Ember’s Gun

Chapter 104: repent


The high-speed moving iron snake was like a galloping crossbow arrow. The moment it intersected with the demon, the musket in Lancelot's hand exploded instantly. The surging high temperature hit the demon directly like a fire hammer. In the god-shaking explosion, the iron chains that bound Lancelot broke one by one, and then the rugged knight leaped out.

It was a figure as fast as thunder, the sharp steel cutting through the air making a harsh whine. Soon after, the heavy body hit the ground, and the figure slowed down on the ground with incomparable stability, leaving a deep groove.

After the dust cleared, a hideous face slowly emerged from underneath.

This was the first time that Lorenzo saw the Armor of Original Sin so clearly. During the operation in Ende Town, darkness enveloped everything and he could only barely see the vague figure. But this time, Lancelot stood tall above the earth, and the broken sunlight illuminated every part of him.

It was a refined and hammered armor, with the plates fitting together ingeniously, and through the gaps one could see the flesh and blood slowly wriggling underneath. The steam ducts and machinery were protected underneath, and the indicator lights emitted a harmonious green. The Armor of Original Sin was under control.

This is a perfect combination of steam machinery and demonic creatures. It is simply not a killing weapon that ordinary people can design. Even facing the armor will be a heavy test.

However, after a brief shock, Lorenzo was a little surprised. In fact, his appearance was beyond Lorenzo's expectations. He thought that the original sin armor would be huge, but Lancelot's armor seemed a little thin to him. After removing the necessary plate armor protection, there was no extra armor as a whole.

This armor seems to pursue the ultimate mobility. It looks very light as a whole. The grappling hook device on the back extends to the arm. Apart from the equipped sword and armor musket, there is nothing extra. Looking at the azure paint on the armor, he will surely move like thunder.

Before Lorenzo could think more, the dark demon jumped out again from the smoke of the explosion. This time even Lancelot was surprised. With the high temperature burning, the demon would lose its ability to move for a short time even if it did not die. However, the demon continued to flee as if nothing had happened.

Lorenzo followed closely behind, and the azure knight also began to run wildly. The grappling hook on his arm popped out and nailed to the distant railroad track. The micromotor began to pull back, and then he pulled out the sword blade as sharp as light and dragged it on the ground, approaching rapidly with sparks flying up.

The movements were smooth and there was no sense of the clumsiness of steel. For a moment it seemed as if the person moving was not an armored knight, but a living person, dancing a deadly dance and swinging the slender blade in his hand.

Two figures approached rapidly, but just as Lancelot was about to get close to the demon, the demon's figure suddenly fell down, and then his sword blade slashed into the air, leaving a huge dent on the ground. Because of this powerful blow, the steam pipes underground trembled, and then hot steam leaked out of it, burning the armor.

Lorenzo arrived a few seconds later. It was true that his two legs could not outrun the grappling hook. He stared coldly at the place where the demon disappeared. This was a steam well densely distributed among the factories. Because a large amount of steam was needed for discharge, they deliberately designated an area to build a steam well.