Ember’s Gun

Chapter 62: Demon Hunter


Under the pitch-black night, the hideous and winding mass of flesh and blood filled the entire ground. It rose high and then drooped down, like wrinkled mountains separating everything.

Apart from the dim green light at the end of the field of vision, there seemed to be no light in the whole world, and it was in this greater silence that a new fire burned from the abyss.

The flesh and blood that was like a piece of earth made a burning and shrunken sound, and then a faint light appeared under the dark gray surface. The next second, a sharp nail sword pierced out from it, and then a blazing white fire began to burn wildly along the crack, and finally burned out a hole large enough for a person to pass through.

Pushing away the hard flesh, Lorenzo crawled out from it with steaming white smoke. He breathed hard, then lowered his head and retched.

Dark red flesh spit out from him, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He seemed very tired. After emptying his stomach, he sat aside, leaning on his sword.

After calming down a little, he burst into laughter.

His bet was right. The way to leave the dream was indeed death. As long as he died, the dream would end. If Lorenzo did not do that, he would continue to be eroded by demons, and the erosion would become more serious as time went by, until he was in the same boat with darkness.

"It seems like the other party really understands."

Lorenzo said with a somewhat grim expression.

Everything that just happened was a dream created by the demon. If it were in the past, Lorenzo might really not be able to find his guiding star and walk out of it. Unfortunately, the "Arch Priest Lawrence" still revealed a flaw. Regardless of the ownership of the dream or the long-standing grudges, one thing is extremely important to Lorenzo.

The name Lorenzo Holmes was acquired after he came to Old Dunling.

He stood up with great effort. Although it felt good to reminisce about the past, Lorenzo had more important things to do now. Apparently, the pollution in Ende Town had spread, and the twisted flesh and blood had spread here.

If Lorenzo guessed correctly, what he was experiencing now was a phenomenon called the Nightmare Illusion, a large-scale hallucination ritual that could only be performed by demons. There would be a dream builder to maintain the dream, and now that dream builder was using this extended flesh and blood to continuously expand the scope of the dream.

Maybe this is why the elimination agency is so strenuous even though they are fighting on home ground. Anyone who steps into this dream realm will be invaded by dreams at the first moment. It will be extremely difficult for ordinary people to escape if their will is strong enough, or if they have psychological hints like the Morning Star.

The extended flesh and blood trapped the body, and the dream imprisoned the spirit. As long as a certain period of time passed, the trapped people would become part of the demon.

A faint green light rose at the end of the field of vision, and the so-called Ende Town was right in front of him. But now the Glory was forced to stop, and everyone on the train was trapped in the test of that dream. It seemed that Lorenzo had no choice but to walk there.

He must be quick enough to kill the dream builder before these unfortunate children turn into monsters.

Thinking so, Lorenzo stepped towards the direction of the green light and ran wildly along the railroad tracks. The degree of awakening of the secret blood continued to increase as he ran, like a running cheetah.

But at this moment, a roaring sound was heard. It happened almost in an instant. The flesh beside him was torn apart, and the sharp sword blade protruded strangely from it, piercing Lorenzo with lethal intent.