. He himself is the most perfect hunter, pursuing the path of demons.

“I found you!”

After crossing a series of streets, Lorenzo suddenly stopped. The demon's sense was nearby, but this was the center of the street. People looked at him in panic. Everything was normal and there was no so-called demon.

Something is wrong, this should be the place.

Lorenzo looked around. He couldn't determine the exact location. After thinking for a while, he smelled blood in the air.

Joey hurried his horse and arrived late, and then he saw Lorenzo rushing into the apartment building in one breath, and then he shouted the slogan "Su Yalan Hall is investigating the case!" as he rushed, but the Winchester in his hand really couldn't give him a sense of security.

"Damn it! This psychopath!"

Joey took the rifle hanging on the gun bag and rushed in following Lorenzo's path.

The Purification Agency's operation has a supreme primary goal, which is to minimize the spread of demon pollution. This is Old Dunling, a huge city with a population of one million. Once the demon pollution spreads, it will be like the Black Death in history, and it will turn it into a dead city in a few days.

There are several contingency plans for the collapse of the city and the division of the kingdom within the purification agency. Therefore, the Pillar of the Furnace regularly releases large doses of mitigating agents to neutralize and adjust the pollution left by demons in the entire city.

Just like a bloated machine on the verge of collapse, different parts are used to fill it up and maintain its fragile stability.

The doors were smashed open one after another, and the residents' fear and the sound of shattering mixed together, becoming the accompaniment of this chase. The next moment, a surge of blood rushed into Lorenzo's nose, right in front of him.