Ember’s Gun

Chapter 36: Recycle


The out-of-control will looked at the figure on the carriage. It was a gift from darkness. Mortal power was simply unable to resist it. The Shrike had no chance of winning. But just when Galahad was about to tear it into pieces, a huge wind pressure covered him, and then the sound of mountains collapsing slowly arrived.

The heavy blow coming from afar carried the force of a thousand engines, and the blast instantly created numerous ripples.

It was a 30-kilogram bullet that hit the out-of-control Galahad at an extremely high muzzle velocity. This level of attack was no less than being hit head-on by a new type of heavy-duty train. Even the ominous force could hardly resist this huge kinetic energy. Galahad's body was strangely twisted, and then he was knocked out heavily.

The bullet dragged him and smashed into the ground, then the front end of the bullet exploded. The violent gunpowder released huge heat energy, and the inner bullet embedded in it was also detonated. The flowing mercury was evaporated in an instant, and the deadly mercury vapor enveloped the explosion point for a while.

Shrike's heart was beating violently. Using himself as bait was really risky. If he took even one wrong step, he would be chopped into pieces by Galahad's wings.

On the other side, blue smoke was wafting from the muzzle of the smoothbore gun. The huge recoil caused the frame of the vehicle to begin to tilt. The soldiers hurried to reload the bullets, which were originally transported here to kill large targets, but ended up being used on their own people.

"Reload! We can't let him catch up!"

There was no mercy at all, and from the moment Galahad lost control, Shrike no longer saw him as the man he once knew.

Another roar sounded, and the heavy bullet knocked down the figure that was about to stand up again. Milky white mercury vapor rose in the raging fire. After all, demons are just a group of strange and mysterious monsters. No matter how terrible they are, they still retain the characteristics of "living things", so conventional physical means are still effective.

Galahad's body was twisted by the shock. Normally, with a human body, his internal organs would have been shattered into pieces under such a heavy blow, but the terrible vitality dominated this body, and the broken bones were realigned by the strong muscles. He slowly stood up, ready for the next round of attacks.

The roar came again, and after the dazzling fireworks, the broken sword blade tore through the milky white mercury vapor. The deadly gas had no effect on Galahad. The armor was controlling him and protecting him.

Intensive explosions sounded. Not only Galahad was under attack, the underground palace was also crumbling under the continuous fire and explosion. Its solid body that had been solid for decades was on the verge of breaking. Its internal structure had been destroyed and began to collapse, just like a coffin, burying all the filth under the earth.

Picking up the silver spear, Shrike loaded it with special bullets, and then aimed his eyes at the explosion pit through the lens.

Under the lens, there is a demonic vitality. Under the protection of the armor, it can no longer be called human life.

The black angel stretched out his wings as much as he could. Such a heavy blow only broke his wings. With the sound of flesh squirming, a new blade extended from his elbow, making his wings fuller again. The fabric under the steel feathers that resembled biological muscle tissue cracked into dark red gaps, and then grayish-white steam was released from it as if dissipating heat.