Ember’s Gun

Chapter 82: Reconnect


It was a pitch-black thing that darkened the entire night sky even more. Huge amounts of steam gushed out of it, bringing with it clouds, mist, and strong winds.

The propeller blades roared as the new steam engine infused power into every inch of this steel behemoth. Two rows of strong lights that cleared the darkness fell, as if an ancient giant opened its blazing eyes, and then it began to dive.

That was a war airship. During the Glorious War, it was such a behemoth that crossed the Shiraisho Strait. The altitude at which it was located was beyond the reach of current ground artillery, so every time it appeared it was a ruthless god of death. The enemies could only watch it arrive over their territory and then rain down fire as a punishment from God.

But this thing was still a little different. Lorenzo had never seen such a huge war airship, and there had never been such a type of war weapon in the officialdom of Inglvig.

The sturdy iron armor was interspersed with rivets, and there were huge sails on both sides that could change direction. The heavy steel plates were slowly lifted up, and the heavy artillery fixed on both sides fell from the slide rails one after another, extending the muzzles out.

It was a product of twisted craft, and the mechanics named it after the miraculous beast that occupied the ocean in the Gospels, the Leviathan-class war airship, the Dawnward.

Its appearance suffocated the battlefield for a short while, but then thousands of thunders were released from the behemoth, and the artillery array fired at will. In the eyes of the Heading for Dawn, all creatures on the ground were targets. The world-destroying rain of fire burned the earth, and the raging fire blocked the thousands of troops coming from the sea tide.

It was a scene that only appeared in myths. Red-hot bullets rained down from the sky, dyeing the gloomy clouds iron red, and then fell to the ground, creating one huge pit after another, and finally releasing a high-temperature explosion in it, destroying all the demons within the killing range.

This is the efficiency of the war machine. During the counterattack of the Glorious War, dozens of such war airships leapt into the territory of the Gaulnalo people. Ingvil's steel behemoths occupied the sky. They could only watch the rain of fire flatten one city after another, and finally signed the surrender agreement.

First, artillery fire was used to bombard the area, and the continuous bombing cleared a safe area from the chaotic war.

The air troopers dragged the iron chains and dropped from the sky when approaching the ground, firing their thermite rifles, leaving behind burning trails as they descended quickly, killing all the remaining demons and skillfully setting up layers of firepower nets to protect the Glorious.

"Looks like we're safe."

In the carriage, Shrike sat down relaxedly and slowly released the gun in his hand. Seeing his colleagues who were fully armed, he finally realized the advantage of fighting at home.

His mission was over. They successfully delayed Lancelot's arrival. No matter what enemies were ahead, the cold-blooded knight would kill them one by one, not to mention that there was an unfathomable demon hunter here.

"Those demons haven't been killed yet."

Lorenzo's voice rang out again. He looked up at the surprise troops that descended from the sky. Although their appearance brought a turning point to the battle, he did not think that all this would end so easily. He strode forward, facing the burning rain of fire and the wailing of demons.