Ember’s Gun

Chapter 87: Peaceful life


The streets of Old Dunling are often very crowded, so once someone starts running it becomes particularly difficult, just like a fish walking in mud, trying its best but unable to move even a little bit.

The great detective quickened his pace, his figure moving with eerie speed as he moved through the crowd, leaving the people following closely behind him far behind. Finally, he turned into an alley, took off his deerstalker hat, ruffled his flattened light blond hair, took off his windbreaker and put it on backwards, then touched the dirty ground with his hand and wiped the dust and mud on his face.

He casually threw his walking stick into the trash can nearby, and then sat down next to the homeless man in the corner. The man was sleeping soundly wrapped in a dirty blanket, but suddenly someone disrupted his dream. The detective squeezed into his blanket, as intimate as a brother.

Less than half a minute later, another group of people rushed into the alley. They did not hide the guns in their hands and shouted curses. Obviously, they did not care about the two brothers hugging each other and continued to chase in the direction of the alley.

About a minute later, Lorenzo climbed out of the garbage pile. The tramp opened his sleepy eyes. He was still a little confused about what had happened, but he heard a thank you and a few coins falling in front of him.

Taking out his cane, Lorenzo straightened his clothes slightly, trying to look less dishevelled, and then strode into the street. Not long after, a carriage stopped in front of him, and then the door opened.

"To be honest, Mr. Holmes, the smell you have right now is really not very welcome."

Officer Price looked at the great detective with a frown on his face. The smell was like stinky cheese mixed with rotten fruit and stuffed into an oven.

But Lorenzo obviously didn't care about these. He had even climbed the furnace pillar system of Old Dunling before. In order to ensure that the Black Death in history would not break out again, the entire underground drainage had a complicated process, such as the regular injection of disinfectant and the subsequent passing of steam of several hundred degrees.

Lorenzo was almost cooked by the high temperature steam.

“But I think this thing should be quite popular, right?”

Lorenzo took out a letter as he spoke. The envelope was covered with stains, but the letter inside was spotless.

"Proof of Marquis Barlov's bribery."

Press's hand trembled, as if he had not expected this detective to be so efficient.

"How did you do that? That guy was very careful."

The Su Yalan Office has been investigating the case of Marquis Barlov's bribery for a long time. This guy embezzled a large sum of money, but he has not been arrested due to insufficient evidence.

"I know. He is under guard 24 hours a day. It's hard to even see him, let alone pry something out of his mouth."

Lorenzo was extremely confident, he loved moments of showing off his strength, sometimes he even wished these people would beg him and ask him how he did it.

"But everyone has those absolutely private moments when they are alone, so just seize that moment."

"When I'm alone..."

Press looked a little evil, as if he had thought of something bad, as if he was in the bathroom at that moment, with a gun pointed at his head as he was taking off his pants... To be honest, if it was Press, he would also give away everything in order to put on his pants.