Emperor Honglong

Chapter 87: Barbarian Messenger


On this day, Jose rested comfortably on the golden mountain, digesting the inheritance of the dragon.

With the help of [Smart Brain], he can digest the dragon's inheritance much faster than ordinary dragons, just like taking the same online class, the learning efficiency of a top student is different from that of an ordinary person.

In the past, Jose was a master of learning in Longzhong, but now, with the blessing of [Smart Brain], he has further become a god of learning.

In the silence, the kobold, Ergo, walked down the nine-ring spiral staircase, passed through the guard of the salamander, and came to the golden mountain, waiting quietly.

He knew that even in a deep sleep state, his master could still sense his arrival, but he was just digesting knowledge and was unwilling to wake up immediately.

As the number of dependents increases, the Red Dragon does not want to be disturbed constantly, so it stipulates that unless it is extremely important, it cannot use telephony to disturb itself. Therefore, other dependents who need to contact the Red Dragon will communicate through Ergou, which is why Ergou comes here. the goal of.

Not long after, the red dragon on Jinshan opened his eyes.

"What's up?"

Er Gou bent down and saluted: "Great master, the Hulk of Thorn Town sent a message that thirteen barbarians came from Thorn Town. Those barbarians called themselves the messengers of the Holy City and asked to meet the dragon lord here."

A hint of doubt flashed in Jose's eyes, and he hid behind the scenes. The lord of Modo Peak Lin Ming was Olivia.

"Then take them to meet Olivia, why do you want me?"

"Master Olivia sent the barbarians to find you. One of the goals of the barbarians is to find the ax in your hand. It seems to be the ax inherited from the Frost Ax barbarian clan. It is very important to the barbarians. Also, they want to redeem the barbarian captives in our hands, Lady Olivia asked you to decide together."

"Okay, let them come," Jose said indifferently.

That ax was of no use to him, and if the barbarians could come up with something good in exchange, it would be nothing to give them.

As for the group of barbarian captives who are working voluntarily, whoever is selling is not selling.

"Follow your will," Ergou bowed and retreated.

"The Messenger of the Holy City..."

Jose lay on the golden mountain, recalling the information about the holy city of the barbarians, muttering to himself: "The holy city of the barbarians - Andorhal."

Andohal is located in the northeast corner of the prairie, close to the great glacier, and is the only fixed city of the barbarians, a nomadic people. This city has an extraordinary history.

Thousands of years ago, the barbarian god Balinor once performed miracles in that land. Since then, the barbarians of Tydanor have become his believers. The believers established the holy city in the land where the god descended—Andohal .

Andorhal is a barbarian term, which means a place of sanctuary bestowed by the gods. Andorhal is also worthy of this name. Since the establishment of the city, the barbarians have grown stronger all the way, and now they have three legendary strongmen, becoming a place in the prairie. The most powerful native race.

For the indigenous race without a systematic professional knowledge system, the three legendary powerhouses are nothing short of a miracle.

You must know that even in the Northland Human Kingdom, which has a series of knowledge inheritance places such as professional schools and magic towers, most of them only have one or two legendary guardians, and even occasionally encounter the embarrassing situation of legendary powerhouses being cut off from generation to generation.

After a long time, Ergou came to the Molten Core again.

"Master, the barbarian messenger is already waiting in the hall."

"Tell him I'm still asleep and tell him to wait," Jose said casually.

On the one hand, due to the war with the Frostaxe barbarian clan, he has a bad sense of barbarians, so there is no need to be polite to this so-called envoy of the holy city.

On the other hand, although the barbarian clan has three legendary powerhouses, Jose is not afraid at all.

The three legendary powerhouses will not leave Andorhal easily, because they are always on guard against the threat from the big glacier. There is a dragon on the big glacier, an old legendary white dragon named Kemlinna, who calls herself the mother of the cold wave.

This white dragon was hunted and killed by a legendary strong man of the barbarian clan when he was young, and escaped from death, so he forged a grudge.

After stepping into the legend, Kemlinna vowed to dig out the bones and ashes of her enemies buried in the Holy Tomb. The Holy Tomb is the resting place of the barbarian heroes of all ages. It is in the backyard of the temple of the barbarian god. How could the barbarians Allow the White Dragon to defile the sanctuary.

For hundreds of years, the two sides have fought countless times, the conflicts have become more and more serious, and the hatred has accumulated deeper and deeper, and it has already reached the point of life and death.

Even if the white dragon is the disgrace of the five-color dragon, after stepping into the legend, it is much more powerful than ordinary legends. It is no problem for one dragon to single out two ordinary legends. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of the holy city, the three strong barbarians will not leave easily .

After leaving the barbarian envoy to dry for more than half an hour, Jose yawned and walked down the Jinshan Mountain slowly, stepping up the spiral nine-ring staircase, all the way to the hall specially dug for meeting foreigners.

This underground hall dug into the rock is about the size of four or five standard football fields. The ground is paved with stone bricks. The stone pillars are arranged on both sides, forming a long corridor in the low cylindrical space. At the end of the long corridor is the throne designed by Jose for himself.

The throne is thirty meters long and ten meters wide. Its backrest looks like two overlapping dragon wings, and the armrest is a dragon head designed by Jose himself, which looks majestic.

There are nine steps below the throne, using China's extreme number, if you look down carefully along the steps, outsiders will be surprised to find that the steps and the ground are actually connected together, because this space itself is in one place. It was excavated from the huge rock formation, including the throne and pillars, which were hollowed out and carved out of the surrounding rock.

This underground space can be called a work of art. Naturally, it was not the idea of a low-civilized kobold. It was designed by Jose himself and presided over the construction.

The hall for meeting foreigners represents one's face, and it is also a manifestation of one's strength. Naturally, one cannot be sloppy.

Jose walked out from the door on the side of the throne, walked up the steps, and sat under the throne, overlooking the barbarian mission below.

In the empty and solemn hall of stone pillars, the barbarian mission had been waiting for a long time, and they were impatient, their faces were a little ugly, they felt that they had been insulted.

However, this is not their illusion.

Seeing the true lord—the red dragon, a barbarian who seemed to be the leader quickly collected his emotions, and stepped forward, with a serious face, clenched his fist with one hand and beat his heart, and there was a bang, which was a greeting ceremony for the barbarian clan.

"Your Excellency, Dragon, I am Mu Muda from Andohal," the leader of the barbarian envoys introduced himself and went straight to the point: "The main purpose of visiting Your Excellency this time is to redeem the people who were captured a few days ago."

Mu Muda? Why don't you call me

Jose complained in his heart, expressionless, and said in a deep voice: "I already know your purpose, tell me, what are you going to pay, and take away those 3,523, emmm..., volunteer laborers from me .”

"Oh, by the way, I forgot," Red Dragon seemed to think of something: "Yesterday, five people were found trying to escape and were executed. Now there are only 3,518 people left."

Mu Muda twitched his face, knowing that the red dragon was deliberately provoking him.

Is the purpose to test my attitude towards the tribe, or is it just that I have a bad personality and simply want to anger me

He is more inclined to the latter, after all, the red dragons are all villains with bad personalities.

Mu Muda calmly suppressed his anger: "Your Excellency Red Dragon, I have come with the sincerity of the barbarian clan, and I am willing to exchange for the members of the Frostaxe clan at the cost of one cow per man and one horse per woman. .”

Jose raised his eyebrows. He was indeed sincere. On the prairie, the value of a cow was one-fifth higher than that of a barbarian male slave, while the value of a barbarian female slave was equivalent to that of a horse.

In addition, the monster army has plenty of labor. The purpose of Jose to keep the barbarians is to wait for the barbarians to come to make a fortune. If he doesn't do this, he can only sell the barbarians as slaves through Yangfan Port.

But in this way, the barbarian family was offended to death. In addition, the large-scale slave trade is very likely to be blacklisted by some benevolent camp organizations, and the gains outweigh the losses.

"You may have forgotten that some professionals were captured by me."

"It's because I didn't think carefully."

Jose lightly raised his finger, tapped the throne, and thought for a moment: "I won't make it difficult for you. Ordinary barbarians will pay the price you give. Professionals will be charged separately. Beginner professionals will get ten gold coins, and intermediate professionals will get fifty gold coins." A gold coin."

Mu Muda nodded in agreement. The price given by the Red Dragon was the market price for professional slaves in the central part of the mainland. Although the price was high, it was not outrageous.

Most importantly, it was the Frostaxe barbarian clan itself who paid the money in the end, and he was just a middleman who came to negotiate.

Jose continued to ask: "Also, as a prerequisite for the transaction, you have to answer my question."

"You say."

"Why do the Frostax barbarians fight against us?"

Mu Muda looked a little embarrassed, bowed his head and remained silent.

"What? You don't want to say that?" Jose looked at him quietly.

Mu Muda was expressionless, but his eyes flickered.

After a while, he sighed: "Okay, since you asked the question, Your Excellency Dragon, I'll tell you the truth. This involves the attitude of the barbarians towards human beings."

"That fellow Yarman, he got a little close to the humans of the Kingdom of Dana a few days ago," Mumuda concluded.

Jose was stunned, and the more he thought about it, the many questions he had before suddenly became clear.

The Triangle Plain is located in the middle of the southern part of the prairie. It is the area where the commercial powers of Dana Kingdom and Yangfan Port meet. His own appearance has broken the balance of power between the two sides.

Because of the conch chamber of commerce and the blackwater chamber of commerce, in terms of commerce, Triangular Plains and Yangfan Port cooperate relatively closely, while excluding the forces of the Northland Kingdom represented by the Kingdom of Dana, this breaks the regional balance, "Green The "Dragon Lord" was also put on the hunting list by the kingdom.

But Dana Kingdom is not easy to make a move on the prairie, because the relationship between the kingdom and the barbarians is very delicate.

On the one hand, the kingdom relies on the rich commodities of human civilization to squeeze the barbarians and obtain wealth.

On the other hand, when food is scarce in winter, many weak barbarian tribes with insufficient background will find opportunities to cross the trails between the valleys and enter the Dana Kingdom to loot their homes, but the army of the Dana Kingdom is not made of mud. He also accumulated a lot of hatred.

Because of historical grievances, it was very difficult for the human army to get through the prairie, so the high-level human beings thought of a proxy war. The Northland Witch Council probably played a disgraceful role in this matter.

As for what they promised to impress the Frostaxe barbarian clan, it is unknown.

After glancing at the barbarian messenger, Jose guessed the attitude of the barbarian holy city towards this matter.

Obviously, the top barbarians are somewhat dissatisfied with the Frostaxe barbarian clan, which is evidenced by their lack of immediate support after the accident.

But the Frostaxe barbarian clan is one of the eight major barbarian clans after all. Arman Frostaxe came to ask for help, and the barbarian holy city could not just sit idly by. There is a price to pay.

With this in mind, Jose said, "Is Arman Frostaxe ready?"


The barbarian High Priest is a legendary priest, Arman Frostaxe can be cured as long as he has one breath.

Jose raised his eyebrows: "Then what price does the Frost Ax barbarian plan to pay for the inheritance axe?"

"Ten thousand gold coins!" Mu Muda didn't even think about it: "Also, the oath of the Frostaxe barbarian clan never to retaliate."

"Hmph!" Jose smiled disdainfully: "He thinks well, and it will be fine if we don't retaliate against him!"

What the red dragon said was right, Mu Muda didn't say a word, but just stared at the red dragon intently. Next, the words of the red dragon will determine whether his goal of this trip is success or failure.

If the previous suspicions are cleared up, then everything will be fine, but if the Two Dragon Alliance insists on this matter, and will take revenge on the Frostaxe clan in the future, then it is very likely that the entire barbarian clan will be dragged into the war, and the consequences will be bad.

Not to mention that his side won a complete victory and did not suffer a loss. On the contrary, they reaped so many spoils, and the enemy came to ask for forgiveness in various ways. In addition, Jose did not want to completely fall out with the barbarians, so he was willing to let it go.

"Add another ten thousand gold coins, and I will forgive him generously."

Mu Muda breathed a sigh of relief secretly, it would be great if money could solve the problem, and at the same time Xindao was worthy of being a red dragon.

"The amount of money is too large, and I cannot make a decision, but I will convey the request of Lord Dragon to Chief Frostaxe."

This sentence basically means that the barbarians agree. Even if the Frostaxe barbarian clan disagrees, other barbarian clans will force him to agree. A legendary white dragon is enough for the barbarians. They don't want another dragon enemy. And this enemy is still a red dragon with a high probability of stepping into the legendary stage. PS: The probability of a red dragon stepping into the legend is 80%, and that of a white dragon is 5% (but it can give birth and have more cubs).

"By the way!" Jose remembered that he didn't lack gold, but he lacked the raw materials for making explosive barrels: "Exchange all the compensation for rubies for me. I think that with Andorhal's thousands of years of heritage, it should be enough to meet this requirement." Isn't it difficult?!"

"I will convey your request to the patriarch, but I think it should be fine."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news, pay with one hand, and deliver with one hand." Jose waved his paws, indicating that the barbarian envoy could leave.

Thanks to xaiotang246 for the 100 coins, 100 coins for praying for the Holy Light, and 200 coins for Yayla.

(end of this chapter)