Emperor Honglong

Chapter 91: Unexpected appearance of the same kind


The full moon hangs high, the cool night wind flows under the wings, and the scenery on the grassland quickly recedes. With a firm goal, Jose flies in the direction of the medium-sized indigenous tribe—the Graymaned Wildboar tribe.

The gray-maned boar tribe has a population of seven to eight hundred, and the chief is a mid-level warrior. He was visited by the Dana people two days ago, and this gray-mane boar is also a vassal of the brown-skinned boar.

The strength is weak, meets the needs, and has a little fault, so it is listed as a target by the Red Dragon.

At this time, in the Gray Mane Wild Boar Tribe, the chief of the Wild Boar, Dover, was entertaining the guests, and the grassland specialties such as milk wine and barbecue were served one after another.

"Thank you both very much today, otherwise our tribe will suffer heavy losses, I offer a toast to you two," Dover raised a croissant filled with milk wine, and toasted a man and a woman on one side of the big tent.

This man and woman were Albert and Allie who had left Thorn Town. After the brown-skinned wild boars and frostaxe barbarians failed one after another, the Windtalkers Alliance felt that it was hopeless to expel the dragon, so they gave up.

The two left Thorn Town and headed northwest, planning to take a look at the scenery of the Barbarian Holy City and the Great Glacier. On the way, they met a hunting team of Greyboars who encountered a pack of wolves, so the current scene came into being.

Albert ate his mouth full of greasy food. Hearing the toast of the wild boar chief, he raised his head and said, "Justice..."

hold head high!

The sound of a dragon roaring from a distance interrupted Albert's speech, and the faces of everyone in the tent changed. They hurriedly picked up their weapons and rushed out of the tent. When they came outside, they saw the crimson figure above the full moon in the distance.

"Red Dragon?!"

After a few breaths, the red dragon came from far to near, and the hot and dry wind rushed towards the face, making the mouth dry and tongue dry.



The screams were mixed together, and the ordinary gray boars ran in a hurry, and the whole tribe was in chaos.

Jose looked at the chaotic gray-maned wild boar tribe below. Like all wild boar tribes, there were magical thorns growing around the gray-mansled wild boar tribe, which could block enemies and beasts for the wild boar, but they couldn't stop all A dragon that just fell from the sky.

His eyes swept across the entire tribe, and finally stopped at the open space in front of the largest tent. There stood an exceptionally majestic wild boar. He was two heads taller than ordinary wild boars, but the most striking thing was a man and a woman standing beside him. Two humans.

In the middle of the night, two humans appeared in a grassland indigenous tribe. These two humans didn't look like businessmen, they looked pretty good.

Innocent adventurers involved, or Dana Kingdom spies in disguise

No matter, let's cheat first.

"Oh, it seems that I have found the right place." Jose's sharp eyes pierced the two of them like two sharp swords, and he said in a deep voice, "Reptiles! What conspiracy are you secretly planning?"

Albert and Ai Li felt a thump in their hearts. The secret path was not good, and the red dragon was obviously coming for them.

Could it be that the plan of the Windtalkers Alliance to expel the evil dragon has been exposed, and the red dragon came to ask us to blame

But we have given up on that plan!

Unable to figure it out, Albert gritted his teeth and used sound transmission to communicate with his companions on the side: "A red dragon of the same age will have a chance of winning together!"

"Win?! There is an adult green dragon in the Triangle Plain. She can arrive here in ten minutes. Do you still want to win?! Look for a chance to escape!"

"You two! Think I don't exist!" Jose noticed the fluctuations in the magic elements around the two of them, and he knew what tricks the two were doing without guessing, and quickly uttered the ancient elf language in his mouth.

At the same time, they raised their vigilance in their hearts. Both of them have mastered the power of the elements.

High-level magic—explosive flame technique!

The huge burning fireball dragged a long tail flame and shot towards the two people below.

"Damn it! Why is his casting speed so fast?!"

"Idiot! Run!"

The two who were planning to cast spells to fight quickly stopped chanting and ran to both sides. Albert scanned the panicked wild boars around with his peripheral vision. It was impossible for them to escape the explosion range with their running speed.


It's fine if he doesn't have the ability to save people, but he feels that he has the ability. He can't just sit back and watch the friend who was drinking and eating with him just now die in front of him. The most important thing is that he attracted the dragon.

hold head high!

There was another dragon chant.

Under Jose's astonished gaze, the man's body twisted and deformed, swelled and enlarged, and turned into a giant beast covered with silver-white scales.

It turned out to be a silver dragon!

Yinlong is smaller than Jose, with a body length of about ten meters. According to Yinlong's physical development curve, he is in the adolescent stage. At this stage, metal dragons often leave the shelter of their parents and travel around.

Although the Kingdom of Dana is a powerful country in the north, it will never allow a metal dragon with unlimited potential to do things against the grassland natives, and the proud character of the metal dragon doesn't bother to do such things.

Is it a misunderstanding

Jose was thinking about whether to give up and clear up the misunderstanding, not because he was worried that he would not be able to beat him, but because there was no need to cause trouble, especially at this juncture.

On the other side, after returning to its original form, Albert felt that the feeling of wearing tights disappeared, and his strength was fully released, and he used frost breath to block the blasting fire.


The explosive fire technique collided with the frost dragon's breath in the air and exploded.

Cold and hot breaths were mixed together. As the blast wave swept in all directions, the alternation of hot and cold made the wild boars around them feel uncomfortable. Sometimes they were so hot that they wanted to take off their clothes, and sometimes they were so cold that they shivered.

Ai Li turned her head and saw her companion who had returned to her original state, she secretly said "Oops, if you continue to hide, take advantage of the red dragon's unpreparedness to hit the enemy hard, and you can escape if you hurt the enemy."

But now, the red dragon is prepared, it is impossible to sneak attack, and there is no need for him to continue to hide.

hold head high!

As expected, there was another dragon cry.

Jose looked at the girl on the other side, and the girl was also distorted and transformed into a blue...

blue? !

"Sapphire Dragon?!" Jose couldn't help being surprised, but he wasn't surprised.

The sapphire dragon belongs to the gem dragon clan of the neutral camp. Most of the gem dragon clan live in the outer planes such as the astral world and the elemental world, but there are also a small number of sapphire dragons who like to live in the material plane.

Due to the relationship of the neutral camp, the popularity of gemstone dragons is not bad, and they can chat with metal dragons, and fight with five-color dragons without meeting each other.

The sapphire dragon in front of him was also in the adolescent stage, and Jose was almost certain that they were traveling companions, not spies from the Kingdom of Dana, and they were planning to stop this unnecessary battle.

"Dragon! Your target is us! Let these innocent people go!" The silver dragon raised its head and shouted at the red dragon in the sky.

Racism is really annoying.

Jose didn't intend to hurt innocent people, but he just wanted to catch the chief of the gray-maned wild boar tribe for interrogation. Of course, if the wild boar swung a knife at the red dragon, it would not be considered innocent.

It's better to teach him how to make dragons first, and then let them go.

Thinking of this, Jose was planning to beat Yinlong up, suddenly, he remembered Yinlong's words just now, and felt something was wrong, so he calmly thought and analyzed carefully.

Why does he think my target is him

And the tone is so affirmative, the normal reaction of being misunderstood should be to question, not to be righteous.

Unless he had done something against me and thought he had been discovered, he thought I was coming for him.

Jose narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the two dragons with a faint murderous look.

Fighting because of misunderstanding and fighting because of hostility are two different concepts, and now he already wants to catch the two dragons for interrogation.

Sapphire Dragon—Ari noticed the emotional change of the red dragon: "Stop talking nonsense! Do it quickly! This is his territory!"

This is true, Jose has already notified the Harpies who are nearby, and also notified the Green Dragon to come, and he must ensure that the arrest is foolproof.

The sapphire dragon flapped its wings and flew into the sky, its crystal clear blue scales dancing in the moonlight, followed by the silver dragon, who seemed to want to fight hand-to-hand with the red dragon.

"Okay, I'll play with you first," Jose said with a relaxed tone as he looked at the two dragons flying towards him.

If these two guys escaped separately, he would really have a headache, but they actually challenged him beyond their means, which can only be said to be their own death.

Of course, from the perspective of the two dragons, the two dragon species, Silver Dragon and Sapphire, are not weak. In a two-on-one situation, there is no possibility of failure.

Therefore, they plan to go all out and injure the red dragon's wings at close range, and then they can escape calmly. If they don't do this, they will be followed by the red dragon all the way until the adult green dragon arrives.

If the opponent is an ordinary red dragon, this idea is also correct.

Jose uttered the spell quickly, and the battle between dragons is often a magic confrontation just to be on the safe side.

If you want to end the battle quickly, you need to go all out, and the dragon's all-out state is to bless yourself with buff magic as much as possible, then fight in close quarters, and attack the enemy with dragon breath and instant magic.

Feline elegance!

The unique magical force field blesses the red dragon around, making him lighter, making the lift needed for the body floating in the air smaller, and flapping the wings saves effort.

Stone skin technique!

The original bright red scale surface became gray, and the defense power was greatly improved.

Great power technique!

On the other side, the two dragons feel bad, the red dragon's casting speed is too fast, he blesses himself with four buff magic kung fu, and the two dragons only bless three, which means that the red dragon's spellcasting level is far above the two dragons .

The two numbers "three" and "four" do not seem to have much difference, but in actual combat they are very different.

If the two dragons use magic to bombard each other, the first wave of magic collision may not be able to see anything, the intersection point of the second magic collision will obviously move to the disadvantaged side, and the disadvantage of the third magic collision will be very obvious. As for the fourth wave of attacks, the disadvantaged party had already been attacked by the opponent before they could release their magic.

"Be careful! This is a red dragon with spellcasting specialties! I'm facing it! You look for a chance!" Said, the sapphire dragon with a lot of defensive magic - Allie rushed over directly.

Defense is the jewel dragon's strong point, and half of her magic is defensive in nature, which makes the jewel dragon's defense to the extreme, so she chooses to attack head-on.

And the silver dragon's specialty is speed, and the magic on Albert's body also focuses on acceleration, which makes him the fastest in the field, jumping over his companions with a whoosh, and flying in an arc, trying to get around the side of the red dragon, preferably from both sides .

And Jose, with the mentality of playing with his opponent, did not turn on [Data Visualization], he wanted to try where his limit is in the normal state.

While there was still a little time, he quickly uttered the spell in his mouth, and a revolving portal with sparks on its border slowly took shape in front of him.

High-level magic—summon fire element!

"Who summoned the great Oakley?!"

Hearing the familiar name and looking at the familiar figure, Jose's face darkened.

"It's you again?!" Although he was sent away without seeing the summoner twice, Oakley remembered the breath of the summoner for the second time and recognized Jose at this time.

Without even thinking about it, he turned around and attacked.

But the energy he exists in Tidanol itself comes from Jose, and Jose reacted quickly, pulling out the magic power at once, and Oakley's elemental body collapsed, unwilling to roar and dissipate.

"Fate! Next time I summon you, I'll sign you," Jose muttered to the rapidly dissipating fire element, and looked up at the two dragons who were about to approach.

At this time, the two dragons were puzzled and did not understand why the fire element summoned by the red dragon would attack the summoner, but this did not affect their attack.

The sapphire dragon flew close and spread its wings vertically, forming a right angle with the ground. Its speed dropped sharply, like an eagle hunting in the sky, aiming its hind legs with sharp nails at Jose's neck.

In terms of size alone, the sapphire dragon in the mid-teenage dragon stage is a little bigger than the Jose who has just entered the adolescent stage. Its own strength, charge potential energy, and the attack part is relatively fragile neck. It is estimated that it will be red with one claw. Dragon Half-Life.

But this is just a feint to attract the red dragon's attention, the real killing move is at his side.

The silver dragon struck silently, but at a fast speed. The position he aimed at was Jose's wings. Although the dragon's wings were tough, they were not protected by muscles, which was also a weakness.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Jose grasped the stretched ankle of the sapphire dragon with his front paws.

Sapphire Dragon—Ari tried to retract the dragon's claws, but felt that the red dragon's hands were clamping the ankle tightly like a vice, and she couldn't even shake it a little bit, so she couldn't help being shocked.

Even though strength is the strength of the Red Dragon, the difference in strength between the two of them should not be so great due to their similar size.

How did she know how Jose came here these years, the already outstanding strength talent, coupled with [Jinkela], plus abundant food supplement nutrition, this allowed the Red Dragon to develop quite rapidly, and its strength was comparable to that of ordinary youths Red Dragon.

Although he grabbed the opponent's ankle and had an advantage in strength, Jose didn't intend to use brute force to resist. He tilted his head, then pulled in the direction of the sapphire dragon's force, and slammed into the attacking silver dragon in a circle. .

Silver Dragon—Albert reacted quickly and quickly dodged. The sapphire dragon, unable to control his body, jumped over the silver dragon and smashed to the ground.

It was too late to worry about his companions, the raging flaming dragon's breath hit, and Yinlong dodged quickly, but no matter how fast he was, he was not as fast as Jose's tilting his head.

As a last resort, Albert used the frost dragon's breath to fight against the red dragon. One cold and one hot dragon's breath collided, forming a distinct collision line. On the collision line, the fire element and the ice element collided and neutralized each other. , Annihilation, emitting a brilliant light, staring at the wild boar who was watching below.

From the perspective of the wild boar, the silver dragon was obviously at a disadvantage in the breath ability confrontation, and the flames that continued to move towards the silver dragon's body were the best proof.

Jose suddenly intensified his breath, and Yinlong's breath immediately avalanche, only supporting a short distance in front of him, and the flames almost burned Yinlong's face.

Feeling the impending heat, Albert felt fear in his heart.

Fortunately, he still has a companion. The sapphire dragon, who had just stabilized his figure, saw that Albert was in a critical situation, and immediately fired an energy bullet at the eyes of the red dragon.

Jose tilted his head to dodge, and the suppression of the silver dragon with his breath was also broken.

Albert, who was covered in cold sweat, quickly flapped his wings to move, while the sapphire dragon charged towards the red dragon.

"Ai Li! The situation is wrong! This red dragon is too scary! It can suppress both of us at the same time!"

Hearing the message from the sound transmission technique, the sapphire dragon—Ari also felt heavy in her heart, but she had to fight.

The defensive power of the gemstone dragon comes from its thick scales, and the corresponding price is that it is heavier and its speed is at the bottom among dragons.

If he escapes at this time, and the red dragon is chasing after him, the silver dragon may be able to get rid of the pursuit by virtue of its speed advantage, but he will never be able to escape.

"Try again, if you don't succeed, run away, leave me alone, go to the head of the eldest sister to save me," Ai Li was already prepared to be captured and humiliated if she didn't succeed, she gathered all her strength and rushed towards the red dragon in one go .

Seeing the momentum of this fellow, Jose knew that she was going to do her best, and since she was doing her best, he didn't plan to play anymore.

"I won't play with you guys~," Jose turned on [Data Visualization], the green data waterfall kept refreshing in front of his eyes, and the movements of the sapphire dragon were instantly seen through.

Sapphire Dragon—Ariel suddenly felt chills in her heart, and felt that the red dragon in front of her suddenly became unusual, but she didn't know the reason, so she could only bite the bullet.

First, he backed away to avoid the big mouth that was biting and the dragon claws that were stretching out. Facing the sapphire dragon's volley tail, Jose stepped forward in the opposite direction and kicked on the opponent's buttocks.

This position happened to be the key point of the Sapphire Dragon's power. When the key point was attacked, her attack suddenly became weak.

This is the gap between Jose and ordinary dragons, the gap in fighting skills after turning on [Data Visualization].

Jose's own fighting level is not bad, coupled with the blessing of [data-based vision], he immediately ranks among the top fighting masters. Dealing with ordinary dragons is like a taekwondo black belt master bullying a beginner.

While defusing the opponent's attack, Jose, who was close to him, pinched the flapping wings of the sapphire dragon with his claws, and pulled it hard.


Dislocated wing bone!

The sapphire dragon couldn't keep flying, and fell to the ground whining.

Albert, who was about to attack from behind, saw the red dragon turning back and the flaming dragon's breath gushing from the red dragon's throat, and his heart exploded.

A moment later, Albert, who had been burned into a black dragon, also fell from the sky and hit the side of the sapphire dragon struggling to stand up.

5,000-character chapter, another 5,000 characters tonight, make up 10,000.

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(end of this chapter)