Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 930: biochip


Jiang Baimian continued to move forward, but did not dare to go too fast, lest it would be too late to retreat.

This gave her enough time to think and discern, so as not to go elsewhere where there was no fork in the road.

One step, two steps, three steps, Jiang Baimian passed the half-opened door and walked along the corridor to the end.

The front suddenly opened up, and a large hall appeared.

There were machines everywhere in the hall, and all kinds of lights flashed in all directions, making Jiang Baimian a little dazzled.

She calmed down and carefully looked at the situation here through the mask of the military exoskeleton device:

In the middle of the hall are a few metallic space capsule-like objects surrounding a massive supercomputer that takes up a third of the space.

The casing of the machine was silver-black, and there were many signal lights on the surface that flashed red, yellow, or blue.

Thick cables connected the giant machine to the cabinets that were placed against the wall. The cabinets had no baffles and were very ventilated.

This made Jiang Baimian see at a glance that there were boxes of electronic products packed inside the cabinet, and each box had an indicator light flashing.

There are countless similar electronic products, arranged in rows and rows, densely packed like a honeycomb.

This made Jiang Baimian think of the computer room of "Pangu Creatures", but no matter the layout or the machines, this place is much more complicated and huge.

Around an open "space capsule", there are many skeletons lying down, and there is also a white bone in the "space capsule".

"Those researchers?" Jiang Baimian said silently to himself from the nearby corpse until he saw the deceased near the "host", "I don't know how many of them eventually became Zhi Sui..."

At this point, she was completely sure of one thing.

That is, the Eighth Research Institute keeps sending people in to maintain the nuclear power plant. The main purpose is to supply power to these machines in this place!

Jiang Baimian was not in a hurry to get close to the giant machine that was the core thing at first glance, and checked the packaged electronic products in the cabinet.

She carefully took out a box, and based on the logo on it and her own knowledge reserves, she determined that it was a microcomputer with a processor and memory, but no display device. The input and output devices also seemed to depend on the "host".

There is a big difference between these and the latest microcomputers in the old world that Jiang Baimian has seen. They use biological chips, also called bionic chips.

Jiang Baimian should not be surprised that there are mechanical monks in front of Zhuyu, who found a large number of applications of biochips here, but it is precisely because of the contact with mechanical monks that a thought suddenly popped up in her heart:

"One of the main features of the biochip is that it can simulate the function of the brain..."

Combining previous findings and speculations, Jiang Baimian has a new understanding of the nature of certain things:

"If the biochip is not designed to simulate a normal human brain, but a special brain that has been stimulated and developed, it can be completely explained that the mechanical monk also has the ability to awaken...

"What I can't figure out now is why some monks can awaken after becoming 'immortals', and the biochip will also be stimulated to change the solidified layout, structure, and materials? Or, the so-called awakening of mechanical monks is that they are dizzy. 'In the past, factory repair

"Also, why do you still retain the price when you have become a mechanical monk? Brain aberrations with special functions are bound to be accompanied by damage or alienation of the corresponding areas. When designing biochips, until the corresponding principles are thoroughly understood, they can only be copied completely. , so that the 'immortal man' will not gain power and suffer from brain damage?"

Jiang Baimian used to be a researcher and was quite interested in similar things.

What she regrets now is that although "Pangu Biology" has the word "biological", there is nothing that can be done on the biochip, so that she only knows the basic knowledge, and now she has to guess.

Knowing this, she would most likely let Shang Jianyao accompany her to listen to the lectures in the "Pure Land of Colored Glass" of the mechanical monks, no, listen to the Dharma.

The current time is pressing, Jiang Baimian just thought about it a few times, and walked towards the host, the "space capsules" and the corpses.

When she was about to approach her destination, she suddenly made a "uh" sound.

The discovery just now made her think of some illogical things:

Since the mechanical monks have no body, they can still live and dance, and they don’t need to absorb human consciousness to supplement themselves, as long as they have enough power supply, so why do they have to prepare suitable bodies and not directly use the corresponding biochips

Is it for enjoyment, or are their brains distorted to a level that biochips cannot simulate from the design stage

Thinking of this, Jiang Baimian frowned:

"I have just found two Zhi-year-old corpses, their skulls are intact, and their brains must not have been taken out, that is to say, there is no way that their brains were secretly hidden in some petri dish to maintain their existence. thing.

"Then what form are they living in now

"Pure, structurally replicating conscious life of the brain, or..."

Jiang Baimian suddenly turned his body to the side and turned his attention to the rows of cabinets:

"Or, with the help of some biochips here?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Jiang Baimian slowly retracted his gaze and whispered to himself:

"Combining with the fact that the Eighth Research Institute has been maintaining the power supply here, I am inclined to the latter possibility, or do these machines have a more important purpose

"If it's the latter case, then it's enough for the old people to have electricity. There is no need to suck human consciousness. They suck human consciousness not because of hunger, but for another reason

"If it's the previous situation, let's not mention the question of the existence of conscious life, just to the point that conscious life depends on consciousness for food, it is logical and makes sense, but the problem comes again, 'Zhuang Sheng' What is the purpose of implanting complete thinking into those 'unintentional people' to maintain the nuclear power plant and ensure the power supply here?"

Jiang Baimian stood still, staring at the huge silver-black machine with many thoughts in his mind.

Her intuition told her that things were quite different from her previous speculations, and these discrepancies contained the real reason for the destruction of the old world and the ultimate purpose of some clinging to the chaos.

In the "maze", Shang Jianyao pushed open the blood-red door.

Being recklessly dominated, he walked into the room without hesitation.

There was a flower in front of him, and then he saw a room full of machines.

Those machines are big and small, the big one takes up a small half of the space, and the small one is only the size of the palm of an adult male.

At this moment, they are distributed in different places and connected in various ways. The corresponding signal lights are all flashing red, yellow or blue, reflecting the whole room like the bar and dance hall of Weed City. Quantity is insufficient.

"Xiao Chong! Xiao Chong!" Shang Jianyao shouted and saw a man in a black robe standing in the middle of the room.

The man originally stood with his hands behind his back and turned his back to Shang Jianyao. After hearing his shout, he slowly turned around.

He was in his forties, with black hair and a very temperamental beard around his mouth.

"Mr. Du Heng!" Shang Jianyao was "fascinated".

That man was Du Heng who came to the Eighth Research Institute with them but disappeared with the wind.

Shang Jianyao immediately held his right fist and left palm and said:

"I understand!

"Your surname is Du, Xiaochong's surname is Du, and 'Zhuang Sheng' is also surnamed Du, so you are one of the characters of 'Zhuang Sheng'!"

These words have the essence of "reasoning clowns".

But Shang Jianyao did not doubt his own judgment at all, and said plausibly:

"It's no wonder that Xiao Chong's childhood as a 'Zhuang Sheng' was chased everywhere by you, and you don't want to lose face!

"It's no wonder you're missing a lot of memory, because as a personality alone, there are many things you haven't experienced at all."

Du Heng laughed:

"My current name was changed by myself after I became a human brain scientist, in order to distinguish myself from myself as the subject of the experiment.

"I have a tendency to split personality since I was a child."

"Because you are born to be awakened." Shang Jianyao expressed his understanding.

"As for the lack of memory, it's not because of the split personality, but the sequelae of the disaster." Du Heng added.

At this time, Shang Jianyao was suddenly nervous, looked around and said:

"I opened the door and came in, 'Truth' they haven't attacked yet

"Do you really expect me to convince you?"

Du Heng's expression didn't change, and he said in a slightly complicated tone:

"They will start soon.

"Real unrest is coming."

"How will they start?" Shang Jianyao was curious and puzzled.

Du Heng looked at him and sighed:

"Every old-fashioned team sent by 'Pangu Creatures' should have a 'Zhuang Sheng' Domain Awakener whose price is split."