Emperor Honglong

Chapter 31: Peepers in the shadows


Just as Jose and his family were discussing the feasibility of developing animal husbandry in the mine, there was a sudden commotion in the corner.


Jose turned his head to look at the thirteen lizard eggs placed in the corner, one of which had a crack in its shell.

"Finally born."

The little life inside the egg expanded the crack little by little until a hole was opened in the eggshell, and the little lizard poked its head out of the hole. As soon as it came out, it saw two pairs of eyes staring at it. Peeking inside the eggshell.

"Heh, you're still shy, Suoda, go get some meat."


After a while, the kobold family brought a little bit of minced meat, tore it into small pieces, and handed it to Jose.

Jose took the meat to lure the little lizards that were still hiding in the eggshells. Lizards and dragons have many similarities. Whether it is body structure or physiological habits, little lizards can also eat meat from birth.

The little lizard was still scared, but its stomach surrendered first.

First, he poked his head out of the eggshell, sniffed the fresh meat hanging above his head, swallowed it in one gulp, then retracted it immediately, squinted his eyes and opened and closed his mouth, chewing and swallowing hard.

Jose picked up a small piece of fresh meat and continued to lure, like teasing a cat with a fish, luring the little basilisk to climb out of the eggshell, come to the open space, and continue to feed.

The remaining lizard eggs broke one after another, and one by one the little lizards crawled out. Seeing their own kind eating happily, they scrambled over without being lured, and the clear egg whites left traces on the ground.

Jose looked at the little lizards scrambling for food, with a smile on his lips.

As he expected, the little lizard hatched beside him, with a hint of real dragon's breath on his body, the best proof is that the edges of the blue scales of these petrified baby lizards are slightly red.

The dragonborn with the breath of the giant dragon is naturally close to the source of the blood, otherwise the newborn lizards would not let down their vigilance so easily and climb out of the eggshell to receive food.

Contrary to Jose's mood, Soda's mood was not so beautiful, and even a little distressed.

Thirteen more big mouths that only eat meat.

Although the juvenile lizards are still small, they will grow up, and they will be thirteen big stomach kings by then.

He looked at the master at the side, feeling a little guilty, wondering if he should bring up his difficulties.

After thinking about it, Suo Da was no longer worried. Judging from what his master had done recently, the Blood Tooth tribe was indeed favored by the goddess of luck.

Other five-color dragons will care about whether their relatives are full or not, just eat well for themselves, and if they are slightly unsatisfactory, it is common for them to beat their relatives for tooth sacrifice.

"Dear Master, I am a little worried."

"What are you worried about?"

"The number of your pets is a bit too much. I am worried that the meat supply will not be available."

Jose turned his head and looked at the dependents on the side: "First of all, I have to correct you that they are not pets, they are fighters just like you, and secondly, don't worry about the food problem, this problem will be solved before they grow up, Finally, I'm hungry."

Suo Da was listening attentively, he was stunned for a moment when he heard the last sentence, and then he reacted.

"I'm going to prepare food for you."

Not long after, a group of kobolds brought ten steaming cauldrons, and Jose could smell the aroma of stewed meat.

The cauldrons containing stewed meat were placed in front of Jose, lined up in a row. These cauldrons were specially prepared by the kobold family for the dragon, with a diameter of three meters, which is not too small for Jose.

He lifted the lid of the pot and looked at the messy stewing in the pot. Large pieces of meat, konjac, fungus, and plant tubers were cut into pieces. Due to the timing of the pot, the plant tubers had been boiled.

To be honest, Jose felt that he would definitely do a better job than the kobold chef, but as a slob...he didn't want to do it himself if it wasn't necessary.

snort! What are the servants doing? !

Jose held up a large cauldron with peace of mind, held the cauldron high above his head, and poured the steaming soup and food into his mouth without fear of scalding.


One pot after another, soon, he was 90% full after eating.

Ninety percent full is enough.

The kobold carried the iron pot and left again. Only Jose Yilong was left in the cave, and he lay on the ground lost in thought.

The original kobold hordes left much to be desired.

Take the iron pots that we just ate, these iron pots are made by pouring molten iron into molds, beating and grinding after the shape is fixed.

Because the craftsmanship is too primitive, there are often loopholes such as air bubbles. On average, only one qualified iron pot can be cast every three times.

Weapons are also shaped with molds and then polished, so that the cast iron is easy to crack when encountering collisions. It is enough to deal with beasts and other primitive monster tribes, but if you encounter regular human troops...

Jose could already imagine the scene of the kobold fighting with the regular human army. The weapons intersected, the iron in the kobold's hand cracked and shattered, and then they slaughtered one-sidedly.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry about fighting the regular human army in a short period of time. The matter of casting technology can be put aside, and the matter of meat and food is really imminent. Winter is coming.

In this regard, Jose has already thought of a way. On the one hand, he actively expands externally, annexing other monster tribes, and expanding the scope of hunting grounds. On the other hand, he forms an air force to improve the efficiency of investigation and hunting.

Of course, kobolds can't fly. Jose, a large flying raptor, has no channels, and the Bloodtooth tribe can't afford it.

The air force Jose picked was another primitive monster race - the Harpy.

The harpies are common humanoid creatures in Tydanore. They have the body and face of female elves, their arms are replaced by wings, and there are thin eagle claws under their knees.

Because the arms are bird wings, the harpy cannot make fire, and the tools that the eagle claws can make or use are very limited. Therefore, the civilization level of the harpies is very low, and they live a life of beasts that drink blood.

Like many birds, they build their nests between steep cliffs in order to prevent being attacked by animals while sleeping.

During the migration, Jose happened to see the Harpy's lair, and it was not far from the Bloodtooth kobold tribe.

Under the night sky, a huge dragon shadow sprang out of the forest and flew into the sky until it disappeared into the clouds.

In the distance, on the mountain peak, among the dense branches of the big tree, a hidden black figure saw the dragon shadow flying into the clouds, grabbed the vines and slid down the big tree.

In the deep tunnel, an old jackal with a hood, a hunched back, and a cane walked quickly, and his pace was not as old as it appeared on the surface.

Smelling the faint fishy and sweet smell in front of him, Old Mosa, the mystic of the gnoll, was shocked, and his pace quickened a little, and he entered the lair filled with light green poisonous gas.

Old Mosa saw the huge black shadow lying in the center of the lair, and the black shadow's emerald-like diamond-shaped vertical pupils were staring straight at him.

He stopped, straightened his clothes that were a little messy due to his brisk walk, and bowed in a respectful manner.

"Master, we have an extra neighbor."

(end of this chapter)