Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 938: unfavorable


Du Heng originally hoped to hide the nuclear bomb until the end. After all, "Hot Gate", "Last Man" and "Shadow of Distortion" just wanted to maintain the status quo and not change blindly. Currently, he has no idea of sacrificing himself to end this disaster.

If they really want to let them know that "Zhuang Sheng" wants to end all this, and with them their lives, they will most likely not stop "Si Ming" who are obsessed with age, or even strike back.

Rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry!

In order to ensure the success of the plan, Du Heng has been covering up his true thoughts. For this reason, he did not hesitate to conceal the "Shadow of Distortion" and other obsessions. Who knows, at the critical moment, it was revealed by "Si Ming".

While his face changed slightly, he shouted loudly:

"You listen to me..."

"Si Ming" who was not far from this room immediately interrupted "Zhuang Sheng"'s words:

"Cut off your hearing!

"What the facts are, you will now know when you are distracted and observe the core research area."

The "thinking implantation" of "Zhuang Sheng" has been able to achieve the purpose of awakened people below the "New World" without the aid of words, and a single brain wave can achieve the goal, but it is definitely not good for the old people, and they must go all out to achieve the goal. success.

When the voice of "Si Ming" echoed in different rooms, the big boss of "Pangu Creature" said to Du Heng again:

"Dean, in order not to be noticed by you, I really didn't watch the team directly, but that doesn't mean I don't care, I just want to sleep.

"I've been asking the intelligence personnel of Pangu in various places to collect and report to me what happened in the places where the team passed, including the loss of a nuclear warhead by the Salvation Army.

"Although you have dealt with many details, there is absolutely no trace if you really want to investigate, but just put together the two things 'that team passed by' and 'there is a missing nuclear warhead', I can't help but do it. some associations.

"Dean, sometimes a stupid way is the best way."

Hearing this, Du Heng sighed softly and said:

"What if you guessed wrong?"

"Si Ming"'s voice brought a bit of a smile:

"Even if I guess wrong, at least I took the opportunity to distract Duffy Tiel and the others."

This is a matter of great benefit and no harm. If you guess correctly, it can quickly disintegrate the old fighting will of the "Zhuang Sheng" camp. If you guess wrong, it will not be much different from the situation just now. Maybe it can create a new Take a chance.

Du Heng sighed:

"As expected of my good assistant."

For him, this is a bit of a big trouble. If the "Searing Gate" and the others confirm the situation and give up blocking, even if they don't fight back, Du Heng will be very uncomfortable.

Even if he is the head of all Zhi Sui and holds the control of the "new world", it does not mean that his split personality can resist a certain Zhi Sui one-on-one, not even five-to-one or ten-to-one.

His personalities can only be grouped together, divided into several waves, each occupying a room, taking advantage of the authority to slow down the progress of "Si Ming" and other seniors.

As for whether he could block every attacker, he wasn't sure.

Besides, his personality is not monolithic, otherwise it would not be called a price.

At least one third of his personality doesn't want to die at all!

In the remaining two-thirds of the mile, there is still a group of first mice at both ends.

Du Heng was very reluctant to let the destruction plan not be destroyed and interfered by himself, and it has been carried out until now.

He is the best teacher, and the softest and most insistent personality to end this disaster has been hovering above the dust all these years. In addition to wanting to regain his "childhood", he is still trying his best to promote this matter.

- Du Heng and Xiaochong's bodies are close to holographic projections, which are used to carry their own consciousness. With the help of powerful "interfering substances", "subconscious thinking" and other abilities, they behave like living people, they can eat and drink able to touch.

I can only hope that other arrangements will work... Du Heng looked down at Shang Jianyao with a distorted face.

Compared with just now, the personalities floating around Shang Jianyao have undergone new changes.

They have less time in pain and longer in peace.

This shows that their independence has been further enhanced.

Among them, those who valued feelings and prided themselves on justice took advantage of the reduced influence of brain development, and invariably paid attention to the internal affairs of "Pangu Creatures", passing their power through the barrier to the words in the voice recorder, and helping to locate Everyone from floors 2 to 6.

Among them, the second floor is the "Energy Zone", the third and fourth floors are the "Secret Research Zone", and the fifth floor is the "Management Zone". These are all key places, and the number of "Spiritual Corridor" awakeners will not few.

The sixth floor is where the broadcasting station is located. Shang Jianyao's intention is to help Long Yuehong and Bai Chen clear the surrounding enemies and reduce the difficulty of their subsequent evacuation.

As for the bottom layer, considering that it might stimulate the big boss and cause unnecessary trouble, Shang Jianyao chose to give up.

In addition to the people on the six floors, Shang Jianyao "divided" the remaining places from the first broadcast to the Security Department, focusing on the middle and high-level offices, the internal troops who were patrolling, and the staff guarding the gate.

It is a pity that he has not yet become Zhi Sui, otherwise he would not only affect such "point" people.

"Pangaeon", underground building, inside the "radio station".

The team of security staff stayed outside and asked the old janitor.

"Have you seen a young man and a woman with a robotic arm?" the leader asked.

The old man was nervous, and answered honestly:

"Yes, they just went in a few minutes ago.

"Anything wrong with them?"

Are their D8 and D7 ranks faked

"Who did they go in looking for?" asked the captain of the back office team.

The radio station says that it is not big or small, and it is a waste of time to find the target directly without asking where the target is.

"Look, look for Feng Yunying." The old man who had not encountered such a thing for many years stammered, "From the 'Bedtime Music' column."

His memory of the aggressive search by the Ministry of Security was still in the early days of the new calendar.

The back-office team immediately passed the old man and entered the radio station.

Just as they were trying to find someone to lead the way, the loudspeaker on the ceiling chimed.

Immediately afterwards, a slightly muffled male voice sounded:

"I have a very serious thing to tell you, the big boss is Zhi Sui, 'Siming', the board of directors is called shepherds, and we are his captive sheep."

ah? All the members of the back office team and the staff of the radio station looked up at the same time, looking at the loudspeaker closest to them.

"What is this all about?" Most of these people don't even know what Zhi Sui is.

In the "management area", Su Yu, the director of the board of directors, jumped up from his seat suddenly, sweating profusely.

He thought for a moment and shouted to the subordinates outside the door:

"Everyone, plug your ears!"

Relying on his approach to the "new world", he has a high level and can effectively resist the effect of this kind of thinking guidance or implantation. He is not in a hurry to block his ears. He wants to hear what the person who is holding the broadcast wants to say, no, want to do.

Of course, Su Yu didn't dare to be careless, she raised her hands and stretched out to her ears, intending to be deaf immediately if something went wrong.

Meanwhile, the broadcast continued:

"The old people feed on human consciousness. This is the origin of 'no-heart disease'. Our role is to become the food of the big boss."

Uh... Su Yu's hands that stretched out to his ears slowed down.

His thick brows furrowed, his expression uncertain.

Almost everyone on this floor was like this, only a few blocked their ears in time, including Ji Ze, the board director and vice president who had noticed the abnormality in advance.

"Everyone, the crisis is coming, and the 'innocence' will break out again. You must take the opportunity now to escape immediately, the underground building, get rid of, the boss's, control."

The voice of Shang Jianyao in the broadcast echoed in the "secret research area", making the researcher's expression change from doubt to fear.

Many Awakened people here were unsuspecting and were affected. They put down their work and rushed to different elevators.

"Come on, the dawn is right in front of you!"

The security staff guarding the entrance of the underground building turned their attention to the gate at the same time.

Then, they rushed over, ready to open.

"Quick, escape!"

As the last two words were uttered, the affected people seemed to hear the command gun, and Qi Qi accelerated.

After listening to the broadcast, employees in the "production plant area", "research area", "internal ecological area" and other places were half confused and half puzzled.

At this time, many of them saw the nearby security staff running up, armed with weapons, and ran to the elevator.

"This..." If it weren't for the company's strong prestige, ordinary employees might have chosen to follow.

In the radio station, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen, who confirmed that Shang Jianyao's recording had been played, left the operating room.

They first loosened the technical staff, who was already affected and ran away without looking back.

Then, Bai Chen used the method of pinching people to get Houyi.

Seeing Houyi awake awake, the two of them didn't care to explain anything to the announcer, and hurried out of the recording studio and went straight to the nearest elevator - anyway, the other party could listen to the second broadcast to get the answer.

They have to find their family members as soon as possible and protect them from the underground building.

Dengdengdeng, the two quickly arrived at the nearby elevator, which was already crowded with people, and Shang Jianyao, who was on the broadcast, was still persuading "hard-heartedly".

At this time, an elevator went up and arrived here.

The elevator door opened, and there were two employees, a man and a woman.

They are here to confirm whether the trip of Long Yuehong and Baichen Radio Station is normal or not.

Considering the possible situation at the radio station, the two wore earplugs from the beginning.

Seeing the dark crowd flocking to the elevator, they were shocked for a while.

What's going on here

At the same time, the male Awakened saw Long Yuehong at the entrance of the elevator, relying on his height of nearly two meters.

He recognized that robotic arm!