Emperor Honglong

Chapter 1: Through Jackie Chan



Li Hao woke up from the darkness, feeling like his bones were falling apart, the pain was unbearable, and he couldn't help moaning.

what happened


A girl in the neighborhood smashed and jumped off a building. I ran to help pull the cloth to save people. I was looking up with my head up, but... my buttocks fell from the sky.

Thinking of the round petals wrapped in jeans, he shivered and felt annoyed.

This deep bone marrow pain will not be paralyzed by the smash, right? !

Opening his eyes and looking around, Li Hao was stunned.

What caught his eyes was not the modern hospital he had imagined, but a crude cave dug by hand.

In the hemispherical space, the dark red rock walls are rough and covered with gullies, and the ground is roughly flat. I am lying on the slightly warm ground, and the golden beam of light from the narrow ventilation hole shines in front of me, and the dust in the beam is floating.

Compared with waking up in the cave, what frightened him even more was that he was not the only resident in the cave. There were about twenty monitor lizards sleeping beside him. These monitor lizards had horns on their heads, bat wings on their backs, and scales A, at first glance, it looks like the western dragon in film and television works.

Take a closer look, it is indeed a giant dragon!

"What's going on?! Am I dreaming?!"

He was a little skeptical about life, and raised his hand to touch the giant dragon beside him to tell the truth, but he was horrified to find that the hand he stretched out could no longer be called a hand, but a claw covered with scarlet scales and with sharp nails!


Memories flooded in like a flood, pouring madly into Li Hao's mind, and played it quickly in his mind, like a ten-fold fast-forward video.

"I... I have time-traveled?!"

As the memory played, he found that he had indeed traveled through time, into a bizarre fantasy world, and became a juvenile red dragon named Jose.

Like most colored dragons, José was born in the dragon mother's lair*.

"The evil dragon is worthy of being an evil dragon!" Li Hao sighed in his heart.

At the young dragon stage, which is equivalent to two or three years old for human beings, the original owner of the body was kicked out by his mother.

Losing the protection of his parents, Jose and his brothers and sisters born from the same batch of dragon eggs huddled together to survive, eating the weak and avoiding the strong in the wilderness, until one day, they also became prey.

Witnessing his younger sister being swallowed alive, the surviving young dragon brothers became cruel and signed an asylum contract to seek refuge with a powerful kind. This kind is the mighty Red Nest Mistress.

Li Hao was puzzled when he saw the great achievements of the red nest mistress in slaughtering the city and the country.

"With such a backer for a heifer to stand on his head, why does my body still get hurt?"

He tried hard to digest his memory. It turned out that one year after taking refuge in the Red Nest Mistress, the Dragon Slaying War broke out, and the multinational coalition forces with humans as the main force attacked on a large scale.

The battle situation is critical, and potential stocks like the young dragon that cannot be converted into combat power in time are also pulled onto the battlefield. The last scene that the young dragon remembers is a burning meteorite falling from the sky.

What happened next, Li Hao can also guess based on his imagination. The seriously injured young dragon was carried back to the lair after the battle, but died of his injuries. nest.

"I'm probably dead under the peony flower," said Li Haosheng with nothing to love.

Self-pity and self-pity are of no benefit to his current situation. He tried his best to adjust his mentality, control himself not to think about his sad parents, hypnotize himself, and accept and adapt to his new identity.

"I am Jose, I must live well."

Encouraging himself in his heart, Jose faced the reality and checked his physical injuries.

The fragments splashed by the meteorite explosion hit the side of his body, leaving a scorched mark the size of a washbasin, the dragon scales were cracked, and several ribs were broken.

"I need therapy," he thought.

In the previous life, even if the injury was scientifically treated, it would take at least a month of recuperation. In the magical world, only a high-ranking priest needs to cast an advanced healing technique, and he can move without hindrance immediately.

After thinking for a moment, Jose dismissed the idea of asking the senior priest for help. Red Nest's internal treatment resources are limited, and he has no strength and background, so he is not qualified.

With nowhere to go, there is only one non-resolvable solution—to supplement nutrition by eating a lot to speed up wound healing.

"Thank God food is no problem."

Jose tried to stand up, but found that the broken tibia could not support his huge weight, and moving forcibly would make the injury worse.

He felt bad and looked around at the other dragons.

Perhaps, you can ask your "roommates" to help bring meals, but... these roommates are unreliable no matter how you look at it.

By the way, I also have a brother.

He turned his neck, looking for his brother among the dragons around him.

found it!


Not far away, the red dragon who was resting with his head on the ground—Barron did not raise his head, squinted at his younger brother who was the source of the sound, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Jose swallowed the plea for help when he said that, in those eyes, he couldn't see the slightest affection, only contempt and disdain.

After thinking about it for a while, he thought of the reason for Barron's indifference. The five-color dragons of the evil camp are cold in nature, and the strong respect them. After being seriously injured, he has become the weak in the eyes of the dragons, and the weak only deserve to be bullied!

After thinking through all this, Jose's heart felt cold and his body trembled. At the same time, he also understood that asking other dragons for help would only bring shame on himself.

what to do? !

He felt boundless fear when he thought that he would die painfully in the double torment of pain and hunger, and his body would be thrown out of the cave by other dragons like garbage.

No! I can't just be a dog like this!

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of the gold coins that his predecessor had hidden when he was cleaning the battlefield, and he had an idea in his mind.


Baron stood up abruptly and walked over aggressively. His huge head was approaching, his nose was wrinkled and saw-toothed sharp fangs were exposed, with bright red shreds of meat still hanging between his teeth: "Twice! Twice! You'd better give me A satisfactory explanation! Otherwise..."

"I want to hire you, and the reward is thirty-two gold coins."

"What kind of dragon do you think I am? Do you want to buy me off with just a few gold coins? Oh, wait, you just said gold coins?!"


Not long after, a skinned cow with bright red muscles and white bones was placed in front of Jose. In order to survive, he ignored the psychological barrier of eating raw meat, so he closed his eyes and buried his head in the meat , Open your mouth wide and bite with sharp teeth, swallow the meat and bone together, chew and swallow.

Um? !

After taking the first bite of the flesh-and-blood mixture, Jose, who was prepared for nausea, unexpectedly found that the taste of the food was not delicious, but it was still acceptable. This should be the change brought about by the transformation of the body.

He was overjoyed and gobbled it up.

After a meal, a whole cow went into his stomach. Under the digestion of the powerful gastric juice of the dragon, the flesh and blood were turned into nutrients and transported to all parts of the body by the blood circulation system.

The wound was slightly itchy, and Jose felt that his body was slowly recovering, and couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief.

Immediately, he obeyed the agreement and told Baron where the treasure was buried.

The eating habits of dragons are similar to those of snakes. Adult dragons can manage for several months with a full meal, while young dragons with long bodies consume more energy, but they can go without eating for ten days after they are full, and they should be able to take care of themselves after ten days up.

"Don't worry about the injury getting worse."

Feel warm and think... safe.

You must know that this is a time of war. Judging from the situation before the coma, one's own side is still at a disadvantage, and the visitor from another world can't help but worry about his future.

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(end of this chapter)

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