Ember’s Gun

Chapter 119: Wild dogs


In essence, this is a court dance, and making friends here is more important than eating, drinking and having fun. The real rulers of Old Dunling will taste fine wine behind the curtain, while their descendants, the future masters of Old Dunling, will make friends on the dance floor and meet those who will rule Old Dunling with them in the future.

That is the true aristocratic world. Ordinary people would find it difficult to reach its threshold in their entire lives. Even if they are lucky enough to hear about it, they would feel honored.

Lorenzo breathed steadily, trying his best not to move too much. This evening gown was one size too small, and it looked like he was stuffed into a sack. Perhaps if Lorenzo waved his arms hard, he would tear the clothes into pieces like a wild beast.

Dressed by the servants, he looked many years younger. His skin was as white as mutton fat, and his messy hair was combed neatly. When looking in the mirror, Lorenzo even felt for a moment that he could be someone's lover.

Seleu stood beside him, holding Lorenzo's hand, but because of the height difference, the two of them looked like a father holding his daughter's hand. The only suspicious thing was that the father was a little too young.

"You look like a penguin."

Seleu whispered, and although she was clearly speaking to Lorenzo, she looked straight ahead, as if she was talking to herself.

The white lining under the black dress is the same color as the penguin.

“Have you ever seen a penguin?”

Lorenzo remembered this creature, which had been discovered by navigators at the southernmost tip of the world.

“It’s in the book.”

"But I think you look more like an Adelie penguin."

Seryu added.

"What is that?"

"One penguin behavior is... hard to describe. Usually they have trouble judging the danger in the water, so they will kick their companions into the water. If they are fine, they will rush over. If they are eaten by other animals, they will scatter and find another place to go into the water."

Lorenzo's face darkened.

Looking over his shoulder, Seleu's dress was also very elegant, or rather bulky. The heavy white dress was like a blooming white rose, but from Lorenzo's point of view, Seleu looked like she was stuck on a giant white cake, and now she was dragging this giant cake and walking with difficulty, with a precious metal platter on her head.

Thinking of this, Lorenzo couldn't help but smile a little.

"Do you want to know what you look like to me?"

"Please be serious."

At this time, Yawei, who was following behind him, said in a deep voice. His expression had been unhappy from the beginning until now.

Lorenzo was their helpless choice, but even so, Yawei was still worried. This old butler was extremely cautious about the honor of the Stuart family.

Lorenzo continued, rolled his eyes at Yawei, and walked forward with Seleu.

The venue of this ball is in the center of Old Dunling, which is even more central than the inner city where the nobles and wealthy people live. It is a magnificent manor adjacent to the royal area, and its owner is the Duke of Salicado, the organizer of this ball.

Because there are too many secrets hidden in Old Dunling, such as the mysterious purification mechanism, the mechanical courtyard, and the furnace pillars, which are not accessible to ordinary people, they are classified at the same level as the Platinum Palace. The area where they are located is called the royal area, and there is a military garrison of the Royal Guards.