Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 940: fragile heart


"The self-destruction procedure has been started. This building will be completely closed in ten minutes. Please evacuate in an orderly manner."

As soon as Long Yuehong and others got out of the elevator, they heard the news broadcast on the broadcast that had stopped.

The few employees in the material supply market who had been skeptical about Shang Jianyao's words but chose to follow the crowd were completely panicked, frightened and frightened.

"It's too late." Long Yuehong said briefly, turned around and ran to the safe passage leading to the 650th floor.

According to his estimation, if the journey goes smoothly, they will be able to use the safe passage and ascend to the "surface area" within five minutes. At that time, no matter how the underground part is closed or self-destructed, it will not affect them.

Dengdengdeng, Long Yuehong led the way in front, followed by Gu Hong and Long Dayong behind, Bai Chen was a little behind two steps and was responsible for other accidents.

Those few employees in the material supply market seemed to have found the backbone, no longer so panic, and ran after them.

There are more than one safe passages in the underground building, and at least half of the elevator halls correspond to one. Long Yuehong and others only ran a few steps before entering the stairs and going up all the way.

The various roadblocks placed here were destroyed, and they reached the 650th floor easily and smoothly.

If it weren't for the "self-destruction countdown" echoing in their ears, everyone present would breathe a sigh of relief.

The safe passage on the 650th floor is concentrated on the other side, and it is not connected to all of the below. It is necessary to pass through a long passage guarded by multiple metal gates to get there.

Fortunately, the escape of the previous security staff allowed these metal gates to open on their own without forcibly breaking them.

Long Yuehong led his parents, wife and several employees of the material supply market to run all the way without stopping.

"Countdown: Nine minutes..."

"Countdown: Eight minutes..."

The countdown sounded again and again, allowing Long Dayong and Gu Hong, who usually neglected to exercise, to secrete adrenaline and run smoothly.

They did not dare to slow down and gasped for breath.

That is to say, they are not too old, and they have done immature genetic improvement, otherwise they will run like this for a while, and they will really not be able to hold on.

"Countdown: Seven minutes..."

"Countdown: Six minutes..."

The more Long Yuehong runs, the more strange it becomes.

According to common sense, at their speed, they should have reached the other side of the 650th floor by now, and began to search for a safe passage where the roadblocks were destroyed or not permanently closed.

Moreover, with such a straight path, they are not Jiang Baimian, how could they get lost

Long Yuehong moved in her heart and stopped.

He raised his right hand and signaled his parents and others to take a break.

At the same time he shouted aloud:

"The underground building is about to be closed, do you want to die in it?"

He suspects that he and others have encountered Awakeners in the field of "Broken Mirror", and they are still loyal to the unaffected kind of the company.

However, no one answered him.

At this moment, Bai Chen reminded:

"You write on the wall!"

Yup! Long Yuehong suddenly realized.

The only reason that the awakened person was not affected by Shang Jianyao and was not frightened by the self-destruction countdown was that he had blocked his ears in advance.

As for the worst case of the "high-level unintentional person", Long Yuehong is reluctant to think about it for the time being.

With a snap, the robotic arm ejected the knife and scratched on the wall:

"The building is about to be closed, just listen to it and you'll know!"

After ten or twenty seconds, it seemed as if a layer of invisible glass had shattered in front of Long Yuehong and others.

They immediately saw the other side of the 650th floor, saw many figures wandering in place, and saw a person running to the depths of that area.

Phew... Long Yuehong breathed a sigh of relief and greeted his parents and wife:


Now, there are just over four minutes left!

The group of them ran again and went straight to the nearest safe passage.

But here is permanently closed.

They had to change another one.

After three consecutive tests, Long Yuehong finally saw the destroyed roadblock.

The roadblock can be destroyed, indicating that the road should be open!

"Countdown: Three minutes..."

At the same time that Long Yuehong was overjoyed, the icy electronic synthesizer sounded again.

He was busy cheering up his parents:

"Up is the 'surface area'!"

There was hope in everyone's heart, and they went crazy up the stairs.

This safe passage is quite long, roughly equal to the height of the normal three floors.

The sound of footsteps was endless, and Long Yuehong finally saw a platform. At the end of the platform was a silver-black metal door.

"Huh." He took a breath and said to the people who followed, "It's safe to go out!"

This gave many people with weak legs a little strength out of thin air.

Long Yuehong guarded her parents, and together with Bai Chen, ran to the door that had been opened. Outside was the parking lot.

"Countdown: Two minutes..."

At this moment, Long Yuehong suddenly became vulnerable, and she was full of doubts about whether she could escape:

"Does the closure of the underground building really only refer to the underground area, not including the surface part?"

"If it's the latter, from here to entering the dust, you have to run for at least five minutes, which is not enough time..."

"Even if we could smash the car, we don't have the keys..."

"Xiaobai will connect the wires and force the car, but I don't know if it's too late..."

"Even if the big boss and the 'New World' powerhouse are indeed held back, how many awakeners at the level of the 'Spiritual Corridor' in the company can really make our wish come true? Moreover, the company has been operating in the building for decades, and I don't know how many more there are. Set up!"

Such questions are like bullets shot in Long Yuehong's heart, causing him to collapse and have no will to move forward.

Not only him, but Bai Chen, Long Dayong, and Gu Hong all had similar reactions, they all stopped with a collapsed look, gasping for breath.

The same is true for the employees of the material supply market and some of the people who were affected by the illusion just now.

Only one-third of the people were unaffected and ran out of the metal gate not far in front of Long Yuehong and entered the parking lot.

"fragile heart"!

Awakener ability in the field of "Zhuang Sheng"!

Long Yuehong turned around halfway and saw two figures walking towards the other side of the platform.

One had his ears plugged, his eyes were cloudy, he was wearing straight black clothes, his body was slightly hunched, and he was in his fifties, and the other was wrapped in "chameleon" bionic intelligent armor.

"High-level unintentional people"... Long Yuehong's heart sank, and she became more and more desperate.

There was not much time left, and they also encountered the interception of "high-level unintentional people", and the road ahead was bleak.

No, there is no hope at all!

The fragile Long Yuehong couldn't help shedding tears, her vision blurred.

He seemed to hear the footsteps of death.

"Woooooo." Gu Hong cried, Long Dayong squatted down, and covered his face with his hand.

Even Bai Chen, who has always been determined, had wet eyes at this moment, and his face showed two emotions of depression and pain.

The "higher mindless" walked over step by step with the person wearing the bionic intelligent armor.

He grabbed an employee of the material supply market and violently bit the other's neck.

Blood spurted out.

Long Yuehong stared blankly at this scene and seemed to see her end.

"Countdown: 59 seconds..."



Another group of people rushed up from this safe passage, and behind them were a large number of "unintentional people" who were full of ferocity.

It's over, it's over... Long Yuehong's willpower is like a porcelain smashed by a hammer, and it crumbles into countless pieces.

He seems to have been able to see the death of himself, Bai Chen and his parents.

This is either the "unintentional" who twisted their necks, took out their hearts, and tore them into pieces, or were enclosed in underground buildings and died of subsequent explosions, poison gas, flooding, suffocation, or mental breakdown.

The imaginary pictures appeared in Long Yuehong's mind one after another, which was accompanied by the screams of the "unintentional" hunting those "Pangu creatures" employees, which made him weakly want to end his life, so as not to witness his parents. and the misery of Bai Chen.



A large number of fugitives were hunted by the "unintentional" in various ways, and some of them were lucky enough to cross Long Yuehong and others and rushed into the parking lot.

This almost broke the nerve in Long Yuehong's mind.

The fear of death and the tragic state of his relatives kept beating on his heart, causing echoes in his heart gradually:

"No, I don't want to see something like this...

"I don't want to see Dad, Mom and Bai Chen die like this...

"I am afraid of death, but I am even more afraid of seeing those people I love die tragically!"




As soon as the number "10" jumped into Long Yuehong's mind, he had a nerve-shattering hallucination.

He was completely devastated.

Some people break down completely and give up completely, and some people will do some extreme behaviors that they would not normally do.

This is affected by both their own character and the growth brought about by acquired experience, the latter being a greater proportion.

"9… "

Long Yuehong suddenly moved, and it seemed that she was no longer affected by the "fragile heart".

With red eyes, he took a step sideways, grabbed his parents' clothes with both hands, and lifted them up.

"8… "


Long Yuehong first used the mechanical arm to throw Gu Hong out of the gate and into the parking lot, then twisted her waist and threw Long Dayong in that direction with all her strength.


Long Yuehong ran back to Bai Chen's side.


He picked up Bai Chen by the waist with his mechanical arm and slammed it out the door.


Long Yuehong shouted loudly.


Bai Chen's eyes flew into the air with sadness and astonishment.

At the same time, Long Yuehong turned around and faced the "high-level unintentional person" who was killing.


Long Yuehong ran over and raised his arm, he wanted to quickly get rid of the "unintentional" who was still affecting his parents and Bai Chen.

At this moment, he is no longer vulnerable, no longer hesitant, no longer fearful, his heart is extremely calm, and there are only enemies in his eyes.

My name is Long Yuehong. I am only 1.75 meters after genetic modification.