Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 935: old people


"I like meetings..." Shang Jianyao's expression was slightly distorted, as if he remembered some unpleasant memories.

Du Heng looked at the soles of his feet again.

In that room, Shang Jianyao, who was seeking novelty and curiosity, was playing games with Xiaochong.

The corresponding door was already pitch black, as if the long night had come.

Du Heng pointed again and said:

"'Si Ming', your boss, the executive director of the Eighth Academy, Zhao Danlin.

"She has three degrees in two countries, she is proficient in multiple languages, she is strong and shrewd, and she is able to do things neatly.

"She was originally a very caring person, she loved to read books and watch movies, and she had a temperament and connotation, but after becoming a senior, she gradually became what she is now, which is really unpredictable.

"The price for her was lethargy, most of the time she was awake for no more than a month a year."

Although there are only two languages in Huitu in essence, one is Huitu language and the other is Honghe language, but they have various dialects and variants, thus forming the so-called multi-language.

"It turns out that the big boss is always sleeping. No wonder he ignores the believers and doesn't care much about the company." Shang Jianyao suddenly realized.

He listened with relish.

Du Heng turned his body slightly and looked to the other side.

In the corresponding room, the honest Shang Jianyao was asking Du Shaochong, an autistic teenager, if he had a crush on any girl. The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

The door there twisted up, revealing streaks of sunlight.

"'Double Sun', security director Brian Stanley." Du Heng recalled, "He didn't know much about the gray soil culture, but he was very interested. He was deceived by Lin Sui and Duffy Tier, and taught radio gymnastics and eye exercises. , He didn't get angry when he learned the truth later, but liked it very much.

"His flaw is forgetfulness, which can be used. If something diverts his attention later, he is likely to forget what he is here for. Well, the premise is that 'Siming' has no chance to remind them. ."

As "Zhuang Sheng", Du Heng has controlled "New World" for many years. He can read the operation logs of other Zhi Sui and read other people's thoughts, and slowly he has grasped all the costs of Zhi Sui.

"A very interesting person." Shang Jianyao said.

Du Heng nodded:

"He's also someone who values his freedom very much."

He looked to another place again, and wanted to take this opportunity to "introduce" the hostile Zhisui to Shang Jianyao, so that he could fully understand what kind of person the other party was and what kind of price he had, so that he could have a more targeted approach. action.

The door of the corresponding room was already half-open, and behind the door was dark, and there was a faint figure of a woman.

Du Heng smiled and said:

"'You Gu', financial officer, Yu Huatong.

"At the beginning, she was a very cute girl, and she was very vigilant in her own job. Everyone who came to the financial room seemed to be reporting false accounts.

"Her problem was being emotionally hypersensitive and prone to depression, sadness, anger and resentment."

"She helped us a lot." Shang Jianyao said honestly.

Du Heng turned around again, pointed to another room and said:

"'Golden Balance', Richard, one of the main researchers of the project, he also has some achievements in genetics.

"He's the kind of guy with high IQ and low EQ. He doesn't even have a girlfriend at a young age. I once suspected that he had a crush on Duffy Tiel, but it has never been confirmed.

"His price is symmetrical obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you want to use it, you must pay attention. This is a double-edged sword. A little carelessness will make him completely lose his mind and attack frantically."

Shang Jianyao looked at the door that became golden and symmetrical, and asked doubtfully:

"Why are their features on the door so similar to their titles?"

"The essence of this place is a high-dimensional consciousness space. It has been claimed for a long time, and it has been talked about by believers for a long time. It is naturally expressed after unknowingly accepting it." Du Heng explained casually.

He pointed to another room and said:

"'Mandala', Silvi, an assistant researcher on the project, mainly plays with us.

"She is a very motivated person and works very hard. She hopes to gain our approval and become an official researcher as soon as possible.

"The price for her is an extreme desire to compliment and worship, and she is willing to bless those rotten guys for this, and you will perform well later."

"Oh." Shang Jianyao had an expression of "I'm using my brain".

Du Heng turned around:

"'Truth,' uh, what's his name

"He just entered the academy at the time, and I didn't recruit him. I never knew what his surname was, and later he used his title instead, so there's no need to know.

"I remember that his family seems to be very good, he is quite proud, and he is more romantic.

"The price for him is the lack of self-discipline, the kind that he will answer or refute if you ask questions."

Having introduced this, Du Heng closed his eyes and said to himself:

"We got along very well at the time, serious at work, lively in private, very united, working hard for the same goal..."

Shang Jianyao saw that when Teacher Du Heng opened his eyes, there seemed to be a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Inside the whirlpool building.

Jiang Baimian finally returned to the core research area after spending "a little" time.

At this point, those lights flickered to give the impression that the machine here was about to explode.

Step by step to the experimental cabins, Jiang Baimian didn't care to check the body of "Bodhi", put down the crate containing the nuclear warhead, and opened the transparent cover of the other one.

She immediately put Shang Jianyao's body in and closed the hatch.

Then, she looked at the operation buttons on the instrument.

This has multiple modes, one of which is labeled "God Forbidden".

Teacher Du Heng is worthy of being a former game boy and a rebellious high school student, and his name is so character... Jiang Baimian slandered while checking the machine.

She believed that it was most likely named by Du Heng.

The researchers involved in the corresponding projects also believe that after the human brain is developed to the extreme, human beings will gain the power of gods, and the emergence of staged experimental results has deepened their confidence in this regard.

Jiang Baimian looked up at the large silver-black "host" and the surrounding cabinets with biochips, and then looked down at Shang Jianyao in the experimental cabin, his right hand was hanging over the button, as if solidified there.

After a few seconds, she mumbled:

"Don't you have to blow up the machine to destroy the 'New World', just unplug the wire

"There is no 'New World' to provide shelter, and the biochip has stopped working again. Those who do not have a body will definitely, er, die on the spot and their consciousness will dissipate, while those with a body can take the opportunity to return to the dust..."

Jiang Baimian thought she had to give it a try. She carefully left the experimental cabin and came to the nearest cable.

She observed the wiring and judged that these cables were not the most important ones, they were just used for experimentation, so as not to trigger a fierce counterattack from the old-timers.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Baimian pulled back a distance, resolutely raised his right hand, and fired a grenade at the cable.


The explosion sounded, and the cables seemed to have an invisible barrier, blocking all the shrapnel and shock waves from the outside.

This scene reminded Jiang Baimian of the shooting of the murloc gods, and now the invisible barrier is unshakable.

Relying on the military exoskeleton device, she avoided the aftermath in time.

After getting up again, Jiang Baimian thought about it and opened his palm to that place.

A red laser jumped out and landed on the invisible barrier.

After trying the electromagnetic weapon to no avail, Jiang Baimian turned to the "host".

She wants to see if the buttons there can be touched.

What she expected was that she encountered an invisible barrier before she could get close to the "host".

"Huh, it seems that the only thing I can come across is the experimental cabin... This may be due to Mr. Du Heng's hard work to 'win' it down." Jiang Baimian's expression became sad for a while behind the mask.

She returned to the experimental cabin where Shang Jianyao was lying.

Looking at Shang Jianyao, who had a good dream, Jiang Baimian hesitated to make up his mind.

But she also knew that any further delay would only be a bad thing.

Jiang Baimian closed his eyes and opened them after a dozen seconds.

She took a long sigh, stretched out her right hand, and resolutely pressed the "God's forbidden zone" button.

Countless patches and needles protruded from different parts of the experimental cabin, enclosing Shang Jianyao's head, and other instruments monitored his body status.

Jiang Baimian knew that this was already the latest experimental machine. When the Eighth Academy was just established, it had to rely on "drilling" in its head to conduct further experiments.

"Pangaeon", underground building.

As the elevator descended rapidly, it stopped constantly, and people came in and out from time to time.

Finally, only Long Yuehong and Bai Chen were left here, and the sixth floor, where their destination radio station was located, was about to arrive.

The two were silent until the elevator car door opened.

Long Yuehong walked out, couldn't help but glanced at Bai Chen sideways, and asked in a low voice:

"Are you scared?"

"Don't be afraid." Bai Chen shook his head, "I have experienced situations even more desperate than this."

Long Yuehong gave an "um" and didn't say anything more, but a thought suddenly popped up in her heart:

"I hope that Xiaobai's children and I will not encounter similar things again in the future, and can live happily and peacefully for a lifetime."

As their thoughts turned, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen walked out of the stairwell and walked towards the broadcasting station.