Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 2188: Guan Ying’s secret


"Actually, I've always been curious..."

After seeing this, Zhou Xuan asked, "Where did the title of your fairy goddess come from?"

Guan Ying was stunned for a moment when she heard this. She seemed not to have expected such a question, and she didn't know how to answer it for a while.

After thinking for a moment, she shook her head helplessly:

"I don't know, I don't know where I come from, who my parents are, or how I grew up. My earliest memory was three years ago. I remember I was in a place I was sleeping, and then one day, suddenly a lot of people came and woke me up.”

"They said that the place where I slept was an ancient ruins, and it was a ruins that reached the life forbidden zone level. They all thought that the ruins contained great secrets about the fairy world, but except for me, they found nothing. Some people They once wanted to harm me, and even wanted to refine my flesh and blood essence to make medicine, but in the end they all died inexplicably. "

"Died inexplicably?"

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows, "What does this mean?"

"That's what it means literally." Guan Ying spread her hands helplessly.

"Don't ask me, I don't understand. I was very weak when I first came out. I had no cultivation at all and no power to protect myself. If someone wants to stab me with a sword, he will stab himself. Some People threw me into the furnace and burned themselves to death. In short, any harm done to me was transferred to themselves in the first place.”

"Later, as I began to practice gradually and mastered a certain amount of strength, as my own cultivation strength increased, this defensive ability seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. It seemed to be disappearing in the past six months, but every time when I When encountering a real life-or-death crisis, you can always get through it safely in the end.”

"In other words, you are actually immortal, right... There is always a force protecting you. Whether it's strength, luck, or something else." Chu Chen asked.

"That's pretty much what it means." Guan Ying nodded, "For example, this adventure in the Land of God's Fall was supposed to lead to death, but when I met you again, the danger was saved in the end."

"Hey, so that means none of us are dead, and those who are with Senior Brother Chu are all lucky people?" Qingsun Boy was very excited.

"You have only explored a few ancient ruins. Do you know how many ancient ruins I have explored?"

Guan Ying sneered and said, "In order to explore the secret of my life experience, I have explored more than fifty ancient ruins in three years, and I have cooperated with almost all the formation-breaking groups in the Xiaoxian Realm. Regardless of whether it is successful or not in the end. Failure, I survived in the end.”

"As far as I know, I once met a guy who claimed to have unparalleled luck. He explored seven ancient ruins without dying. When he was at the eighth ruins, he was accidentally bitten by a purple ant. He died of poison in the end.”

Guan Ying's smile contained an inexplicable bitterness of helplessness, and everyone present couldn't help but shudder when they heard this.

God, after exploring more than fifty ancient ruins and not dying, this kind of luck is truly incredible.

Every ancient ruin is full of all kinds of unexpected dangers.

Some dangers may even go unnoticed. Some people will die if they are bitten by a mosquito, some people will melt all over if they accidentally step on a piece of mud, some people will fester all over after taking a breath of miasma, and some people will be suddenly swallowed by the flowers if they pick a flower. The bloody mouth that appeared suddenly was swallowed up.

Most people, once they had a chance to escape by entering an ancient ruin, would never want to enter the next ancient ruin next time. Not everyone can adapt to the days of wearing their heads in their belts.

"Perhaps, Sister Guan is really a fairy from the immortal world who fell into the mortal world." Qingsun Boy laughed when he heard this, "When Sister Guan returns to the immortal world in the future, don't forget to protect us."

"Easy to say, easy to say." Guan Ying waved her hand grandly, seeming to wave away the unusual atmosphere in the air.

Everyone also began to come to their senses and took away their own Yuanhai soul seals for preliminary smelting.

Guan Ying really couldn't accept the Yuan Hai Soul Seal, so she just sighed.

The smelting process of the Yuanhai Soul Seal lasted a bit long, at least three days and three nights.

Of course, this is only the preliminary integration, which is equivalent to the process of planting this "Tao seed" into one's own body.

Only when this Dao Seed completely blossoms and bears fruit, can everyone be promoted to the level of a Yuan Hai Realm super giant.

It's just that the Tao seed is the Tao seed. Even if it doesn't allow people to be promoted to Yuan Hai immediately, it is completely possible to break through the current bottleneck and take a further step!

Boom boom boom!

Following the roars, thick auras rose into the sky. These were the realm-breaking auras exclusive to Qingyuan, Ren Cangling, and Qingsun Tongzi.

The cultivation of the three of them had reached the peak of the Tianhe level. The Land of Gods and the others had all reached the breakthrough point, so they broke through one after another and were all promoted to the Shenhe level!

As for Zhou Xuan and Lingque Scholar, their bodies shaped by the law of cause and effect were already strong men in the Divine River realm. With the help of the Yuanhai Soul Seal, they were promoted from the early Divine River stage to the middle Divine River stage.

Even at the level of the Divine River Realm, he can be considered a strong one.

How many strong men can there be in Kamigawa

A super powerful force like the Nine Heavens Breaking Formation Group only has less than five fingers of Kamigawa experts within it!

Now, five of the seven members of the Ancient Music Club have been promoted to the Divine River Realm, which already has the prototype of a super powerful force.

Guan Ying cannot smelt the Yuanhai Soul Seal, and her cultivation level is still at the peak of Tianhe, but she has a deep foundation and is surrounded by an immortal aura, so it doesn't matter.

As for Chu Chen... He already had the combat power to resist Yuan Hai's strong men, and no one cared what kind of Yuan Hai soul seal he would choose.

In fact, everyone does not know that as the main person in this adventure in the Land of Gods, Chu Chen almost penetrated the entire Land of Gods by himself, so he contributed the most and had the deepest impact. , of course, the rewards are also the most generous.

The reward that Jade Mirror gave him was not the Yuanhai Soul Seal, but a drop of divine blood!

The value of this kind of thing is simply immeasurable. The source of divine blood is equivalent to the vital blood of a mythical powerhouse.

Ordinary monks only have a dozen or so drops of heart-vitalizing blood in their bodies, and the same goes for mythical powerhouses. .

Every source of divine blood can be regarded as the inheritance left by a myth!

This is definitely the ultimate treasure in the Land of God’s Death!