Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 921: joint force


"What's wrong?" The weak Liu Chuan stopped and asked.

Shang Jianyao said loudly while looking at the darkness that sputtered out streams of air:

"I have a question.

"How should we attack together later, should we stack the power to poke, smash, or stir, or have other ideas?"

This is a very realistic technical issue, and Barnard, Chen Wen and others have fallen into contemplation, thinking about what to do later.

Almost at the same time, the low and vague voice echoed in their ears again:

"Gather the power and poke into the depths of darkness.

"It's simple and doesn't require much thought.

"Go on, don't delay any longer."

"Oh!" Shang Jianyao had an expression of "So it is".

The "New World" powerhouses such as Liu Chuan and Chen Wen continued to move forward.

"Wait a moment!"

Shang Jianyao's voice suddenly rang again.

"What's wrong?" Liu Chuan asked with a slightly distorted expression.

At this moment, the interior of the tower, which was bright and dark, seemed to cast a shadow.

"I have another question." Shang Jianyao was very calm. "After we poke like that, what will happen to the darkness, will it collapse directly, and the airflow will spray us? In that case, what should we do?"

Those shimmering airflows can dissolve the human consciousness of the "New World" powerhouses!

At this moment, the "New World" powerhouses on the scene are highly wary of those air currents, ready to avoid them at any time, and no one dares to take it lightly.

For Barnard, Chen Wen and others, this is indeed a point to pay attention to. After all, no one wants to be an unnecessary victim at the critical moment of returning to the ashes, when the dawn is approaching.

The next second, the low and vague voice appeared again in their minds with Shang Jianyao:

"I will protect you.

"Stop thinking about the minutiae, victory is at hand."

For some reason, Barnard vaguely felt that there was a bit of gnashing of teeth in the voice.

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao agreed very readily.

He took the lead, walking from the jets of air to the huge darkness.

Liu Chuan, Chen Wen and the "New World" powerhouse with Barnard on his back followed closely.

In their eyes, the light is flickering, the airflow is chaotic, the darkness is expanding and contracting, and the atmosphere is tense as if the end is coming.

"Wait a moment!"

Shang Jianyao's voice broke the atmosphere.

Liu Chuan slowed down and roared almost collapsed:

"What else do you want to ask?"

Shang Jianyao shook his head:

"It has nothing to do with you."

Hearing this answer, Liu Chuan almost vomited blood.

Fortunately, he is now a spiritual body, a conscious life, without blood.

Shang Jianyao looked at Barnard at the back and asked seriously:

"Aren't you worried?"

"What are you worried about?" the trembling Barnard asked back, frowning.

Shang Jianyao said sincerely:

"Our escape from the 'new world' in this way has the potential to bring disaster to the dust.

"As the first Red River President of the 'Linhai Alliance', you chose to open the door ahead of time to protect the people there. You are their hero and you don't have to worry that your current actions will bring the 'Linhai Alliance'. To an irresistible man-made disaster?"

Barnard was silent for a few seconds and said:

"I've made up my mind that I can't think about it anymore, and if I don't get out of here, I'm going to go crazy and live a life full of suicidal impulses.

"If there are any disasters in the future, I will talk about it later. At that time, I will definitely contribute my strength without reservation."

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Shang Jianyao to respond, he lowered his head and said to the "New World" powerhouse who was carrying him:

"Get closer to the dark, can't wait any longer."

As soon as he finished speaking, the darkness swelled in an instant, and the edge was pushed in front of several people, which seemed to reach the extreme.

This is accompanied by more and more violent shimmering airflow. If Shang Jianyao and others have been paying attention to this problem, ready to avoid it at any time, or squatting down quickly, or jumping directly to the ground, there must be some difficulties. escape this calamity.

boom! boom! boom!

The airflow hit the tower wall, like someone was slamming it with a giant hammer.

The sound of slamming sounded, one side of the glass shattered, and pieces of wall ash fell, revealing the mottled wall.

This is the first time the tower itself has been damaged.

The ground near the door also cracked for the first time, which spread outward and became deeper and deeper.

A mass of airflow flew out of the gate and met a "New World" powerhouse coming from another direction.

The man didn't even have time to scream, but his face became extremely distorted, and it was annihilated at the same time as the airflow.

When the earthquakes and hurricanes brought about by this wave of expansion continued to spread, the darkness contracted as before.

Shang Jianyao, Liu Chuan and the others stood up one after another, and their ears were filled with low and vague voices:

"Go on, go on..."

Inside the whirlpool building.

Jiang Baimian touched the pockets of the three corpses, and only found items of little value, such as chocolate.

The bones showed that the corpse had no signs of heavy blows and no signs of poisoning. The only wound came from the security guard named Fei Yingwu-his right arm rested on a submachine gun and showed signs of bone fractures.

Based on this, Jiang Baimian imagined the scene at that time:

In just an instant, Fei Yingwu died directly like the people in Taicheng. His submachine gun fell to the ground first, followed by his body. His right arm hit a bulge on the gun body, and a bone crack appeared. .

"People here should all die this way..." Jiang Baimian looked away and stood up.

Her biggest doubt right now is:

Why are the bag of bear biscuits and the piece of chocolate well preserved and not damp or moldy, and these corpses are only left with bones and stains on their clothes

Jiang Baimian, who couldn't understand for a while, walked towards the corpse sitting on the sofa.

The white corpse was also wearing a black uniform, but there was no submachine gun beside him, and a pistol was placed in the gun pocket at his waist.

Jiang Baimian's eyes fell on the right chest of the corpse, where on the black-ground nameplate, in golden gray text, wrote:

"Security Executive: Bryan Stanley"

There is also a line of red river text in smaller font under this row of grey soil text.

Surnames and given names that I haven't heard much before... Jiang Baimian murmured a secret, then squatted down and checked Brian Stanley's pockets.

Nothing but food.

"The management back then was still quite strict." Jiang Baimian pondered for a while, but didn't dare to waste time and moved to other corpses in this area.

After quickly checking, she turned her attention to the passage in the depths of the "waiting area".

The sliding metal gate is half-open.

Jiang Baimian tentatively took a step inside, and his head suddenly throbbed.

This familiar feeling made her hurriedly back out.

Jiang Baimian did not dare to move forward, staring at the far end of the passage, silently saying to himself:

"The core thing is in it?"

She looked around and found the stairs leading to the second floor.

Without hesitation, Jiang Baimian, who was wearing a military exoskeleton device, approached and stepped on it.

Everything was calm, and there was no "unintentional disease".

"Go on, go on..."

In the low and vague voices, Chen Wen, Liu Chuan, Shang Jianyao, and others frantically avoided the shimmering airflow and came to the darkness.

At this time, the expansion and contraction of the darkness was not as intense as before, and it seemed quite powerless, otherwise, Shang Jianyao and others would be shrouded in it.

"Let's start." Liu Chuan, who obeyed "Truth", stretched out his right palm and pressed it towards the dark surface.

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao has always been active, and folded his right palm behind Liu Chuan's hand.

Liu Chuan glanced sideways at the guy in surprise, bewilderment and bewilderment, not knowing what the hell he was doing.

"Didn't you say you want to unite the power?" Shang Jianyao had a "what's wrong with this" expression.

Under his leadership, Barnard, Chen Wen and the "New World" powerhouse who carried Barnard also stretched out their right palms, stacking them behind Shang Jianyao and Liu Chuan's hands from different angles. .

"Start!" Shang Jianyao gave the order quite excitedly.

The five "New World" powerhouses simultaneously used the ability "Interference Matter", raising the effect to the highest level they could achieve.

The air quickly condensed in front of their hands and compressed into an extremely thick spike.

The thorn suddenly poked into the depths of darkness.

The darkness suddenly stopped, not only did not expand, but even the contraction disappeared.

After a brief solidification, the huge darkness suddenly erupted.

It was like a punctured balloon with a popping sound.

Accompanied by this change, countless shimmers of light gathered into clusters and sprayed out in all directions.

Liu Chuan, Shang Jianyao and the others who were in front of them didn't have time to dodge at all, and were directly hit by a cloud of shimmering light on their faces, hitting their bodies and shrouding their consciousness.

In an instant, they all felt that their breath was rapidly dissipating, and their expressions were obviously distorted.

And the protection of "truth" does not appear.

Shang Jianyao woke up and quickly transferred his consciousness into his spiritual room.

His "131" room has collapsed inch by inch, but this does not involve the existence of the room itself.

Shang Jianyao took two quick steps, jumped abruptly, and threw himself into the "LCD TV" that "Sea of Origin" had become.

In his "Sea of Origins", the shimmering sea is rapidly evaporating, and parts of the sky are turned into chaos.

This trend inevitably spread to Shang Jianyao's body, Shang Jianyao repeated his old tricks, flashed directly to the gap representing Xiaochong, and hid in the interlayer.

But the chaos of the sky did not stop there, and spread all the way to the surface of the gap.

The reckless Shang Jian Yao saw this and shouted loudly:

"Going out will definitely kill you, you can only fight!"

This time, none of Shang Jian Yao objected.

Shang Jianyao was busy moving his body, and he really got into the gap where Xiaochong's shadow layered and shimmered.