Emperor Honglong

Chapter 28: Take a step back and think about it more and more


When Jose's consciousness regained consciousness again, he came to Xinghe Square again. Xinghe Square was not much different from the last time he left, and the statues of Phoenix and Jin Kela still stood tall.


Jose looked at the statue and felt something was wrong. The two statues were still the same size as him. You know, his size had grown by half in three years.

Soon, he stopped worrying about his body shape. After all, this space is inconceivable, and it is not surprising that there are some strange phenomena.

Not long after, there was another starry statue on the white marble square. On the square base, an abstract eyeball was suspended out of thin air. The eyeball was intertwined with two Arabic numerals "0" and "1". made.

Looking at a certain part of this statue alone, the numbers appear to be chaotic, but when integrated, it has a unique abstract beauty.

He looked at the introduction on the pedestal:

[Data Vision]: F


A small crypt, the beginning of domination.

—If you want to wear a crown, you must first bear its weight. Are you ready

When the fingertips touched the statue, "0" and "1" with green light gushed out from inside the eyeball statue, and the torrent of data scrambled into Jose's eyes, and he felt a stinging pain in his eyes.


In reality, the red dragon's eyeballs rolled violently under his closed eyelids, and after a while, he opened his sour eyes.

The structure of the red dragon's eyes is similar to that of a snake. The eyeballs are lava-like crimson, with a vertical diamond-shaped golden pupil in the middle, and the pupil will enlarge or shrink according to the intensity of the light.

Generally speaking, as long as there is no dirt, the dragon's vision is no different from that of a human. At this time, rows of green numbers fell on the surface of Jose's retina.

"It's really digitized."

He found that no matter where he looked, a set of data would automatically appear on the retina.

Distance: 41m

Temperature: 31°C

Wind speed: 3km/h

Rows of green data and information kept falling in his eyes like a waterfall. Things that he hadn't noticed before were clearly marked by the data. Jose felt a bit of a toothache. Could it be possible to see girls in the future...

Height: 168cm

Bust: 32

Waist: 21

Hips: 34

This is also great! ()

"emmm..., height: 158cm; bust: 38; waist: 37; hip: 39; one-to-one, what kind of fairy figure is this?!"

"Master, what did you say?"

"Ah?!" Jose woke up suddenly and saw the person clearly: "It's nothing, Er Gouzi, what do you want me to do?"

You Gou automatically ignored a strange title: "It's like this. After I came back, I got more and more angry after thinking about it. I discussed with my brother and planned to take revenge on the gray-tailed centaur tribe. It would be best to take their food."

"Master, the gray-tailed centaur is the largest indigenous tribe in the vicinity. They have connections with human merchants, and exchange the plundered loot for supplies. The tribe has accumulated a lot of food. After doing this, they don't have to worry about food for two years, and They also have a large number of horses, cattle and sheep, and your food is also solved, killing two birds with one stone."

"Centaur, emmm... let me think about it first," Jose squeezed his chin, recalling the record about centaur in Dragon's Legacy.

There are many races in the continent of Tydanore, some of which evolved naturally, such as humans, elves, and orcs; some were products of magical energy, such as lycanthropes, gray dwarves, and dark elves.

There is also a considerable part of the credit of the dragon family, such as kobolds, half-dragons, and many strange and extraordinary creatures.

Regardless of whether the above-mentioned species are evil or good, they are all products of the natural evolution of Taidanor, but the centaur is different. The birth of the centaur is related to the devil in the nine prisons.

It was about 5,000 years ago in the third era. The elven dynasty that ruled the mainland flourished and declined, and a split occurred. The elven civil war almost detonated the entire Tidanore continent. The breath of war and death overflowed the barrier of the plane, attracting the outer layer Among the voyeurs of the plane, there are devils who are good at deceiving people.

In that turbulent era, the devil plotted one plot after another. I don't know how many heroes and races were bewitched by it and fell into darkness. Among the fallen were the centaur's ancestor—the centaur.

The centaurs are originally an extraordinary race of the good camp, and they have high-level strength as soon as they reach adulthood. They are the guardians of the forest and friends of nature.

Hearing the fall of the tribe, the King of Centaur at that time was very sad and vowed to save the tribe.

The centaur king succeeded in expelling the influence of the devil on the fallen centaur, preventing it from falling into the abyss, but unfortunately the centaur king was one step too late.

The devil's depraved power is rooted in the blood and soul, and cannot be expelled. The degenerated centaur began a long degeneration until it evolved into the centaur of today.

Compared with centaurs, centaurs have shrunk significantly in size, their skin has changed from holy white to ugly dark brown, and their original righteous and kind-hearted characters have also reversed, becoming cruel and cunning.

In all things in the world, if there is gain, there will be loss, and if there is loss, there will be gain.

The centaurs lost their strong bodies and the magical power of protecting nature, but they gained compensation in terms of fertility. Now they are all over the grasslands, and they are famous grassland robbers.

"How big is the gray-tailed centaur tribe?"

"There are about 1,300 centaurs."

According to the human standard for dividing monster tribes, 50 people can be called a small tribe, 500 people are a medium-sized tribe, 5,000 people are a large tribe, 50,000 super-large tribes, and 500,000 people are a small country.

A medium-sized centaur tribe with a population of more than 1,300 and all the people are soldiers, not too weak

"No, there are too many centaurs. The kobolds can't hunt down the centaurs on the grassland. Even if they can win, they can't kill them all. Their escape will expose my existence, and don't forget, they still have potential Khan and elite centaurs."

Centaurs, like all races, have a certain probability of atavism. The degree of atavism varies from individual to individual. The deeper the atavism, the stronger the strength.

According to the research of anthropologists, if a medium-sized tribe of 500 people does not have a middle-level powerhouse to sit in it, there is a high probability that it will split due to the competition for power by the elementary elite.

That is to say, the gray-tailed centaur tribe has at least one middle-level khan, plus a dozen elite centaurs with elementary strengths. The prosperous blood-toothed tribe may be able to fight against one of them. For now, forget it.

"My servant, revenge requires patience. As for the food problem, I will find a solution."

In fact, for the kobolds, the food crisis, which is so serious that it affects the survival of the tribe, is not a problem at all in Jose's eyes.

His confidence does not come from the all-encompassing dragon inheritance, but from the knowledge he learned in his previous life. The lush primeval forest will not lack food.

He planned to go out for a walk, try out the new ability he just acquired, and help his family members solve the food crisis by the way.

But before going out, he had to find out what forces were nearby, so he asked his own question.

"Dear master, the five surrounding hills are the territory of the Bloodtooth Tribe, and there are three Gnoll tribes outside, and three kobold tribes that split from the Bloodtooth Tribe. In order to avoid war, we generally don't hunt across the border..." While speaking, Ergou drew sketches on the ground to facilitate Jose's understanding.

After a while, the forces around General Jose's territory were roughly cleared up, and none of them could threaten his existence, at least based on the current information.

(end of this chapter)