Ember’s Gun

Chapter 105: Keep your sanity


The doorbell of 121A Cork Street rang again. Mrs. Van Rudd opened the door, looked at the smiling man, hesitated for a moment, and then asked.


Joey nodded, and Mrs. Van Rudd made way. Watching the man's back as he walked up the stairs, she couldn't help but feel that after all these years, Lorenzo had finally expanded his social circle.

Yesterday's pursuit caused a certain degree of unrest, but under the public opinion control of the Purge Agency, it was turned into a pursuit of fugitives.

The demon was forced into the steam well by Lancelot, and then the pipe broke due to Lancelot's slash, and hot steam surged out. Everyone judged that it should have died under the high temperature, but in the subsequent cleaning of the scavengers, they failed to find the body. They went deep into the steam well, but found nothing.

This is another mystery. Judging from the reform index, the demon is indeed dead, but no one has found its body.

After knocking on the door, Joey pushed it open and walked in. He was assigned to be responsible for the connection between Lorenzo and the Purge Agency. Originally, this job was Shrike's, but he had to manage the interest disputes of the entire downtown area. He was too busy to take care of Lorenzo, the troublemaker.

The air in the room had a faint smell of tobacco. Lorenzo was curled up on the sofa by the window, with an unextinguished cigarette butt in the ashtray.

He didn't seem to notice Joey's arrival. He just stared blankly out the window. The winter frost covered the window and blurred his vision.

"Mr. Holmes, this is the final report of this case. If you confirm that it is correct, it must be filed."

Joey took out a document and placed it on the low table in front of Lorenzo, then sat down opposite Lorenzo.

Although he had only been in contact with Lorenzo for a few days, Joey seemed to have gotten used to Lorenzo's behavior. This detective was unreasonable from beginning to end. Sometimes he was like a wild dog without an aim, laughing with his tongue sticking out even when running against the wind. But sometimes the beast would grow sharp fangs and would never waver in its determination to kill the monster.

This is an uncontrollable man, and it is difficult to predict what he will do next.

But Joey still likes to guess what he will do. In his opinion, being able to guess the actions of such a person is like winning the lottery.

After a while, Lorenzo seemed to wake up from a daze, looked at Joey and then at the documents in front of him. Joey thought that he would talk to him first and then look through the documents, but Lorenzo was beyond his expectations.

Lorenzo wrapped himself in the blanket tightly, then picked up a bottle of wine from the sofa.

"Want a bite to warm yourself up?"

"… "

"Oh, it's really damn bad. When I came back yesterday, the heating pipes on Cork Street broke due to aging. The maintenance workers couldn't fix it even overnight. Now the whole street has no heating. I almost froze to death at night."

Lorenzo muttered to himself as he picked up the bottle and took a sip.

"Ah, that damn old lady didn't even let me sleep on the first floor, even though the fireplace was so warm..."

Joey nodded while trying his best to keep smiling. Indeed, he came in from outside and the temperature difference was not that big and did not attract his attention. But now after hearing what Lorenzo said, he felt that the temperature in the room was indeed very low.