Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 939: in disaster


The male Awakened immediately looked for his target companion, but the elevator hall was crowded with people, so he couldn't tell who was who.

The most important thing is that he is not familiar with the two targets at all, and he has only seen the photos and materials temporarily and knows some characteristics.

Compared with the mechanical arm, which is an iconic thing that is still eye-catching even with sleeves, a little shortness is nothing in the crowd. In the older generation who have not popularized genetic improvement, this is everywhere. Under the current circumstances, On the contrary, it is easy to be blocked by others.

Seeing that the target was about to leave the elevator hall and find another way, the male Awakened did not dare to neglect, and immediately used his abilities.

Long Yuehong's head sank, her eyelids heavy, she fell asleep and fell to the side.

"Forced sleep"!

When Bai Chen saw this, not only did he not reach out to support his husband and try to wake him up, instead he raised his eyebrows and moved to the crowded place, opening the distance.

With a plop, Long Yuehong fell to the ground.

No one around came to check his situation, and there was only the idea of escaping the underground building quickly.

They can bypass Long Yuehong and not step on his body, which is already considered to be of outstanding quality.

Seeing a large number of employees flocking to the elevator, the two awakened people struggled to squeeze out.

This is also the reason why the male Awakened must forcibly control the target, otherwise when they walk out of the elevator hall, the other party would have run away long ago.

Coming to Long Yuehong's side, the two looked around vigilantly, looking for the target female companion, but although there were employees who took an elevator, it was still full of people. When they were not familiar with each other, the two had to take a look. I found that Bai Chen was almost insane.

Looking back, the two Awakened looked at each other, and both shook their heads, indicating that they had nothing to gain.

"Pull the target to an open place." The tall male Awakener said.

The area around the elevator hall is too chaotic, people come and go, and the two of them will be attacked if they are not careful!

According to the data, the target's female companion had a biological prosthesis transplanted.

The female Awakened had a puzzled expression on her face and raised her finger to her ear.

She was wearing earplugs and couldn't hear what her companion was saying.

The tall male Awakener came back to his senses without repeating, and squatted down by himself, intending to stand up Long Yuehong and use his actions to tell his companions what to do.

At this moment, his head was dizzy, and there was a clear sense of oppression in his chest.

At the same time as his heart tightened, he vomited, his limbs became numb, and his vision was blurred.

And in his sight, the female companions also showed a similar performance.

"Oops, attacked!" The tall male Awakened staggered and tried to stand up and look for the attacker, but he couldn't succeed.

According to his judgment, the sneak attack on the two of them should not have just happened.

The tall male Awakened was in a hurry, and regardless of the company's employees around him, he planned to force the nearby people to sleep indiscriminately.

However, it was already too late, and he and the female Awakener were blacked out and fainted.

Bai Chen squeezed out of the crowd and rushed to Long Yuehong's side.

"Infrasound Attack"!

She deliberately distanced herself just now, regardless of Long Yuehong, in order to hide herself and use the "infrasound attack" of the "merman" type biological prosthesis to quietly solve the enemy!

As for whether this will affect other employees, she doesn't care.

Under the external stimulation given by Bai Chen, Long Yuehong woke up.

"There are awakened ones!" he shouted subconsciously.

"I've made them dizzy." Bai Chen replied succinctly, "Let's go to other elevator halls, the farther the better, the better. Hurry up before there are not many people escaping now."

Otherwise, employees who want to take the elevator will be broadcast more and more as time goes by, and most of them will have to wait round after round, and they are afraid of changing.

Such "blockage" is undoubtedly more terrifying than the daily rush hour of "Pangu Creatures". Even if the underground building has multiple elevator halls, it will not be a problem to meet the daily use, and there will definitely be robbing, crowding, and so on.

"Okay!" Long Yuehong thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the 495th floor first."

That was where his parents lived.

Although Shang Jianyao promised to focus on the places where Long Dayong, Gu Hong, Long Zhigu, and Long Aihong work and go to school in the second round of broadcasts, the neighbors on the 495th floor, Long Yuehong's grandparents and other relatives will also be included. "Care List", but Long Yuehong is still not at ease. She is afraid that her parents will be affected. She wants to escape from the underground building and wants to escape from the underground building. If you leave, you might delay the time, and you need to be guarded by him and Bai Chen to escape safely.

Whirlpool-shaped building, core research area.

Jiang Baimian is looking at the indicator light of the experimental cabin attentively. Once the success prompt appears, she will immediately open the transparent cover, lift Shang Jianyao, and carry it behind her back.

At this moment, her head suddenly felt a little dizzy.

This is like a precursor to "no heart disease", but it is not so strong.

Jiang Baimian looked around vigilantly, and found that the flashing lights on the surrounding machines had solidified, and the gust of wind in this hall was getting stronger and stronger.

"Zhuang Sheng" in the room full of machines.

The extremely angry voice of "Shadow of Distortion" sounded in Du Heng's ears:

"Why are you deceiving us

"We support you so much, you actually want to drag us to death!"

This is not only his question, but also the "Searing Gate" and the "Last Man".

Hearing this, Du Heng sighed and said:

"Garland, we were actually dead decades ago, and we are only alive now through the demons that exist through our consciousness.

"I don't want to end up completely degenerate and lose what is left of me as a human being.

"I have been wrong for a long time, I have made mistakes many times, and I can't continue to make mistakes. Let us rest in peace with those who should have died long ago."

No one listened to him because all the clings blocked hearing.

With "Twisted Shadow", "Last Man" and "Searing Door" retreating or turning back, all the rooms leading to the core area of "New World" were opened.

Dozens of Du Heng's group, with the help of their authority, turned different rooms into labyrinths, so as to slow the progress of the old people.

"Si Ming" Zhao Danlin wore a crown and a robe inlaid with flowers and leaves, as if incarnated as the goddess in the legend of Chu, passing through different intersections quickly along the ground and walls, and went straight to the destination.

Suddenly, a faint light lit up in front of her.

The blue-green color quickly filled the area, and a golden Buddha appeared in the eyes of "Si Ming".

"Si Ming" raised his eyebrows and said:

"Li Hui, are you jumping horizontally?"

The Buddha proclaimed the Buddha's name:

"Amitabha, I'm helping you just so that you can all gather here, weaken your ability to influence the outside world, and make it impossible for you to escape in the chaos."

This voice sounded directly in the heart of "Si Ming".

Use "he's heart" in reverse!

"You want to die too?" "Si Ming" asked in a deep voice.

The Buddha sighed and said:

"The more I read the Buddhist scriptures, the more I regret the joy at the beginning and the lingering in these years. In order not to let the newly emerged awakened people affect the dust, I let the believers choose to give up the path of the flesh and tie them to my side. .

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell

"Donor, silence is a joy!"

Seeing that he could no longer be persuaded, "Si Ming" immediately used "sudden arrest of consciousness" upgraded from "sudden cardiac arrest".

Almost at the same time, a solemn voice echoed around "Bodhi" Li Hui:

"Consciousness deprivation"!

The two Zhi Sui lost consciousness at the same time, but quickly woke up.

"Si Ming" did not hesitate, and immediately used the positioning he left in "Pangu Creature" and "Sui Mocheng" to extract some human consciousness to supplement himself.

She doesn't absorb all of it because her pool has a limited capacity, and if she sucks too much, it will only be wasted, and there will be a hard fight in the future, so she has to use it sparingly, and always keep her state at its peak.

Pangea, the sixth floor of the underground building, inside the broadcasting station.

When Houyi woke up completely, there was no one here, only the recordings were constantly being played back.

"The big boss is the old 'Siming', and the establishment of 'Pangu Creatures' just wants to keep us in captivity and feed on our consciousness?" Houyi listened to the broadcast for a while, and gradually "believed" this matter.

But just halfway through the recording, before Shang Jianyao finished his words to let them escape from the underground building, the broadcast stopped abruptly.

The supercomputer "Omega" finally got the order to block the broadcast line.

Seeing that the sound had stopped, Hou Yi hurriedly left the recording studio and rushed to the exit of the broadcasting station.

Suddenly, she saw several "mindless people" with cloudy eyes and hunched bodies biting at the flesh and blood of human beings.

Hou Yi silently took a breath and quietly retreated into the broadcasting station.

495 floors.

As soon as Long Yuehong and Bai Chen returned here, they went straight to No. 11, Area C.

Dengdengdeng, the two ran very fast, and went back to the door against the people who went to the elevator hall.

"What's going on?" Gu Hong stood there, confused.

Seeing her son and daughter-in-law coming, her terrified heart calmed down a lot.

At this point, the broadcast has stopped.

Long Yuehong blurted out and said:

"You didn't go to work?"

Gu Hong shook his head and replied blankly:

"I felt a little uncomfortable in the morning, so I asked for leave and didn't go.

"It's not just coming back from the hospital."

She shook the medicine bag in her hand.

Just came back from the hospital... Long Yuehong was very fortunate that she and Bai Chen were careful, and went home to confirm the situation.

Before the broadcast was cut off, Shang Jianyao's recording was played for five rounds, affecting perhaps 100,000 employees, but in their plan, only a small number of people were implanted in the hospital area to drive others to flee. , not all.

So Gu Hong became a fish that slipped through the net.

Long Yuehong made a decisive decision immediately, without being long-winded, and directly said to Gu Hong:

"Mom, let's escape to the surface quickly!"

"This, will this be punished?" Gu Hong was very worried.

Bai Chen pointed to several employees who were running by and said:

"Everyone is fleeing, the law does not blame the public!"

The flustered Gu Hong was persuaded at once, and just as she was about to follow her son and daughter-in-law to the nearest elevator hall, she saw a familiar figure out of the corner of her eyes.

Long Dayong!

Long Yuehong's father is running home.

"Dad, you didn't escape?" Long Yuehong asked in astonishment.

Seeing Gu Hong, Long Dayong breathed a sigh of relief:

"I'm going to escape with them, don't you think your mother might still be at home?"

Gu Hong's heart suddenly became warm, and her eyes were a little wet, and Long Yuehong waved her hand:


Long Yuehong and Bai Chen led their parents to the elevator hall closest to Area C.

Because it is working time now, there is basically no one in the family area except for children, students, teachers and retired employees. I ran several waves just now. Now it is quiet and empty, as if it were outside the activity center during the year-end report performance.

When passing by the activity center, Bai Chen glanced at the order supervision room next to him, turned his head to Long Yuehong and said:

"Go in and see if there are any weapons."

Except for the mechanical arm and biological prosthesis, the two did not have a gun or a bullet on their bodies.

-Under the condition that the mechanical arm could not be removed, "Pangu Creature" asked Long Yuehong to hand over items such as bullets, poison, hypnotic gas combination suit, etc., to minimize the power of his mechanical arm.

Of course, since the high-performance battery is involved in the normal operation of the robotic arm, Long Yuehong can currently use functions such as condensed energy to emit lasers.

"Okay." Considering that he didn't know what to expect next, a little delay shouldn't have much effect, Long Yuehong responded to Bai Chen's proposal without hesitation.

They took Long Dayong and Gu Hong and turned into the order supervision room on this floor.

The Overseer here has fled, and spare weapons are left in the room.

A locked cabinet was directly torn open by Long Yuehong, and there were several "Icemoss" pistols and multiple boxes of 9mm bullets.

Bai Chen and Long Yuehong each took one, and gave Long Dayong and Gu Hong another.

"We don't know how to use it..." Gu Hong was very embarrassed.

When they were in school, they learned to shoot with live ammunition, but it has been many years.

"At least it can scare people." Bai Chen replied while stuffing the bullet into his pocket.

Long Dayong also comforted Gu Hong:

"I still have a little impression of how to use it."

Equipped with weapons, the family of four quickly ran to the nearest elevator hall without further delay.

At this time, several employees were waiting there, looking anxious.

Long Yuehong looked around and found that there were no children or students, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

In their plan, students in various schools and children who are still under the care of their elders at home are the key personnel in the second and third rounds of broadcasting, second only to Long Yuehong and Jiang Baimian's family members, relatives, and friends. He is the few remaining relatives of Shang Jianyao's parents.

Of course, Shang Jianyao couldn't tell who was young and who was still studying, so he could only cover all the staff in the corresponding area.

In this way, minors can get the care of teachers and elders on the way to escape.

Judging from the current situation, the plan of the "Old Tune Group" has gone smoothly to this point.

The elevator hall was extremely quiet, and no one spoke. The elevators went up quickly and passed over without stopping.

This is the special design of "Panga Creatures" to deal with the morning and evening rush hour - when the elevator is full, it will not open halfway.

Gulu... I don't know who swallowed his saliva, showing tension and anxiety.

"Why isn't there an elevator yet?" A male employee who belongs to the material supply market on this floor growled out of control.

He was not substantially affected by the five rounds of broadcasts, but he also heard clearly what Shang Jianyao said. Now that the students, the order supervisor and the old man with the child have all run away, he can't restrain his inner suspicion and suspicion. Frightened, I rushed to the nearest elevator hall with several colleagues.

But the elevators passed one by one, and they were all full, and they didn't stop at all.

With this low roar, the silence here was broken. Some people shouted to go to other elevator halls to try their luck. Some people, relying on their youth, planned to take the safe passage and check the situation on the ten or twenty floors.

At this time, a female employee in the material supply market said with a trembling voice:

"Shall we press the down button

"There shouldn't be anyone going up and down the elevator at this time."

From the jump in the floor numbers, she found that when the elevator goes up, there are many stops in the "factory area" and "inner ecological area", while going down directly to the "research area" and other places, after all, at this moment, almost everyone thinks about it. is to escape from the ground.

The others were stunned for a moment, then pondered for a few seconds and found that this method was really feasible.

For them, the delay is the time it takes to go with the elevator to the "research area", "factory area" and to be full on the way up, which is more likely than waiting here.

One is to hope that I don’t know when it will come, and wait extremely tormented.

But at this moment, an elevator stopped at the 495th floor.

Everyone present showed a surprised expression and rushed over.

With a slight bang, the door opened, and the four passengers inside were revealed to the eyes of Long Yuehong and others.

Their bodies are slightly hunched, their eyes are cloudy and bloodshot, all of them are "unintentional".

As soon as they saw normal humans, these "unintentional ones" immediately launched an attack.

Several employees from the material supply market couldn't react and stayed there.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The gunshots rang out four times in a row, hitting each of the "unintentional" in the head accurately, causing their brains to burst.

Among them, the one who jumped the most fell onto the female employee who just spoke, causing her to scream in horror.

Fortunately, no real damage was done.

It was Long Yuehong and Bai Chen who shot just now, and they each fired two shots.

Based on the scenes they have seen, this "unintentional" is only a pediatrician.

Without speaking, Long Yuehong passed the employees to the elevator door, and dragged the "unintentional" body out.

They were all still wearing work clothes.

Glancing at the corpses, Long Yuehong pressed against the door and said to Bai Chen and her parents:


Those few employees in the material supply market came back to their senses and did not dare to compete with the four members of the Long family, so they let them enter the elevator.

"You come in too." After arranging the parents, Long Yuehong said to these employees.

Several employees in the material supply market were silent, bowed their heads slightly, entered the elevator, and stood against the wall.

Bai Chen immediately pressed the button leading to the 649th floor.

- The 650th floor needs an authorized electronic card to be swiped. Currently, it is only possible to go to the 649th floor first, and then go up through the secure channel.

Although there must be roadblocks and guards in the safe passage, the latter should have fled long ago, and the former were mostly overthrown or destroyed by the previous batches of people who fled to the ground.

The door of the car closed quickly, and the elevator began to ascend. It only stopped five floors before it was full.

The spiritual world of "Zhuang Sheng".

"Yougu", "Dawn", "Mandala" and so on are rushing towards the core area full of machines.

But they walked for a long time, passing room after room, but never saw their destination, as if they were spinning in place.

Always keeping himself in the dark, the looming "Yougu" was vigilant and shouted sharply:

"'Broken Mirror', is that you?"

A voice with a touch of sadness responded to them:

"it's me."

"You want to kill yourself too?" Dawn's voice was dreamlike.

In their induction, the consciousness of "Broken Mirror" fluctuated from left to right, disappeared from time to time, and divided into more than one, which was obviously not true.

"Broken Mirror" sighed lowly:

"I've long wanted to kill myself.

"When I was a child, when the rabbit I raised died, I would be sad for a long time, not to mention killing one person after another with my own hands.

"I can only numb myself with 'dream everywhere, why take it seriously'.

"I have never tried to end my life because the dean told me that we have to atone for the wrongs we have committed and end this disaster completely.

"Now, I finally waited for this opportunity."

The sound of "Broken Mirror" came from all directions, making it unclear where she was hiding.

"Pangu Creature", the bottom floor of the underground building, in the room where the supercomputer "Omega" is placed.

An electronic synthesis sounded:

"Director Ji, nearly one-third of the employees have fled the company. Please make up your mind as soon as possible."

When Ji Ze is still alive, as an artificial intelligence, "Omega" has no authority in certain things, but if Ji Ze dies and no operator is designated, it can handle it on its own according to the situation.

Ji Ze, the first-ranked vice president of "Pangu Biology", pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said after a few seconds of silence:

"I ordered to stop the elevator..."

Because the broadcast had stopped at this time, he didn't block his ears anymore.

Ji Ze's voice just fell, and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

He felt severe pain in his heart!

With a plop, Ji Ze fell to the ground, and his gradually blurred vision saw a familiar figure walk in.

That was Su Yu, a director of the board of directors who was in charge of the security department.

"For..." Ji Ze, who was dying, could only spit out such a word.

Then, he lost his life.

Su Yu, who was wearing gray camouflage, looked down at the colleague and smiled sarcastically:

"Do you want to ask why?"

His expression gradually became heavy and serious:

"I later blocked my ears and had some doubts about what was said on the radio, so I sneaked here to find out. Who knows, this is really the case. You and the big boss really treat everyone as captive livestock."

He then turned his attention to the door on the side of the room and laughed at himself:

"I know that it is impossible for me to survive in front of Zhi Sui, but when someone told me to join the security department on the first day, my old team leader told me that the mission of our security department is to protect everyone, and who told me to step by step From the security department!"

As Su Yu said, he took out the high-performance grenade he got from somewhere, pulled out the tab, and threw it at the supercomputer "Omega".

His first goal is to destroy the artificial intelligence that can interrupt the operation of elevators!

"Omega" itself has no weapon system, and it is too late to summon guards elsewhere, so it can only "watch" the grenade flying towards itself.

It has no emotional fluctuations, but just reminded Su Yu:

"If I'm destroyed..."


The violent explosion devastated the supercomputer, and the remnants of "Omega" echoed through the loudspeaker in this area:

"The self-destruction program of the entire underground building will start, and within ten minutes, this place will become a closed tomb."

Su Yu, who rolled to avoid the explosion, was startled for a while, and didn't speak for a long time.

When the voice of "Omega" died down, he lowered his head and glanced at the parts scattered everywhere, and laughed softly:

"That's fine, do your best, and obey the destiny.

"At least buy an extra ten minutes for everyone."

Su Yu didn't take the time to escape, but walked to the door of the room on the side, sat down cross-legged, turned his back in and his face out.

His posture is like the big boss who is guarding the inside.