Ember’s Gun

Chapter 93: Another possibility


The smoke had a fresh fragrance, but Shrike didn't want to smell it any more. After the action in Ende Town, Lorenzo told him a lot of useful things, such as the usage of mandrake grass. Shrike also tried it once afterwards. There was no scary or thrilling scene, but Shrike was in low spirits for a long time afterwards.

Lorenzo stood there like a sculpture, with his head lowered, as if in deep thought. The tobacco burned between his fingers, and the rising smoke gathered into different shapes.

It was very heavy and very hot. Lorenzo felt as if he was locked in an oven. He put all his strength into every step. The whistling sound of the gears turning at high speed was in his ears. He felt as if he was carrying a mountain on his back as he moved forward.

But the strange thing is that there is no pressure at all, that is the pressure coming from the demons.

Lorenzo had never worn the Armor of Original Sin, but with his experience as a demon hunter, he knew very well what it felt like to come into contact with weapons made of demons. For example, he himself was a weapon made of demons, with a power called secret blood flowing in his veins, and steel bones made of holy silver protecting but imprisoning his body.

There was no disturbance in his mind at all, but the next second the woman appeared in front of Lorenzo.

Countless faces flew across it, and finally stabilized into the appearance that Lorenzo was most familiar with. She chuckled, and deepened the connection with the darkness with the help of the mandrake grass. She came in front of Lorenzo again, stretched out her hand like a pistol, and then trembled slightly.

It was as if a scorching sun pierced through Lorenzo, and his flesh and blood were instantly burnt and carbonized, and finally turned into ashes and dispersed. The red-hot armor cracked and twisted, and the flames did not stop, like a spear of light that completely shattered this fragile body.

Big drops of sweat dripped from the tip of his nose. Lorenzo covered his chest in pain and leaned down, with one hand on the ground to maintain his body shape and prevent himself from falling.

Lorenzo's sudden change obviously frightened Shrike, and his face became serious.

"What did you see?"

But Lorenzo did not answer him. After waiting for a long time, he seemed to have calmed down. He raised his head with a complicated expression.

"Shrike, have you ever thought about one thing?"

Lorenzo's breathing gradually calmed down. He glimpsed a possibility and, because of what he saw with his clairvoyance, he realized the possibility of that possibility.

"Can this kind of armor made of a combination of demon and steel really be shattered so easily?"

One of the most notable characteristics of demons is their tenacious vitality. Even Ed, who is completely soaked in holy silver, can survive for a long time with the support of secret blood, not to mention the prototype of the original sin armor.

Shrike was also silent, he didn't seem to have thought of this. He had two encounters with the Sin Armor, one was when Galahad lost control, and the other was when he was driving the second generation armor during the End Town operation.

Even the demon's impact and heat, and even the frontal bombardment of the smoothbore cannon when Galahad lost control, failed to completely defeat the armor;

According to the design principle of the Original Sin Armor, the demon not only provides power for it, but the strange flesh and blood can essentially serve as a connection between metals. It has super strong resilience and ductility. It is not only resistant to high temperatures but also extremely tough. In fact, to some extent, the connected flesh and blood can be understood as a mechanical material.