Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 937: reveal


As the golden-yellow double door opened, a black shadow swept into the room.

It is strictly symmetrical in every place, unaffected by light, and shows the perfection of the owner.

At the same time, Shang Jianyao and Du Heng here disappeared.

The piles of red-hot stones were densely placed, and as the streams of water fell, a fiery mist visible to the naked eye was created.

This makes the whole room cloudy and foggy, like a fairyland.

The feeling of extreme sultry heat was born from this.

In the depths of the water mist, a curvy female figure emerged, as if it were not there.

This is August's "Searing Door", and her name is Duffy Thiel Osla.

When she was studying, she belonged to the famous figure in the school. She was beautiful, outstanding in figure, and looked down on others in her studies. Later, she entered the Eighth Research Institute and gradually grew into an official researcher of the core project.

What is even more commendable is that she is also cheerful and kind-hearted, so she has become the goddess in the minds of many unmarried men in the Eighth Academy.

After becoming Zhi Sui, her flaw is the fear of cold.

Seeing the appearance of the "Searing Gate", the owner of the black shadow, Richard the "Golden Scale" who was walking out of the darkness outside the door, whispered angrily:

"Duffy Tiel, I have confirmed that your left eyelashes are two more than your right eyelashes!"

He has been brooding over this matter.

This Zhi Sui is of average height, and his face is like a common neighbor to many people. The hairline is a little receding, but each golden hair is placed just right, which can echo the formation of the opposite.

The door that highlighted the human face opened with a bang, and "Truth", wearing a patterned shirt, beach shorts, and sunglasses on his head, walked in step by step.

Here, he did not see a certain personality of "Zhuang Sheng", but only found a slender black shadow on the opposite wall.

The shadow was wearing a white mask without facial features to cover his face.

"Truth" suddenly laughed:

"Haha, Mono, you dare to show up, I thought you would shrink in a corner, shivering!"

Mono is the name of the "last man" in March.

At the beginning, he belonged to the relatively ordinary ability in the Eighth Academy, and he was surrounded by geniuses like Lin Sui. He had always lacked self-confidence.

The "Last Man" wearing a white mask responded softly:

"I'm just weak, not timid."

"How can one be weak without being timid?" "Truth" scoffed at this.

Behind the half-opened door, in the deep darkness, the looming female figure walked towards the light.

Where the lights were brightest, April's "Twisted Shadow" Winster Garland stood there, holding a bear biscuit in one hand and tucked the other in his trouser pocket.

The strips of white cloth that emerged from his eye utensils were wrapped around and around, as if he had become blind.

As long as you can't see it, you won't be frightened by "distorted creatures"!

Feeling "Yougu" entering this room, "Twisted Shadow" sighed and said:

"I remember that I used to be lazy and use the patrol as an excuse to chat with you in the financial room. You asked me to share bear biscuits every time."

"You Gu" was silent for a second, and asked angrily:

"You mean to say that I eat and drink?"

"Pangu creatures", underground building, inside the radio station.

There was no one in the recording studio, only a guy was stabbed at the entrance of the operation room.

He leaned against the wall, holding a book, flipping through it leisurely, enjoying the beauty of fishing at work.

Suddenly, he saw two pairs of gray military boots appear in his sight.

"Who are you?" The male employee's question was unsuccessful.

His neck was pinched by the cold palm, and his voice stopped abruptly.

He looked at the man and woman in front of him in horror, not understanding what was going on.

In "Pangu Creatures", there is no room for robbery, and there is no point in destroying the radio station. At this moment, the male employee can only think of whether a certain column group reported bad things in which department, resulting in Some people were punished by breaking jars and hitting people.

He wanted to call out injustice, saying that I was just a technician, mainly responsible for handling the equipment, and had nothing to do with all the column groups, but the man and woman found a cloth group and stuffed it tightly.

Immediately afterwards, Long Yuehong obtained materials on the spot and tied the technician's hands with the wires of the spare machine.

With such an internal action, he definitely didn't want to hurt innocent people, and he didn't even want to knock the other party unconscious, lest the other party miss the opportunity to escape from the underground building, which would be equivalent to being killed by him.

Long Yuehong glanced at Bai Chen, who was walking towards the operation room, and threw the recording pen of Shang Jianyao.

Then, he lowered his head and said to the technician:

"Don't make trouble, I'll let you go later.

"Or else..."

Long Yuehong pinched his neck with his steel right hand.

Before the technician nodded, the door of the recording studio was suddenly pushed open.

Accompanying this is the familiar, slightly childish sweet voice:

"Brother Shan, let me try the sound..."

Long Yue turned around in red, and met Hou Yi, who was staring at this side with a gradually terrified expression.

He has gone through many battles, and when this scene came, he didn't hesitate and ran over in two steps.

Only at this moment did Hou Yi react, trying to turn around and run away, screaming and shouting.


Long Yuehong hit Houyi's ear with an iron fist, knocking her unconscious.

He held Hou Yi with his other hand and silently closed the door of the recording studio with his iron hand.

Taking this opportunity, Bai Chen debugged the equipment.

—Both she and Long Yuehong have received special training from Genova, and they are not unfamiliar with how to use the machines in the broadcasting station. Even if the model is wrong, as long as they can read and know the specific mode, they can get started very quickly.

Besides, if it really doesn't work, isn't there a person who guards the operation room next to it

After looking at Long Yuehong, Bai Chen inserted Shang Jianyao's recording pen into the corresponding interface.

At this time, the back office team on this floor received the order and came to the door of the broadcasting station.

At the same time, two Awakeneds were taking the elevator to this floor.

The vast majority of employees are still working step by step, and everything is calm.

In the whirlpool-shaped building, Jiang Baimian stood next to the experimental cabin and saw Shang Jianyao's face under the transparent cover contorted, as if he was suffering indescribable pain.

The corresponding indicator light does not go out, indicating that the development of the brain has not been completed.

Around Jiang Baimian, the wind blowing from nowhere became stronger and stronger, as if it turned into a pair of invisible hands, pushing her out of the current hall.

"I don't know how long it will take..." Jiang Baimian muttered to himself a little anxiously.

She didn't want to wait until it was too late to take away Shang Jianyao's body.

Once the brain is successfully developed, she will immediately carry this companion on her back, leave the nuclear bomb, quickly leave the small city and the Eighth Research Institute, and then detonate it remotely.

In the process, she had to notify Genava by telegram and ask him to go to the entrance of the underground building of "Pangu Creatures" to meet the fleeing employees.

"Zhuang Sheng" in the room full of machines.

Shang Jianyao sat cross-legged on the ground with pain written all over his face.

All his personalities were taken back, and they were floating around him, like spirit bodies.

Sometimes these personalities are accompanied by pain, sometimes as if nothing happened, and their independence and autonomy seem to be further enhanced.

On Shang Jianyao's body, more phantoms are emerging, giving people a feeling of breaking through the restrictions quickly and letting the price show to the fullest.

"It's going well." Du Heng, the "Zhuang Sheng" next to him, nodded lightly.

Shang Jianyao's expression was distorted, and a word suddenly appeared:


"Xiaohong and Xiaobai have started too!"

In this way, when accepting the further development of his brain, he also has to pay attention to the situation on the "Pangu Creature" side, lest his ability is not directional enough to immediately affect the "Management Area" and the internal troops.

At the same time, Shang Jianyao had to give strength support, fight for the first wave to counteract most of the company's "spiritual corridor" level Awakened, and then let them take the initiative to deal with the remaining ones in order to escape.

This is delicate work, and it is a bit difficult to do business in the current state.

Du Heng glanced at him, intending to give some help.

At this moment, a female voice that Shang Jianyao was all too familiar with rang out:

"Duffy Tier, Mono, Garland, I don't think you know that the Dean doesn't want to maintain the status quo at all this time.

"He's going to ruin it all, and he's got the nuke all over the second research area."

It was the big boss of "Pangu Creatures" who was speaking, the executive of December, "Siming" Zhao Danlin.

Hearing the words "Si Ming", Du Heng's expression changed slightly.

Has she found out