Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 932: differences between the two sides


Shang Jianyao didn't care that "Zhuang Sheng" Du Heng was in front of him, he clapped his hands and said:

"The original authority refers to this!

"That guy Wu Meng just refuses to talk!"

Du Heng didn't care about Shang Jianyao's casual interjection, and smiled slightly self-deprecatingly:

"At that time, we were all dizzy with joy, thinking that we really passed the stairs and stepped into the forbidden area of the gods, and we have seen it for a long time."

"I now believe that Wu Meng is your student." Shang Jianyao said sincerely.

It's all the same tone, the only difference is that Wu Meng often knows Qi Ran but doesn't know why, and tries to "integrate" Tao into his life.

Du Heng laughed:

"We spent a lot of time thinking about our title, and we agreed that we can't use the title of God directly, it's too tacky.

"As you know, I like games very much. I found inspiration from the game and decided to refer to our group of gods as 'Zhi Sui', and then choose the corresponding month to take charge. It just so happens that we are thirteen people in total, which is in line with ten The concept of adding a leap month to two months later, I never gave the 'truth' permission, because after he joined, the number was too large, and there was no strict correspondence, and the beauty of mathematics and settings would be lost..."

"Isn't it because the 'last man' occupies a position?" Shang Jianyao asked in surprise.

"No." Du Heng shook his head.

Shang Jianyao sighed for a while:

"If I were the 'truth' and knew the real reason was this, I would definitely die."

"But in a sense, it is indeed the 'last man' who occupies that position." Du Heng thought for a while.

As long as "truth" replaces the "last man" and becomes an obsession, there is nothing that cannot be strictly corresponded to and loses the beauty of mathematics and setting.

"Yes." Shang Jianyao was persuaded and praised sincerely, "As expected of a senior gamer, he values the beauty of the settings so much."

As for the beauty of mathematics, he could not understand it.

Du Heng did not continue this topic, and said quite emotionally under the rapidly flickering large number of lights:

"I also like Taoist culture very much, so I gave myself the title of 'Zhuang Sheng'. They also changed their names to 'Bodhi', 'Shuangri', 'Siming' according to their own ideas..."

"If I could become Zhi Sui, what should I be called? 'Hey' is such a serious title... How about 'Fate'?" Shang Jianyao was in a state of embarrassment.

Du Heng didn't answer his question, his eyes showed a bit of vicissitudes:

"Everyone is selfish, and after the initial adaptation stage, we plan to monopolize the 'God's forbidden area' and prevent others from becoming stubborn.

"To this end, we jointly established the 'Hall of the Stars' with the help of the special nature of 'New World', manifesting everyone's 'mind world' and 'ocean of consciousness' into the 'Sea of Origin', and through the creation of the 'Spiritual Corridor' way to connect the 'seas of origin' together."

"What's the matter with the gate of the 'New World'?" Shang Jianyao was quite curious about this.

Du Heng let out a "ha":

"Of course we also opened the door to the 'new world', which is both a trap and an opportunity.

"We can control that door to appear in any room of the 'Spiritual Corridor', and give hints to make people feel familiar and dare to continue exploring.

"As long as any of us wants to, we can let the awakened people who have just entered the 'spirit corridor' see the door directly, but when we push it, we need to consume extra energy and give some help, otherwise the 'spirit of that level' The strength of the Awakener in the corridor is not enough. You must explore the depths and improve yourself before you can easily open the door with your own strength.

"Coming to the 'New World' means that you have completely accepted our management, and you can't make waves again, let alone become a senior."

Shang Jianyao expressed his incomprehension:

"Why is it still an opportunity?"

This is a bright trap!

"Without the door we provide, human beings can only reach half of the 'new world' level." Du Heng explained briefly, "You think the amplification and enhancement of brain waves can have such a strong electromagnetic manipulation effect, and even interfere with Matter? Only in the 'Spiritual Corridor' and the 'New World' can we take advantage of the special here to do things that seem ordinary at present."

Shang Jianyao's focus was once again deviated, he rubbed his chin and said:

"That is to say, even if there is no 'Star Hall', no 'Spiritual Corridor', and no such gate, normal Awakeners can still go to the 'New World' level step by step, but the sensing range and strength are much weaker? "

"Yes." Du Heng nodded.

Shang Jianyao asked:

"If such an awakened person can enter the second research area you mentioned, find a way to bypass the restrictions, take control of the machine, and steal the permissions, can he also become an executive?"

Du Heng first nodded lightly:

"There is another premise, that is, enter the experimental warehouse, receive the final stimulation, and develop the brain to a certain extent."

He went on to say:

"Otherwise, why do you think I want to control the rest of the Eighth Academy, let them guard this place, and kill all efforts to figure out the cause of the destruction of the old world?"

"Another reason is to maintain the power required for that machine." Shang Jianyao helped to add.

Suddenly, his expression changed:

"Brain waves! You just said brain waves!

"The 'Salvation Army' people say that the brain controller is true in a sense?"

"That's their own imagination." Du Heng denied first, and then said, "For the awakened people who rely on the platform built by themselves instead of us to become the 'Spiritual Corridor' or even the 'New World', complete electromagnetic shielding can indeed help. Prevent the influence they exert, but as long as you can take advantage of the special here, the effect of that protection will not be very good."

"Oh." Only then did Shang Jianyao remember that he had misled the topic for a while, and the lights around him flickered to an urgent level, "You can continue talking about business."

Du Heng glanced at the door and sighed slightly:

"In the beginning, everything was fine until we found ourselves hungry and needing to feed on the human consciousness."

"Isn't it just relying on biochips to supply power?" Shang Jian Yaoman resisted.

Du Heng shook his head:

"Our form of existence is very special, it is only based on, not rooted in, the biological chip. When using the ability, we can indeed draw electricity through it to increase the power, but the consciousness itself will also decay.

"Those mechanical monks can't avoid this, but their consciousness has been transplanted into the biochip, and the decay rate is very slow, allowing them to survive for hundreds or even thousands of years.

"Hey, when we're too hungry, we're too weak, we betray our conscience and our morals and start eating people, and we've found that even if we don't need to feed on human consciousness, we still have to do it eventually.

"The formation of this 'new world' is related to the extraction of a large amount of human consciousness when the 'old world' is destroyed, and it itself is also attenuating a little bit, and it must be kept stable by the constant flow of living water, otherwise it will be ten years and decades later. Complete disintegration or disappearance."

Du Heng was silent for a few seconds, then sighed:

"From that day on, we were completely different, and there was a section of people who really stopped seeing themselves as human beings.

"During that time, I didn't impose any restraints on all the Zhisui, and let everyone do their own things. As a result, many sects were born on the dust, and human disputes could not be quelled, and there was chaos everywhere.

"Judging from the situation at the time, even if more than 90% of the people died when the old world was destroyed, and even if there were a large number of 'mindless people' active on the dust afterward, after seven or eight winters passed, human beings could still slowly rebuild. After all, many scientific and technological materials and industrial machines are well preserved, but with the addition of those of us, the ashes continue to slide into the abyss.”

"Yes, it is because there is no hope in the chaotic era that the 'Salvation Army' appears." Shang Jianyao sighed.

Du Heng nodded:

"When the number of human beings has been greatly reduced again, civilization has been cut off, and it is in danger, I joined a few Zhisui who are very worried about this, and I talked frankly with the remaining ones a few times, and fought twice.

"Considering the importance of human beings to us for the stability of the 'new world', we finally reached an agreement that Zhisui should try not to interfere in the affairs of the dust, reduce the frequency of 'no-heart disease', and let human beings recuperate.

"At the same time, I, who won the victory, also imposed restrictions on other seniors, so that they could not leave the 'high tower' normally, so that their every move in the 'new world' could not be concealed from me, which is equivalent to their operation The journals are transparent to me, so they connect privately, either through people and things on the dust, or through 'truth'."

"Why isn't 'truth' restricted?" Shang Jianyao asked suspiciously.

Duheng said:

"He is also a researcher himself. As soon as he entered the Eighth Academy and was transferred to the second research area, he lost his body because of the disaster and entered the 'new world'.

"He woke up late, at that time, we had already completed the assignment, and no one wanted to have another person to share the authority.

"When we had a conflict later, he kept hiding, he didn't show up, and he wasn't locked up in the tower. Besides, he was not an old man, and he didn't have an operation log, and I had a split personality, and I often fought myself. To monitor the affairs of those awakened people in the 'New World', so he became the most special one.

"At critical moments, he can also obtain certain permissions through the executive behind him."

Before waiting for Shang to see Yao again, Du Heng brought the topic back to the right track:

"After that conflict, Ashes ended the chaotic years and began to count the year with the new calendar.

"Those who are bound and restricted have lost some of their freedom and will definitely not be reconciled, and over time, we discovered another problem.

"That is, machines have a lifespan, and machines age.

"Once that machine is finished, the 'new world' that has lost its connection with and corresponding support to the dust will either collapse or float completely in the 'darkness' until it dissipates.

"Many parts can be replaced, but the core components can't be operated under power, and as long as the power is cut off, we might just disappear.

"'Si Ming' they hope to prepare in advance, relying on the remaining people of the Eighth and Sixth Academy to build a machine, and then try to transfer it, but this is likely to require a lot of human consciousness as a catalyst or stabilizer.

"At that time, I had already made a decision. I didn't agree to them. They started to gang up and resist in private. As a result, turmoil happened again and again."

"What decision?" Shang Jianyao asked curiously.

Du Heng looked at him and smiled:

"I'm going to destroy that machine, end this, and end this decades-long catastrophe."

"Ah?" Shang Jianyao was shocked.

When Du Heng saw this, he teased:

"Otherwise, who do you think gave that nuclear warhead to your team?"