Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 927: Division of labor


Because the "unintentional ones" are still fighting each other, Jiang Baimian only cares about the direction, doesn't know the way, and never stops, and the range of her own abilities is still large, not to mention the equipment on her body, so she is fighting back three waves. After the attack, he successfully broke out of the small city that was suspected to be the real "New World".

Of course, this is a bit far from the target position she expected, which means that even if she only looks at the direction, there will be deviations.

Fortunately, this was to be expected, she was not depressed, looked down at the mountain ridge, and circled around the city.

Under the galloping dash, she ran half the circle in less than ten minutes, and saw the heavy iron black gate at the entrance and exit of the tunnel.

"Fortunately..." Jiang Baimian breathed a sigh of relief.

She quickly opened the door, walked to Shang Jianyao, and knelt down on one knee.

Jiang Baimian quickly finished the process and saw Shang Jianyao's figure, but before she could speak, the guy waved his right hand:

"Just in time to find you!"

"Me too." Jiang Baimian's heart suddenly fell back to its original position after seeing Shang Jian Yao still jumping around.

Shang Jianyao is very humble this time:

"Then you speak first."

Jiang Baimian did not give in, and said directly:

"I found something inside that vortex-shaped building..."

She started with the contents of those human brains and the corresponding post-it notes, and went on to Zhao Danlin, the corpse of Winster Garland, and the area she couldn't enter yet.

"I met Winster Garland!" Shang Jianyao clapped his hands.

If it weren't for his posture, he would definitely pat his thighs.

"Have you met?" Jiang Baimian thought that after the turmoil began, Shang Jianyao's side would be in danger, but he didn't expect him to face the suspected old Winster Garland so quickly.

"Yeah." Shang Jianyao sighed for a while, "He threatened me while eating bear biscuits. Fortunately, 'Bodhi' helped me block it for a while, so I could run away smoothly."

Speaking of which, he emphasized:

"Winster Garland is suspected of April's 'Twisted Shadow'."

"I guessed it." Jiang Baimian was very calm. "If this is the case, then Zhao Danlin, the administrative director of the Eighth Research Institute, is likely to be the big boss."

"Wow." Shang Jianyao exclaimed, "As expected of the big boss."

He immediately asked the question:

"However, as the executive director of the Eighth Research Institute, why can she become the big boss of our 'Pangu creatures'

"This is irrelevant."

Jiang Baimian combined his past guesses and thought about it:

"The big boss is in charge of the communication between the Eighth Research Institute and other research institutes. It is highly probable that he knows the existence of the underground building and that there are such a group of people who are engaged in genetic research. When she becomes Zhi Sui, considering that her body cannot be preserved. When I came down, I was already dead, and I planned to form a 'Pangu Creature' to prepare a perfect body for myself, um, this is also captive food."

The original employees of "Pangu Creatures" did not enter the underground building for the first time after the destruction of the old world. They also experienced the outbreak of "innocent disease" and the chaos of the situation, and then they hid underground under the guidance of some people. , established the "Pangu Biology".

In terms of time node, this is consistent with Jiang Baimian's speculation.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Shang Jianyao agreed immediately, "The 'truth' has been said, the big boss has prepared a batch of suitable bodies for these Zhi Sui and Zhun Zhi Sui who want to leave the 'New World'."

"'Truth' still told you this?" Jiang Baimian was quite surprised.

"He said a lot..." Shang Jianyao suddenly got stuck, and then said angrily, "He lied to me!"

It's not normal if he doesn't lie to you... Jiang Baimian muttered in his heart.

She asked cooperatively:

"What did he lie to you?"

"He said that before he got a fit body, he and the Zhisui were gods, and they were completely different creatures from humans, so extracting human consciousness is justified." Shang Jianyao said indignantly, "He also said that Zhisui's position is only Thirteen, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for anyone to replace them, so they can suppress all the awakened ones and establish an order that is conducive to the survival and development of mankind, liar!"

Now it seems that each area of addiction corresponds to a certain part of the human brain, and because the functions of different areas of the human brain overlap, there will be a certain overlap in the ability of different stubborn years to control.

After stripping away the content of mysticism and leaving only science, whether Shang Jianyao or Jiang Baimian could not find a reason why an awakened person would definitely not be able to become an old man.

As long as he can develop the corresponding areas of the brain step by step and increase his strength to the extreme, there is hope to become a Zhi Sui.

As for how to develop it, the results of the Eighth Research Institute must have corresponding content, but there is a greater risk and probability of failure. Otherwise, the old people will not lose their bodies in the original disaster.

"If this secret is spread out, no matter if the major forces are under the control of Zhisui, those awakened people of the 'Spiritual Corridor' will also be ready to move. At that time, the Eighth Research Institute will be the target of public criticism and the target of guilt." Jiang Baimian sighed sincerely.

The road to "becoming a god" is there, and it is impossible for most people to calm down.

Shang Jianyao suddenly realized:

"No wonder the 'Deputy Dean' said that if the secrets they guard were leaked, the dust would be plunged into eternal chaos and endless disaster."

"This is only a possibility. In the end, a small group of people should be formed to become 'gods' and rule over the remaining ignorant people. As for how many people will die in the process, no one knows." Jiang Baimian based his experience and feeling said.

She doesn't have time for in-depth analysis.

Without giving Shang Jianyao a chance to digress the topic, Jiang Baimian took the initiative to ask:

"What else did 'Truth' tell you, and why did he tell you this?"

Shang Jianyao crackled and told Jiang Baimian the key points of his communication with "Truth".

"There is a certain degree of credibility, but there must be a lot of lies in the details." Jiang Baimian said bluntly, "It should be true that the part of Zhisui wants to break free from the shackles of the 'new world' and return to the ashes. The boss prepared a batch of suitable bodies for them. Most of them are true. The rest are either modified or just promises casually. At least I think they still have the idea of getting rid of the suppression of 'Johnson', and once there is no more Under the suppression of 'Zhuang Sheng', it is difficult for anyone to predict what these Zhi Sui who have long been alienated into non-humans will do."

Based on the fact that she didn't know enough, except for the unmistakable lies that the zhisui were originally gods, she did not elaborate on what content might be "truth" deceiving Shang Jianyao.

"Then what should I do next?" Shang Jianyao asked naturally.

Jiang Baimian said "um":

"After listening to the arguments of the faction-changing group, you must understand the reasons for maintaining the status quo. Listen to the truth and listen to the opposite. The more comprehensive you have a grasp of the situation, the better you will know what decision to make."

Slap clap clap, Shang Jianyao applauded:

"good idea."

After complimenting, he changed his words:

"However, as soon as those Zhi Sui who want to maintain the status quo see me, they can't wait to skin me and dismantle me, turn me into a spiritual force and inhale it into my body, and they don't give me a chance to communicate at all!"

"Also..." Jiang Baimian was not overwhelmed by the difficulties of this reality, and said while thinking, "There are people in Zhisui who want to maintain the status quo, for example, 'Broken Mirror', she is probably Lin Sui, you If you encounter it, you can try to communicate. Also, why did 'Bodhi' fall to the faction-changing faction, you can also understand, um, it's strange that he let the monks give up their bodies and enter the 'new world', Finally, you have to directly ask the friendly personality of 'Johnson', why did he establish that set of order and bind the old people."

"Understood." Shang Jianyao responded with high fighting spirit, "I'll go now."

In order to ensure that his spirit will not be exhausted in the next few hours, Jiang Baimian did not dare to communicate too much, so he nodded and said:

"it is good."

She was about to release the contact of consciousness when Shang Jianyao suddenly raised his hand:

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing Jiang Baimian looking over, he quickly explained:

"Did you just say that the ability of the Awakened comes from the development of the brain, and that the area that you can't access at present is likely to hide the high-end products that stimulate the brain and prompt humans to enter the 'forbidden zone of the gods'?"

Jiang Baimian was stunned for a moment, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly:

"You just found out?"

The focus of her sharing is clearly in this regard!

Shang Jianyao laughed:

"I'm just making a confirmation.

"Wait, you take my body to the vortex-shaped building, and when you can enter that area, see if you can use the experimental results there to stimulate my brain, and let me advance from the 'new world' to the senior rank ."

Jiang Baimian thought for a while and said:

"it is good."

She went on to add:

"I almost forgot to say, I will carry your body to the second research area, so as not to have to run back and forth every time we communicate, wasting time."

If she didn't have "Lu Chi", it would be fine. With the blessing of the military exoskeleton device, it took less than ten minutes to go back and forth.

Unfortunately, no if.

"Just right!" Shang Jianyao laughed and waved his hand, "Come on!"

After the exchange was over, Jiang Baimian put Shang Jianyao's body behind the military exoskeleton device and fastened it tightly with straps.

Then, she checked the biological agents such as Xiafeika, glanced at the crate containing the nuclear warhead, lifted it, and held it in front of her with her left hand.

Jiang Baimian immediately turned to the tunnel exit, hesitated for a few seconds, sighed softly, and ran towards the small city.

In the "maze", Shang Jianyao slowed down his running pace, and opened the doors of different colors on both sides again.

One fan after another, he didn't touch anyone.

After walking like this for ten minutes, Shang Jianyao's eyes suddenly froze.

Right in front of him, at the end of the aisle, a blood-red door appeared.

"Where's the person? Where's the person?" Shang Jianyao was very disappointed, "Have you been stopped? You can't find someone to chat with!"