Embers of Love

Chapter 31: Section 37



Zeng: I can't imagine, because Xiuning will never be able to tell me this

74 Do you think you are good at H

Zhuo: general

Zeng: okay

75 What about the other party

Zhuo: ok

Zeng: very good at

76 What do you want the other person to say at H

Zhuo: Don't say anything

Zeng: I like him calling my name

77 What kind of expression do you prefer when the other party is H

Zhuo: serious and focused

Zeng: When you bite your lip, but only a few times

78 Do you think H is okay with someone other than your lover

Zhuo: It used to be possible, but not now

Zeng: No

79 Are you interested in SM

Zhuo: no

Zeng: no

80 If the other party suddenly stopped asking for your body, what would you do

Zhuo: no way

Zeng: same

81 What do you think about rape

Zhuo: It's not the behavior that a person should have

Zeng: It was a crime

What is the most painful thing in 82 H

Zhuo: Basically none

Zeng: I think he will hurt, but he never says

83 In H so far, which place made you feel most excited and anxious

Zhuo: Seems like... nothing special

Zeng: no

84 Have you ever been tempted by the other party

Zhuo: should... no

Zeng: (reluctantly) He can't do that

85 The expression of the attacking side at that time


86 Has the attacker ever committed violence

Zhuo: no

Zeng: I wouldn't treat him like that

87 What was the recipient's reaction at that time

Red: continue PASS

88 For you, what is the ideal object "as an H object"

Zhuo: It should be Zeping, but I never thought about it before, because it was too insulting to Zeping

Zeng: After that time, only Xiuning

89 Does the current partner meet your ideals

Zhuo: Hmm

ever: meet

90 Have you used props in H

Zhuo: no

Zeng: no

91 When was your first time

Zhuo: …In high school

Zeng: (looking at Xiuning)

Zhuo: (smiling bitterly) I'll tell you later

Zeng: I want you to tell me now

Zhuo: Zeping

Zeng: I... I'm sorry

Zhuo: I'll tell you when I go back.


92 Was the person at that time the current lover

Zhuo: No

Zeng: This is my first time with Xiuning, so, yes

93 Where is your favorite place to be kissed

Zhuo: lips

Zeng: eyes

94 Where do you like to kiss each other the most

Zhuo: lips and eyes

Zeng: lips

What is the most pleasing thing to each other at 95 H

Zhuo: Not sure

Zeng: … not sure

What do you think about at 96 H

Zhuo: If you think about it, it will be flat...

Zeng: Thinking of Xiuning, thinking that he loved me for so long...

97 What is the number of H in one night

Zhuo: once or twice

Zeng: Once or twice

When 98 H, did you take off the clothes yourself, or did the other party help you take off

Zhuo: It depends on the situation

Zeng: not necessarily

99 What is H to you

Zhuo: a flavoring agent in life


: an expression of love for him

100 Please say a word to your lover

Zhuo: I just hope that Zeping doesn't care too much about the past, because it is enough for Zeping to respond to my feelings

Zeng: I think I will love him even more, because few people in the world can love without asking for anything in return, Xiuning is too important to me, I can't lose him

Red: I wish you all happiness ^_^

From that day on, I didn't distinguish between the front and the back, from that day on, I was confused

From that day on I fell in love with my left hand. I hate my right hand since that day

In the name of the left hand, poverty, hunger, or death, we will always be together...

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