Ember’s Gun

Chapter 40: Dark door


Eve showed her white wrists. Several wounds were healing slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was the same strange recovery as Lorenzo's. Her face was filled with horror. Although she didn't know how Lorenzo did it, she was very clear that this was an ominous thing.

"Am I... am I contaminated?"

The girl was a little scared. She shouldn't have told Lorenzo. Once she was really contaminated by the demon, Lorenzo would definitely kill her directly with his character. But Eve also knew the harm of demons, so she chose to be honest between the two.

"Not really..."

Lorenzo stared at her for a long time before he spoke slowly.

"It takes a lot of conditions for a demon to contaminate a person, and the contaminated person will be distorted and mutated like Sabo, but you don't... your condition is very stable... just like me."

"Like you?" Eve asked tentatively.

Lorenzo didn't say anything. He stood up and walked towards Eve. His pupils gradually ignited with fireworks, and the power called secret blood awakened in his body.

After a long time, the fireworks went out and Lorenzo sat down again, but this time his eyes were full of confusion.

"There are only a few possible outcomes of contact with demons, so your condition is actually pretty easy to judge, but..."

But Eve panicked when she heard this, and sat up straight like a student.

“Eve, you know there are some things that once you come into contact with them, you can never leave them, like demons.

In my knowledge, there is a kind of judgment standard, called psychic. Most people do not have the ability of psychic, so even if dark things approach them, most of them will be fine. It is more appropriate to describe this aspect as two worlds. You can understand that we live in the same world and the same city with the demons, but usually the demons cannot see us. We are just a vague mist in their eyes, but I can't see them either."

Lorenzo's voice became magical, and something seemed to fill the room imperceptibly. It was everywhere, but it was indistinguishable.

"But if you learn too much about darkness, it will deepen your connection with it. You will become clearer in the eyes of those monsters, and you will see them in the same way."

Lorenzo smiled when he said this.

"For example, I am a human-shaped psychic. With the help of a little bit of herbs, I can open my psychic vision and see things that living people cannot see."

"Eve, if you want to understand your own condition, then you will inevitably learn that knowledge. You will fall into darkness little by little, and the monsters in the fog will become clear to you. You will gradually become a psychic, chased by darkness all day long."

Lorenzo looked at her seriously.

"So, the decision is yours. If you want to understand all this, you will inevitably deepen your connection with darkness. Maybe your connection will be severed after many years, but no one can guarantee what will happen next. I need your decision. The door to darkness is right in front of you. It's up to you whether to step in."

After listening to Lorenzo's words, Eve fell silent. She knew very well what Lorenzo meant. That was forbidden knowledge. Once she understood it, she would be doomed to fall into the abyss.