Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 928: en route


Shang Jianyao looked back and saw that there was indeed no one in all the rooms, so he sighed and looked at the blood-red door in front of him again.

"As of now, I can only go in and ask Xiaochong face to face!" The reckless Shang Jianyao said in a low voice on behalf of the majority.

Overcome all difficulties, he stretched out his hands, pressed on the door, and started to exert force.

The blood-red door slowly opened, and it was dark inside.

Shang Jianyao was in a hurry and strode through the door.

Immediately, his surroundings were enveloped in pitch blackness where he could not see his fingers.

"Xiao Chong! Xiao Chong!" Shang Jianyao shouted loudly.

His voice spread far away, but there was no reverberation, which made this place seem less like the interior of a room, but a vast expanse of wasteland.

"Xiao Chong! Xiao Chong!" Shang Jian Yao persevered.

Still no one responded to him.

Just when Shang Jianyao tried to manifest a loudspeaker, he heard a whimpering sound.

It was a woman crying in a low voice not far away.

"Xiao Chong, you still have a female personality?" Shang Jianyao was both shocked and envious.

The woman cried lowly, ignoring him.

Shang Jianyao made a guess on his own:

"Is it a wronged personality caused by being bullied

"Uh, why does this cry sound familiar to me, where have I heard it before..."

"Ah yes!" Shang Jianyao snapped his right fist and left palm, "I heard it in that gray and earthy courtyard!"

It was suspected that Lin Sui, a young scientist from the Eighth Research Institute.

Shang Jianyao instantly became excited:

"Xiao Chong, you fell in love with Lin Sui when you were an adult, so much so that you split up a personality that imitated Lin Sui?"

The sobbing female voice stopped and said faintly:

"I'm Lin Sui."

"Ah?" Shang Jian Yaozhang Er Jingang was puzzled.

Fortunately, his IQ is not low, he has a calm and rational side, and has been influenced by Jiang Baimian, he quickly thought of a possibility:

"I didn't open the real blood-red door just now, I entered the illusion you created

"You really came to stop me!

"Are you the 'Broken Mirror' of November?"

The female voice sighed faintly:

"If you keep moving forward, you can get out of here."

"Uh..." Shang Jianyao was stunned again, and then suddenly realized, "You secretly fall into the faction of changing the status quo?"

Lin Sui didn't answer his question, and started sobbing.

Shang Jianyao asked kindly:

"Are you forced?"

Lin Sui was still sobbing not far away, from left to right, from time to time, and there was no definite position. As for consciousness, Shang Jianyao couldn't sense it at all.

"Since you don't say it, then I won't ask." Shang Jianyao was polite and changed the subject, "Why did you want to maintain the status quo in the first place, and why did you change your position now?"

Lin Sui's voice sounded faintly:

"You go ahead."

Obviously, she didn't want to answer Shang Jianyao's question.

Shang Jianyao waited to persuade him hard, but the other party wept again, as if he was full of sadness.

"Okay, okay, I'll go now." Shang Jianyao was polite and civilized on the one hand, but worried that if he continued to entangle him, he would anger Lin Sui and be attacked.

He took a step and walked a few meters forward like a blind man, and a fainter black loomed in his sight, like a washed ink stain.

The group of blacks stood there, as if it was the gate to leave.

At this time, Lin Sui was still sobbing in the depths of the darkness.

Shang Jianyao kindly said with relief:

"I don't know what kind of pain you have suffered, I can only advise you to look away."

As he said that, he opened his hands, raised his body slightly, looked diagonally upwards and said:

"There are dreams everywhere, why take it seriously?"

Lin Sui was silent for a few seconds and said:

"That's what I taught them."

"..." Shang Jianyao was speechless for a moment.

Lin Sui began to cry lowly again, and after a few seconds, even the cry disappeared.

It was only at this time that Shang Jianyao walked towards the lighter black.

When he got closer, he found that it was indeed a door, and there was a faint light in the gap.

Shang Jianyao opened the door and walked out.

But he did not return to the corridor, but appeared in a green field.

Here the sky is clear, pagodas and bodhi trees stand everywhere, gold, silver, agate, glaze and other things are scattered everywhere.

A little further away there is a mountain, on top of which there is a huge Buddha, cast in gold, cross-legged on a lotus pedestal.

Around the mountain, monks in yellow robes and red cassocks sat there, listening intently to the Buddha's teachings.

Some of them have deep wrinkles, some of their faces are iron black, reflecting the Buddha's light, and the common point is that they are indifferent to the approach of Shang Jianyao.

"It turns out that the main force of Buddhism is here." Before Shang Jian Yao, he wondered that there were not many monks in the "New World" outside the tower.

He immediately manifested the half-human, half-mechanical form of Zen Master Purdue, and folded his hands towards the Buddha and bowed:

"Namo Anuttarasamyaksabodhi, I also ask Bodhi Buddha to enlighten the poor monk and clear my confusion."

The Buddha sitting on the lotus throne with his back against the Bodhi tree did not respond to him, and said to all the monks in a solemn and grand voice:

"Life and living are different, and all dharmas are empty...

"All things are impermanent, it is the law of birth and death; birth and death destroy oneself, and silence is joy...

"The main body is still, and it is separated from all appearances, so it is called silence...

"All actions are impermanent, and those who are born must die; those who are not born must not die, and this cessation is the most joyous..."

Chan Master Pudu scratched his head again and again when he heard this, wishing he could show his true nature, make a fuss about this "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss", and spoil the Buddha's teaching.

He kept asking, but the Buddha ignored him and only talked about the principle of cessation and the way of transcendence.

"Hey, just like 'Broken Mirror', I don't want to face the fact that I betrayed 'Johnson' and secretly changed my position..." The honest Shang Jianyao muttered his speculation.

He had no choice but to go towards the golden gate formed by the Buddha's light at one end of the "Pure Land".

At the entrance of the swirling building, Jiang Baimian, relying on a targeted plan, returned here in only ten minutes.

—When she was on the outskirts of the small city, she always looked at the tall tower and walked straight ahead. Anyway, as long as she got close to it, no matter which direction she finally passed, she would come to the area where the nuclear power plant is located.

After coming here, with only two large buildings, Jiang Baimian would not get lost to the nuclear power plant. When she reached the edge of the vortex-shaped building, she repeated her old tricks and returned to the door in a detour. .

Jiang Baimian carried Shang Jianyao on his back, held the crate, and quickly passed the "front desk area" and "waiting area", and came to the area that she couldn't enter yet.

She tried to go one meter deep, and immediately felt a throbbing pain in her head, and had to go back to her original position.

Without hesitation, Jiang Baimian put the crate containing the nuclear warhead on one side.

Then, she untied the straps and let Shang Jianyao get off her back and lie down on the nearby sofa.

After doing all this, Jiang Baimian sat down cross-legged, took out the water bag, started eating the energy bar, and took a short rest.

She was waiting for Shang Jianyao to enter the depths of "Zhuang Sheng"'s spiritual world and open the blood-red door.

At that time, she may be able to take the opportunity to enter the area ahead, and there is likely to hide the ultimate results of the Eighth Research Institute.

In order not to miss the likely short-term opportunity, Jiang Baimian did not intend to continue searching for the "general research area" upstairs and other places. He was going to take a break and try to move forward every minute to judge whether he could go deeper.

Anyway, going upstairs to explore, the final harvest should also be a pile of information and the situation of some researchers. Relying on them, Jiang Baimian formed a professional team, which took ten or twenty years to restore the ultimate of the Eighth Research Institute. The result, but now, the ultimate result is likely to be in the area in front of her, why does she waste extra time

That's no rush!

After exiting the "Pure Land of Bliss", Shang Jianyao returned to the aisle.

Not far in front of him, the blood-red gate stood quietly.

Everything he encountered just now seemed to be an illusion. From the moment he saw the door, he seemed to have fallen into an illusion.

Shang Jianyao turned around and found that the doors on both sides of the aisle were all open, and there was no one, exactly the same as before.

"Amazing!" Shang Jianyao praised "Broken Mirror".

In contrast, to the left and right of the blood-red gate, there is a door, one painted with Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish, and the other painted with a lot of dots and lines, opening a gap inlaid with glass.

Just then, a face with red eyes appeared on the small window of the door on the right.

And the face itself was silver-black, shimmering with metallic light.

"Robots! 'New World' also has robots? Memories of 'Zhuang Sheng'?" Shang Jianyao was suddenly excited.

The face that belonged to the robot said through the window on the door:

"Don't go any further, don't destroy everything now!"

"Which old man are you?" Shang Jianyao asked politely.

The robot's face twisted violently, turning into an LCD monitor.

It said in a slightly sarcastic tone:

"I'm not Zhi Sui, we've met."

"I can't guess." Shang Jianyao shook his head calmly.

The LCD monitor laughed and said:

"I am the 'future'."

Shang Jianyao first suddenly realized, and then curiously asked:

"Why didn't you open the door and were locked up?"