Ember’s Gun

Chapter 49: Death Train


Cam Renato... or Red Falcon, he looked at the detective in front of him with interest. There were many legends about this guy, but he didn't expect to meet him today.

The mysterious detective who arrived in Old Dunling six years ago, in order to gain the support of Shrike in Old Dunling, created the horrific Red River Massacre at that time.

Red Falcon could barely be considered one of the participants, and he was very clear about the case. At that time, various forces in the Lower City were rising, the nobles were colluding with gangs, and Shrike's position was shaky. He no longer had any ability to control this group of thugs. In order to regain his dominance in the Lower City, Shrike gave Lorenzo the first task.

Investigate the evidence of crimes committed by gangs and nobles. Once there is evidence, the army will march into the lower city and reshuffle everything. Those nobles who try to control the lower city will also be liquidated.

In return, Shrike will give Lorenzo, a stranger, a new life, a completely legal identity, a dream job, and a brand new life.

Lorenzo finally did it, but in a way that was completely beyond everyone's imagination.

Find that group of people, torture them to make them tell everything, and then kill them. When Shrike arrived, the entire Thames was filled with floating corpses, and the turbid river water turned dark red. Accompanied by screams, names were added to the list one by one.

"Alas, to be honest, Old Dunling is not a good place. It only takes hundreds of years to see a sunny day, which makes people feel depressed."

Lorenzo became talkative. Looking at the darkness outside the window, he couldn't help but pinching the petals in the flower box and crushing them, leaving a faint fragrance on his hands.

"Yes, but the west is much better. Although I'm going there for work, I can just treat it as a trip."

Kestrel replied with a smile.

He originally thought that Lorenzo Holmes would be a cold-blooded killer, but after spending some time with him, his preconceived impression was broken. However, he did not take it lightly, because anyone can disguise themselves.

"Well, I'm going to the bathroom."

As he spoke, Hong Falcon greeted Lorenzo and walked towards the carriage behind him. The moment he turned around, the smile on his face disappeared, and he looked cold instead.

This mission was very important. In order to ensure that the weapons from Berhans would not be discovered by any curious passenger, Red Falcon was the first to board the car to guard the cargo at this distance. However, he did not expect to meet Lorenzo here.

According to Shrike's statement while in hospital, it was he who abducted Eve Phoenix. Although it is unclear how he escaped from the underground palace, it is obvious that this mysterious detective is related to demons.

The Purification Agency maintained a tough approach towards such people. According to normal procedures, knights with sophisticated weapons would knock on Lorenzo's door the day after the collapse of the underground palace. However, due to Lorenzo's record in the Red River Massacre and the absence of higher-ranking knights, the arrest of Lorenzo was slowed down.

Now that this troublemaker has come to the Glory, Red Falcon has no idea what he is going to do, but to be on the safe side he should notify Shrike.

After pushing open a series of iron doors and passing through the cargo boxes in front, even the train crew did not notice that there was an extra car at the front of their train.