Ember’s Gun

Chapter 118: Dance partner


"So what do we do next?"

In the carriage, Joey, Shrike and Lorenzo looked at each other, and then couldn't help but cover their heads because of the stalemate in the case.

No one could answer Joey's words. Lorenzo remained silent. From the conversation just now, he knew that the demon's target of revenge could be any noble who had hired the survivors. In this case, the target would be too large to count. Lorenzo could not visit every noble, and time would not allow him to do so.

Lorenzo didn't care about the life or death of those nobles. He only cared about the source of the inferior secret blood. But now everything seemed to be trapped in a fog and he could not find any clues at all.

"Can we find out who the Eds' clients are?"

"Basically not. They are not leaders like Hughes who deserve attention."

Shrike shook his head. Although he controlled the downtown area, he couldn't monitor the lives of every single person.

"But if we magnify the whole situation, I have an interesting piece of news. Before Hughes died, he was attacked by a group of people."

Lorenzo raised his head slightly and motioned for Shrike to continue.

"Not all the survivors were so submissive. Some of them united and tried to resist this injustice. Moreover, most of them did not come to Old Dunling voluntarily, but were lured here by smugglers like Hughes who promised them high salaries, but they were exploited endlessly after they arrived here."

The Shrike continued.

"You should know how shrewd those merchants are. Although a large number of the survivors are free men, they are no different from slaves. They signed unfair contracts under deception and intimidation. They can only keep working until the contract is completed."

"Those people want revenge?"

"Just want to threaten Hughes to let them go back."

Shrike shook his head in regret.

"But how could they possibly defeat Hughes... These interests are stacked one on top of another. Even if Hughes wants to let them go, the nobles behind him will hardly agree. This is already a deformed ecology, just like this deformed city."

Lorenzo was silent, his thoughts racing.

"I have also released the news about these people's deaths. If there is someone who really feels guilty, he will come to us."

At this time, Joey said from the other side.

Lorenzo shook his head and said with some sarcasm.

"No, you've seen Baron Abel's attitude. In their eyes, the deaths of those people have nothing to do with them. They don't even feel guilty..."

"This is the effect of hatred and class. Lorenzo, I understand your disgust for those people, but their behavior is actually understandable."

Shrike said at this time, he looked at Lorenzo, he was not ashamed of such behavior, but he could understand it.

"Our hatred with the Gaulnaro people has lasted too long. The glorious war that lasted for a hundred years has engraved hatred into the blood of every Yngveg. Some people know that it is the hatred of their fathers, but some people still cannot let it go..."

"The hatred of our fathers has been passed on to these survivors, right?" said Lorenzo.