Emperor Honglong

Chapter 27: Geothermal


Accompanied by Ergou all the way, Jose visited the remaining living areas No. 4 to No. 8. Except for No. 5 living area with spring water, the rest of the living areas were abandoned and not worth mentioning.

"Is there anything else you haven't been to?"

"The only thing left is some abandoned tunnels. These tunnels were dug by our ancestors to explore new mines after the veins were exhausted. That's right!" Er Gou remembered that there was still a place he hadn't gone to: "And we excavated low-quality iron mines. The mine of the mine, is the master going to take a look?"

"Let's go, as the owner of this place, I need to be familiar with every corner of the territory."

The entrance of the mine is located in living area No. 8, and the passage was dug according to the size of the Kobold, so Jose had to shrink in size.

Passing through the narrow and deep tunnel, one master and one servant came to the hollow mining area. There were dark red spots on the rock wall of the mining area. This was the iron ore vein for the blood tooth kobold tribe to survive.

The ground of the mining area is covered with slag with sharp water chestnuts, and some tools such as picks and shovels are also scattered.

Jose steps into the mine.


He noticed the strangeness on the ground, and quickly bent over to scrape away the slag on the surface, and pressed the dragon's claws on the ground to feel the unusual temperature.

There is geothermal heat here!

Anyone who has studied geography knows that our world floats on the lava layer, just like a ship floats on the water, but the underground magma is not as smooth as the water surface.

In the earth's crust, some substances have high melting points, while others have low melting points. Substances with low melting points will be corroded by high temperature over a long period of time, thus forming underground cavities. Under the action of pressure, lava rises to form underground lava lakes.

The heat of hot springs and geothermal heat comes from such lava lakes that are closer to the surface, that is to say, there is magma below the mine.

Jose felt happy. The red dragon is a dragon of the fire element. Living in a place rich in fire elements such as geothermal heat for a long time is of great benefit to the growth of the red dragon.

The perfect residence!

"Dear master, the ancestors had no choice but to give up digging down when they discovered a lava lake below. Now we can only dig these low-quality iron ores horizontally, all of which are slag." Looking at the barren veins, Er Gou felt a little lost.

"Don't be discouraged, my servant, I have found a new mine."

It has to be said that the dragon's talent for treasure hunting is really against the sky. During the inspection process just now, Jose felt the rhythm of the mineral veins in the ground veins, and the unique fragrance fascinated the dragon.

"On the east side of No. 6 living area, at an angle of 30 degrees downward, dig along this direction, and you can dig what you want."

You Gou also remembered that the giant dragon was an expert in treasure hunting, and his face was full of joy from the bottom of his heart.

"Praise you! Great master! You are truly the gospel of the Bloodtooth Tribe!"

"You're welcome, minerals, wealth, blood teeth, including you, are mine."

After strolling around for a while, he felt that he knew almost everything about the mine.

"Go back, the people outside should be back."

A master and a servant turned around and walked towards the No. 1 residential area, and they heard noisy conversations in the distance. They happened to meet the return of the clansmen outside.

Jose stood on the edge of the living area of No. 1, looking down on his people.

The kobolds who stayed in the camp poured in from the tunnel entrance. They dragged their families with them, with smiles on their faces, talking while walking, and the sound of barking dogs was noisy.

Kobolds are an intelligent race, they can use common language and a small amount of dragon language, language is one of the main reasons why they are recognized as an intelligent race.

It's just that the kobold civilization is too primitive. The ornaments on their bodies are made of animal bones and teeth. Most of them are in celestial form. Less than 30% of kobolds wear animal skin aprons or coarse crotch cloth.

It is worth mentioning that kobolds wear clothes not to hide their shame, but to show their status. In their eyes, clothes are more valuable ornaments than bone ornaments.

Seeing the red dragon, Suoda and four kobold soldiers came over with baked food and offered it with both hands: "Master, please taste the food cooked by the kobolds."

Jose took the piece of meat pierced with a wooden stick and sniffed it. It was the petrified lizard that was killed just now. Judging from the shape, it was still the most elite thigh meat. He took a bite. Compared with the cooked raw meat of dragon's breath, this The raw roti looks so delicious.

"Yes, you are very attentive."

After receiving the master's affirmation, Suo Da was overjoyed and bowed: "Enjoy slowly, more food is still being processed."

Jose tilted his head to look at the fire in the distance. Around the fire was a circle of kobolds who were rotating barbecue. In addition, there was a stew pot on top of the fire, and white gas was rising from the pot.

He walked over curiously, opened the lid of the stew pot, and a smelly steam came out, and then he saw the food in the pot—barley, petrified lizard offal, plus some unknown plant tubers, vegetables A one-pot stir-fry made of leaves.

He heard the sound of the kobolds swallowing their saliva around him. Obviously, the food was prepared for them.

Jose put down the lid of the pot and said calmly, "Suoda, tell me about the tribe's food situation."

"Most of the previously stored meat was spoiled by petrified lizards, but master, don't worry, I have sent people out to hunt, and the soldiers will ensure enough meat supply even if they risk their lives."

Obviously, Suo Da misunderstood.

But it’s no wonder he misunderstood, never that evil dragon cared about whether his servants would be fed. Evil dragons were brutal conquerors, they only cared about their own enjoyment, and even their subordinates could fill their stomachs when they were hungry.

But the visitor from another world couldn't be so cold-blooded, he couldn't just sit back and watch his little brother go hungry while he enjoyed himself safely, let alone take his little brother as food.

"Of course I want to eat meat, but at least my little brother must have soup." That's what he thought.

He changed to a more direct way of asking: "How much food is left in the tribe, and how long is it enough for you and your tribe?"

Suo Da was slightly taken aback, and then realized that the master was concerned about the tribe's grain reserves, and was moved: "Master, don't worry, the petrified lizards only eat meat, and the grains stored before are well preserved, enough for the tribe to consume for two months."

"What about after two months?"

"Two months later..." Suo Da's voice became smaller and smaller.

That's right, after two months, the bloodtooth kobold tribe will have no food source. They have already fallen out with the trading partner, the gray-tailed centaur tribe. Naturally, they can't use minerals to trade food, food from hunting and gathering like before. There is simply no way to feed that many people.

Worst of all, two months later... Winter is coming!

In the past, when the mountain was closed by heavy snow every winter, many clansmen would starve to death or freeze to death. What's more, this year they fell out with the centaur and lost their main source of food. It can be predicted what kind of tragedy the Bloodtooth Mine will be in this winter.

Could it be possible to start a war with the wolf man again, on the one hand to reduce the food consumption of the tribe, and on the other hand to use the enemy's corpses and even the dead of one's own side as rations.

Thinking of this, Suo Da shuddered.

Jose finished the barbecue in his hand one bite at a time, and dropped the stick.

"From now on, the bad mine lode will be renamed Living Area No. 9. It is my residence. Ordinary kobolds are not allowed to enter. You two can come to me if you have something to do. Also, my brother, that is, the white dragon, he comes in Take him to Living Area Five later, he'll love the spring there."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the petrified lizard nest, took out the lizard eggs in the nest, and then walked into the tunnel and disappeared from the sight of the kobolds.

Returning to the lair with geothermal heat, he put down the lizard eggs and inspected his new home. If there is no accident, he will live here for a long time.

"First of all, in order to avoid using the size reduction technique every time I go home, I must widen the tunnel, then expand the nest, and finally prepare some emergency passages, at least two, preferably three."

Just do it, he started to renovate his new home.

The excavation efficiency of Dragon Claw is very high, but the amount of work is too large. It took three full days of busy work before Jose was able to renovate his new home to his satisfaction.

At this time, the appearance of the inferior ore mining area changed drastically, and it became a huge underground space with a diameter of 100 meters. The roof of the cave was transformed into a circular vault, and the ground was also leveled.

Three emergency passages have been built, two are located on both sides of the cave, dug upwards until you can see the roots of the underground trees, and the third passage is dug straight down, leading directly to the lava lake in the ground, and the stone slab can be lifted directly as a last resort Jump into the lava lake for safety.

"Sit back and relax, you can sleep in peace."

He patted the dusty dragon claws, and lay down contentedly in the middle of the cave.

Due to the geothermal heat, the ground is warm and intimate.

Thank you Lord Guanglong for the 1000 coins, xiaotang246 for the 100 coins, and Teacher Yang for the 100 coins. It’s really a big reward for 10,000 coins.

(end of this chapter)