Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 925: research area


"Is that so..." Shang Jianyao suddenly realized, "I always thought that there were people of destiny in our team, but it turned out to be just a product of probability."

Not only was he not lost, but he was relieved, and he didn't know how his brain circuits turned.

Without waiting for "truth" to respond, he asked again:

"Since most Zhi Sui want to change the status quo, why should we make friends with one of the characters of 'Zhuang Sheng'

"I understand that he should be the boss of the status quo faction, but there are so many of you that you can solve the problem by yourself."

Saying that, Shang Jianyao thought of a certain possibility, "shocked in shock" and said:

"Could it be that you are not the opponent of 'Zhuang Sheng' with all your years together? Uh, the part who supports him is a minority!"

"Truth" in a floral shirt and beach shorts laughed:

"It's not that it can't be swarmed, but once it develops to that point, the 'new world' will inevitably be completely torn apart, and the human beings on the dust will be wiped out again.

"The simplest point is that 'Zhuang Sheng', as the representative of the year, is the most special and powerful one, and he has several supporters. We really want to tear our face and do our best. , the result is that we will win the final victory, but in the process of desperately trying, every schizophrenic will surely madly absorb those human consciousnesses attached to him, so that his state can always be maintained at the peak.

"The vast majority of Zhisui are kind and sympathetic, and they don't want to hurt the human groups that are attached to them. They don't want to pay such a big price to change the status quo. 'Pangaeon' staff."

"Truth" glanced at Shang Jianyao and added:

"When we get out of here and have a fit body, we won't need to control some humans to prevent starvation.

"At that time, humanity will be finally liberated and free."

Papapa, Shang Jianyao's applause is never late.

He asked earnestly:

"How does establishing a friendship with a certain personality of 'Johnson' help the next development?"

"Truth" smiled and nodded:

"I'll show you a way later, you keep walking, and when you reach the end, you will see a blood-red door, behind which hides all the personalities of 'Zhuang Sheng'.

"When you get to the door, if you repeat what I just said, there will naturally be support from the character of 'Zhuang Sheng' who hopes to change the status quo.

"As you know, 'Johnson' has split into countless independent personalities, each with its own standpoint and judgment, and this is our chance.

"With the cooperation of some 'Zhuang Sheng' and the fact that we are in the majority, the problem can be solved easily."

Shang Jianyao was puzzled when he heard it:

"During this process, Xiaochong and I, no, the friendship with a certain personality of 'Zhuang Sheng' has no effect. What's the point of the big boss sending so many old-fashioned teams?"

"Truth" shook his head and retorted:

"very meaningful.

"If you don't have a relationship with a certain character of 'Zhuang Sheng', then you can't see the blood-red door at all, and even if you do, you can't open it, and if you open it, you will only become 'Zhuang Sheng' 'food.

"Simply put, the personality of 'Zhuang Sheng' will provide you with protection."

"I understand!" Shang Jianyao said with his right fist and left palm, "Just like I want to visit a family member and ask for help, if I can build a good relationship with their children in advance and become friends in the game, then I can The easier it is to know the address of their home and get an excuse to come to the door, the probability of their family agreeing to help will be higher.”

"Yes." "Truth" nodded.

Shang Jianyao immediately frowned:

"Can you really not be beaten by parents when you play video games with other children's children?"

"..." "Truth" said dumbly for a second, "This is just an analogy, there is no such problem with your next actions."

"Okay." Shang Jianyao didn't insist.

He turned to other questions:

"Then why did you just say you can't lie to me

"Anyway, I have become friends with a certain character of 'Zhuang Sheng', you can directly 'hypnotize' me, or modify my memory, make me believe in you completely, and tell 'Zhuang Sheng' your words as they are. them."

"Truth" said with a smile:

"We can't take 'Zhuang Sheng' as an idiot, can't he see if you're being controlled, and if your words come from the bottom of your heart

"It's like asking your friend to ask you for help. Whether I persuade him with reason and favor, or force him to agree with a gun to the head, has a completely different impact on the outcome."

"Yes." Shang Jianyao imagined the scene, "For the latter, I will only find a way to rescue my friend and use the same gun to blow up the dog's head of the threat."

"Truth" was silent for a while, before saying after a few seconds:

"It also depends on whether you have that ability or not."

His voice became a little deeper:

"Go ahead, use our sincerity and friendliness to persuade that part of 'Johnson'."

Shang Jianyao did not move.

He still has unanswered questions:

"Is it really a good thing to let the old people into the dust?"

When "truth" was asked, he couldn't help but ask:

"you ask me

"I would definitely answer yes."

"Why is it a good thing?" Shang Jianyao, who attaches great importance to feelings, said with a serious face, "I am not someone you will believe, you must convince me."

"Truth" on the sofa changed the lower sitting position:

"Didn't I say it just now? When we leave here and have a suitable body, we no longer need to feed on humans and can be self-sufficient. At the same time, we don't want to live in a deserted world where materials are scarce and humans are precarious. In this way, the awakened ones will inevitably be suppressed, allowing them to truly integrate into human society and give full play to their strengths.”

"But don't human beings have to obey you in the end?" Shang Jianyao said with a frown.

"Truth" laughed:

"In the old world, human beings once had rulers such as emperors, presidents, and actual controllers of consortiums. Can't they also have a corresponding order, live and work in peace and contentment, and promote the development of civilization

"If you replace the emperor, president, and consul with Zhi Sui now, you won't be able to accept it

"Moreover, the executives are not of the same mind, and each has their own ideas. After a period of gaming, a balance similar to the separation of powers and mutual checks will inevitably be formed, and no one will do it too much."

"It seems to make sense." Shang Jianyao first agreed, then muttered, "But a dozen jackals said to a group of lambs, don't be afraid, we will separate power and restrict each other, so as to ensure your safety and freedom, let us work together Work hard and build a wonderful new world, I always feel weird."

"Truth" slowly exhaled:

"It can't be compared like this. Most of the old people are kind and sympathetic. After they have the corresponding bodies, they no longer desire human consciousness. Instead, they prefer the civilization created by human beings, which is not harmful to you."

Shang Jianyao nodded:

"What about the other awakened ones, can you really control it

"They will definitely climb the ladder, try to enter the 'God's Forbidden Zone', and become the new executive year.

"And the birth of a Zhi-year-old is bound to be accompanied by huge chaos, and huge chaos will bring terrible disasters."

"Truth" laughed:

"You can rest assured on this point, Zhi Sui is a god, there are only thirteen positions, people like me can only call themselves Zhun Zhi Sui, and we must wait until the 'new world' order has fundamental changes, and we must win enough Only with the support of the old man can he have the opportunity to replace the soft egg of the 'last man'.

"In the future, there will be no new age, and with our rank, it is enough to suppress the Awakened from the 'New World' and below."

Shang Jianyao breathed a sigh of relief:

"I can rest assured that."

"Truth" sitting on the sofa smiled back, he pointed to the door and said:

"Since the problem is clear, then you can turn around, then go to the right, and go all the way to the end, and you can see the blood-red door.

"Go, go there and have a chat with 'Zhuang Sheng' and talk about how to make the haze covering the dust dissipate peacefully.

"I hope it doesn't go to the point where the old people absorb a lot of human consciousness and fight desperately."

Shang Jian Yao Zheng nodded his head:


He turned around immediately and took steps towards the aisle on his right.

Just as his left foot was raised, Shang Jianyao suddenly stopped and turned to look at "Truth" sitting on the sofa.

He stabilized his body, raised his hand and said:

"I have another question."

"Truth"'s expression didn't change, but after several seconds, he spoke slowly:

"what is the problem?"

"I want to know which ones are changers and which ones want to maintain the status quo." Shang Jianyao said sincerely, "If I encounter the latter, I have to run away without saying hello."

Before waiting for "truth" to respond, he added a few more sentences:

"Can you tell me which areas each Zhisui controls? It would be great if you could point out the costs or weaknesses by the way!

"Don't you want me to arrive at the door of 'Zhuang Sheng' smoothly? Those who want to maintain the status quo may come to intercept me. Although you are many and powerful, each of you has his own special characteristics, maybe Someone bypassed the line of defense you built."

Shang Jianyao's request is very reasonable.

"Truth" was silent for a while and said:

"At present, those who have made it clear that they want to change the current situation and have contributed to it are: the 'Siming' in December, the 'Mandala' in September, the 'Golden Balance' in June, the 2 The month's 'Dawn', the October's 'Yougu', the July's 'Double Sun', and me."

Shang Jianyao began to count:

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Only half, where is the majority?"

The thirteen people who hold the age and the "truth" have a total of fourteen.

"Truth" laughed:

"Among the seven who wish to maintain the status quo, several have secretly changed their stance this time, but I can't be specific about which ones."

"Oh..." Shang Jianyao suddenly realized, "No wonder Jiang Xiaoyue didn't stop me!"

The suspected "monitor" of May.

After thinking about it, Shang Jianyao had a new question:

"Why don't you call the names in the order of the month? Even if the ranking is not in order, it's too irregular now, right?"

"Truth" laughed and said:

"I say whoever comes to mind, for example, the first thing I think of is 'Si Ming', and the reason is that you are standing in front of me.

"Don't you wish things had progressed so far that I still had to count months to remember which alliances were?"

"Yeah, this is too unreliable!" Shang Jianyao agreed.

"Truth" didn't want to continue this topic, and introduced the old-timers of the status quo faction:

"The year-round 'Zhuang Sheng' is the 'master of thinking' and the 'natural enemy of the will', and exists in the form of splitting into multiple personalities...

"The 'end of the year' in March is the 'master of memory', and at the same time it can cause obstacles to the human body, at the cost of weakness...

"November's 'Broken Mirror' is the 'God of Illusions' and manages cognitive and stimulating abilities. Her price is very hidden. I only noticed one phenomenon: she never appeared in real form...

"August's age-old 'Scorching Door' dominates the muscles and also has areas that can affect the mind and spirit in some ways, her problem is fear of the cold...

"January's 'Bodhi' is the 'Root of Consciousness', and I don't know the cost of it...

"April's stubborn 'Shadow of Distortion' is the 'Balancer' and the 'King of War', mastering the ability to balance, judge and other sports-related abilities. His price is the fear of distorted creatures..."

"Truth" didn't mention May's "Monitor".

Shang Jianyao nodded frequently, and finally said:

"Thank you, thank you, I'm off to open that blood-red door now!"

He left the door with high fighting spirit and great passion, and walked towards the end of the road that "truth" said.

Inside the whirlpool-shaped building, Jiang Baimian came to the end of the meeting area.

She felt very lucky about this, because after walking all the way, she saw a sign in front of her that read in two words: ash and red river:

"General Research Area"

There are also warnings in two words below the "general research area":

"Those without permission are not allowed to enter without authorization. There are intelligent robots in the area that will automatically identify and attack those without data."

After so many years, I don't know if the intelligent robots here can still move... Jiang Baimian raised his vigilance and carefully entered the "ordinary research area" through the opened partition door.

At a glance, she saw two robots standing here at the corner of the corridor. She didn't dare to neglect, and tumbled lightly into the nearest room.

Before Jiang Baimian got up, he just finished rolling when he saw large "Petri dishes" or similar devices, with gray-white human brains floating in them.

Human brain... Jiang Baimian frowned slightly and looked elsewhere.

In the depths of the room, there are also glass column containers filled with liquid, with human corpses with naked brains floating in them.

There were sticky notes of various colors on the surrounding walls and tables, which were very messy.

The first thing Jiang Baimian noticed was the one by the door.

On it was written a pile of gray text:

"Frontal lobe: responsible for thinking, calculus, and quantitative concepts, related to individual needs, emotions, and will. Some patients have symptoms such as agraphia and motor aphasia..."

"Uh..." Jiang Baimian was stunned for a moment, and some thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind and grew wildly.

She hurriedly looked at other post-it notes, one after another:

"The occipital lobe: responsible for processing language, movement, perception, abstract concepts and visual information, affecting the establishment of conditioned reflexes, which will lead to obvious obstacles to the experimenter's learning and memory ability, and damage to this part is prone to retrograde amnesia..."

"Temporal lobe: Attached to the hippocampus, which is related to human emotions, mentality and memory activities. Temporal lobe lesions often cause hazy consciousness, confusion of speech, emotional disturbance or memory impairment...

"Memory impairment is a basic symptom that often occurs, with near memory, far memory or current memory impairment, and the memory deficit of time and place is obvious;

"Automata is also a common manifestation. During the attack, its activities are not dominated by consciousness, and there may be mental excitement such as destroying objects, hurting people, impulsiveness, self-injury, nudity, panic, and anger;

"Memory impairment may occur when the temporal hippocampus is destroyed, and memory impairment may be accompanied by disorientation;

"The superior temporal gyrus is also the cortical center of the vestibule, so temporal lobe lesions can present balance disturbances and vertigo;

"The damage to the posterior superior temporal gyrus can cause sensory aphasia. The patient can hear the sound of speech but cannot understand its meaning, and he cannot understand his own words. Displacement of the posterior superior temporal gyrus of the dominant hemisphere and the superior parietal limbus gyrus Nominal aphasia may occur when the area is damaged;

"Isotropic upper quadrant blindness can occur with damage to the temporal lobe;

"Oculomotor nerve palsy may occur in large lesions of the temporal lobe;

"The hippocampus plays a role in memory and spatial positioning. The symptoms of hippocampus damage are memory decline and loss of orientation perception..."

"Parietal lobe: sensory center, including many other important areas, damage to the parietal lobe can cause symptoms such as abnormal cerebral cortical sensation or sensory disturbance, dyspraxia (apraxia), spatial orientation disturbance, and physical atrophy, in addition to the following Performance:

"Limb agnosia: The patient denies that the affected limb is paralyzed, and believes that the paralyzed limb on the left side is not his own, which is a negative body image disorder.

"Phantom polylimbs: Phantom polylimbs refer to the presence of a third phantom limb, which is a positive body image disorder.

"Pain agnosia: Pain agnosia refers to not recognizing painful stimuli, but pain actually exists. For example, there is no pain response to burning fingers with cigarettes, and there is no protective reflex for discarding cigarette butts. gyrus and superior temporal gyrus, less common.

"Facial agnosia: Facial agnosia refers to not recognizing acquaintances, or even one's own face in the mirror, often accompanied by color, object and orientation agnosia, and is a rare symptom of damage to the parietal-occipital region.

"… "

"Insula: Receive information about the physiological state of the body, and then generate subjective experiences, such as using hunger to drive people to eat, such as driving people to get more cigarettes and cocaine.

"The insula receives signals from visceral and skin receptors, including heat and cold, itch, pain, taste, hunger, thirst, muscle pain, visceral, and air...

"The insula is very important when it comes to processing unforeseen events. When you decide to go out in cold weather, your body is prepared before you are exposed to the cold weather, such as increased blood pressure to increase metabolism. This is your insula. effect.

"Suppression of insula activity must be done with caution, because people may lose interest in sex, eating, and work after losing their cravings for smoking, drinking, and taking drugs..."

"Striatum: Affects muscle tone, and is also associated with attention, mental state, and thinking. It can lead to chorea and tremor paralysis, increased muscle tension, bradykinesia, delirium, mania, and inconstancy of crying and laughing. the production of…”

"Amygdala: The brain tissue that produces, recognizes, and regulates emotions.

"Autism in young children also appears to be associated with an enlarged amygdala, and when the amygdala is stimulated in awake animals, the animals show confusion, anxiety, fear, withdrawal responses or anger, aggression responses.

"Stimulating the head end of the amygdala induces escape and fear, and stimulating the tail end of the amygdala induces defensive and attack responses. It can be seen that one of the main functions of the amygdala is to generate appropriate emotions according to various external information transmitted to the neocortex.

"Humans with damaged bilateral amygdala lack the ability to recognize and respond to feared events.

"One of the roles of the amygdala is responsible for processing facial muscles and expressions. When a person faces a face, the amygdala scans it, distinguishes whether it is friendly or hostile, and decides whether to face the person. or escape.

"The amygdala is also the autonomic center, which can regulate the functions of the body's respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract, etc., especially the autonomic responses accompanying emotional stimuli are directly regulated by the amygdala, and it is also involved in regulating the body's sexual activity, food intake, Regulates the role of the hypothalamus, thereby participating in the control and regulation of the secretion of pituitary hormones, and the regulation of neuroendocrine system functions…”

"The claustrum: A switch for suspected consciousness. When the claustrum is stimulated by high frequency, it can be found that the patient is unconscious and in a coma, which means that he cannot respond to external commands, his eyes are straight, and his breathing is slowed down. The high-frequency stimulation of the nucleus ceases, and the patient will regain consciousness, completely unaware of what just happened…”

"White Matter: Tripolar Disorders That Can Cause Hemiparesis, Hemiphonia, and Hemisensory Loss..."

"Thalamus: It is the core organ that produces consciousness and synthesizes thalamic sense.

"Although the thalamus can synthesize thalamic sense to produce consciousness, the thalamus is not the place for conscious activity, and consciousness does not exist in the thalamus. The thalamus can make the brain produce awareness of things, which refers to 'knowing' and 'understanding'. In clinical cases, damage or lesions to the thalamus result in impairment or loss of consciousness.

"The thalamus is also responsible for the relay of sensation and controls movement. It is worth mentioning that among all sensory information, only olfactory information is directly transmitted to the cerebral cortex without passing through the nuclei on the thalamus..."

"Hypothalamus: maintains bodily homeostasis, controls the autonomic nervous system, emotions, etc.

"In addition to the function of sample analysis and output, the hypothalamus also has the function of secreting hormones.

"The hypothalamus analyzes and produces feeling samples, activates the anterior nucleus of the thalamus to synthesize thalamic sense, produces feelings, produces preferences, preferences, preferences, desires, beauty, motivation, pleasure, fear, excitement, depression, etc. for people and things..."

"Cerebella: Coordinates the movements of the skeletal muscles, maintains and regulates muscle tension, maintains the balance of the body..."

"Brainstem: There are many important nerve centers in the brainstem, including the cardiovascular motor center, the respiratory center, the swallowing center, and the reflex centers such as vision, hearing, and balance..." (Note 1)

After quickly browsing the content related to various parts of the human brain on the sticky notes, Jiang Baimian's expression changed several times in succession.

She gritted her teeth and said:

"There is no such thing as an incarnated body!

"It's not like that at all!

"The Eighth Research Institute did not study awakening, but the mystery of the human brain!"

Speaking of which, she was suddenly surprised:

"Not good! If you follow the previous speculation, there will be a mistake in judgment.

"I have to remind him quickly!"

Note 1: Quoted from many medical books, journals and Baidu Encyclopedia.