Ember’s Gun

Chapter 79: One step away


The two men looked at the burning figure, the black armor was withering from Lorenzo's body, the rising secret blood was gradually calming down, and the black blade in his hand seemed to be an angel's sword that split despair.

Looking at this damn detective Shrike felt a mixture of emotions for a moment, and finally his voice became a little sobbing.

"Fuck! Fuck! I seem to have fallen in love with this psychopath!"

Shrike was a little incoherent. On the other side, Blue Jade also breathed a sigh of relief and sat down weakly. If she wasn't so tired, she would have wanted to show some joy.

"I'm not interested in men, get out of the way."

Lorenzo had recovered from the emotional state of Ed's death, and, cursing all over, he had returned to his previous state.

"How... did you do that?"

Lan Feicui looked at the large pool of blood outside the door. She knew exactly how many demons were outside. Even if she stood still and let Lorenzo chop her, he couldn't kill so many demons in such a short time.

To this Lorenzo gave his answer.

"They retreated. I only intercepted a small part of them... I'm sure you can feel it too. The nightmare illusion has been lifted. The dream builder must be dead. But the question is who killed him?"

Listening to the explanation, although some of the words from the Demon Hunting Cult were difficult for Shrike to understand, he also understood that the biggest difficulty of this operation had been resolved and the time for counterattack had come.

"The dream has ended, so those soldiers should have woken up... Move the Shrike! If he's not dead, move! The crisis is not over yet!"

As Lorenzo spoke, he kicked the Shrike lying on the ground, completely ignoring his serious injuries. But it was true that Lorenzo might have imposed the standards of a witcher on him. Judging from the witcher's physique, as long as he was still alive, he could still fight. He was so tenacious that it was terrifying.

"What else are you going to do?"

Shrike was a little confused as to what Lorenzo was going to do. The detective was more diligent than ever at this moment, as if he was in a hurry to kill someone.

"Recovering the so-called sacred coffin is more complicated than you think."

This time Lorenzo was serious. He had done all the work before as a detective, but now he was driven by his identity as a demon hunter, and as a demon hunter he had to do this.

"How do you use this thing?"

Lorenzo couldn't understand the things on the complicated operating table. His biggest regret in being in Old Dunling for so long was that he didn't learn anything about steam machinery. This was Inglvig's core technology. To learn this kind of knowledge, one had to have a very clean background. With Lorenzo's complicated background, he would probably be arrested for espionage the next day after he arrived.

"It was on emergency braking and had been stuck for so long that we had to restore power and then get the engine moving."

At this moment the driver woke up. Although he didn't know what had happened, he could guess a little by looking at the injuries of the two senior knights, Shrike and Blue Emerald.

"My friend, you woke up just in time, so hurry up and get this thing moving!"

Lorenzo started yelling as he spoke. This guy was really anxious now.